How to meet people at parties

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Approach Strangers at a Party
Video: How to Approach Strangers at a Party


Sometimes when you come to a party or event, you find that the hardest part is meeting new people. There is nothing worse than being in a crowd of people where you don't know anyone at all. Here are some tips for doing this.


  1. 1 Try to always be aware of who is the organizer of the party and in honor of what event it is being held (especially if you were invited there by friends, and not by the hosts themselves).
  2. 2 When you arrive at the party, stop at the door for a moment and look around. This will give you time to gather your courage. See if you know someone present and head in their direction.
  3. 3 Even if you do not know anyone, enter the room at ease and smiling, as if you know half of the guests here. Most likely, they will smile at you in return.
  4. 4 Find a party organizer. Compliment him for the great event and the huge number of guests. If you say that you hardly know anyone, then the party organizer will most likely introduce you to the guests.
  5. 5 When you are introduced to people, reach out for a firm handshake (preferably dry). If you decide to shake hands when meeting, then your handshake should not be too sluggish, or too strong. Shake the other person's hand a couple of times while greeting them. No one will be pleased if your palms are wet, or if the handshake continues indefinitely. It's important to make a good impression from the start.
  6. 6 If the party organizer hasn't told you what the other person is doing, ask him yourself. Also ask if he lives in the area. If this is a student party, you can ask the other person about their activities and training. Wait for an answer, and only then ask the next question. Tell us a little about yourself: where do you live, what you study, etc.
  7. 7 Take a look around. If you see groups of people talking, head over to them. You may be able to hear what the conversation is about. If they are talking about something very familiar to you, say: "Sorry, I accidentally heard what they are talking about, my name is -----" or "If you do not mind, I would like to hear your opinion on this matter, because this question interests me too ". Most likely, you will be willingly accepted into the circle of interlocutors. Let the speaker finish his thought. Then politely give your opinion on the topic under discussion. You might say, "I'm sure you're right, but don't you think that ..." Thus, you will make new acquaintances. When the conversation itself ends, ask the people in the group about themselves. Most likely, they will respond in kind to you.
  8. 8 Find something in common between you and new acquaintances. For example, if you work for the same company, then you already have a lot in common. Ask about the work in their department, about the changes taking place, etc.
  9. 9 If you happen to hear a conversation about something that you yourself are pretty good at, politely join it by saying something like: "Sorry, I accidentally overheard what is being said here," then introduce yourself: "My name is .... How do you know the party organizer?" You need to bring something interesting and entertaining to the conversation, and not just idly chat about this and that.


  • Learn to listen. If you listen carefully to what people are talking about, then they will definitely keep up a conversation with you.
  • Don't talk about yourself all the time. Nobody likes nerds.
  • Do not stand in the corner waiting for someone to come up to you to talk, most likely this will not happen.
  • Most people enjoy talking about themselves, so ask them about work, interests, or hobbies.
  • Dress for the event.
  • Never criticize people or tell your new interlocutors about them, as they may know who you are talking about.
  • But if everything is not going smoothly for you, and you see someone also sitting on the sidelines, go up to him yourself and speak. Together you are no longer alone, but a team!
  • When you meet a person, immediately call him by name, for example: "Nice to meet you, Johnny!", While looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. This will help you remember the person and also show that you are very friendly and confident.
  • If the person you are talking to looks fit and slender, ask him if he plays sports and compliment his physical fitness. Perhaps you have common topics of conversation.
  • If you call your new acquaintance by name twice, for example: "Hi Johnny, it's a pleasure to meet you, Johnn", then you will surely remember his name and will not forget at the end of the evening.


  • Try to remember the name of the person you are talking to so that you can refer to him by name next time.
  • Don't tell the woman, “You’re so cool,” as such comments may not be to her liking.
  • Do not speak too loudly, but do not mumble under your breath, speak clearly and clearly.