How to win your love (for girls)

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Steps to win the heart of a woman
Video: 10 Steps to win the heart of a woman


Have you ever met someone who would seem to you the most ideal person? Have you tried to show him for a long time how much you care about him, but did not know how to make it mutual? Do you want to know how to win your love? Then read on for some tips on how to get this special person's heart.


Method 1 of 3: Set yourself up for success

  1. 1 Make yourself the best. If you want someone to fall in love with you, then you have to become someone that people will want to fall in love with. If you are a wonderful person, you will see people fall at your feet.
    • Take care of your body. Follow your diet and exercise, remember to maintain good hygiene, and wear clean clothes that are not leaky or stained.
    • Do something with your life. Don't just sit in front of the TV: it will make you boring! Give your life direction and purpose. Make sure what you are doing is what you have always wanted to do. The passion that you feel while doing this will be very attractive and your passion will notice the changes in you.
    • Be a good person. This may sound too grandiose, but it's true. If you want others to treat you with care, respect and love, then it is better to start acting in this way towards others. People want to fall in love with those who are happy, generous by nature, and truly good to others.
  2. 2 Make sure he is who you want. You don't want to fall in love with someone who ends up not being who you thought they were! He needs to be relationship-ready and fit for you. If he is not, then you will simply waste him and your time, and eventually someone will end up with a broken heart.
  3. 3 Get to know him. Knowing the person really well is an important step in being loved. This does not mean that you only need to know the basic details, such as where he works or his birthday. It means getting to know and love him for who he really is.If you love him for who he is, it will mean a lot to him.
    • Discuss topics that will show you his beliefs and values, such as politics or religion. This is a good way to get to know someone better. You should also get to know his hopes and dreams.

Method 2 of 3: Building Lasting Feelings

  1. 1 Find out his hobbies and interests. Remember and appreciate what he likes. Do not pretend, because he will be able to notice it. Try to understand this and feel the same as he did from these activities. It will help you create and find a lot in common.
    • Ask him to teach you his favorite sport. You can also explore the genre of his favorite band in more detail.
  2. 2 Support him when he is in trouble. It will be very important for him that he can rely on you emotionally and that you believe in him even when others stop believing.
    • Help him solve problems if you can. You can both help him in the classroom if it is difficult for him, and look for an excuse to get him out of the house if his parents get divorced.
  3. 3 Help this person be who they want to be. We usually want to be with someone who makes us better. It boosts our self-esteem and suggests that we can be good people if we try. Make your passion the best of the best by encouraging him to do what he likes and giving him the opportunity to do it.
    • Remember: this is necessary in order to help him change what he wants in his life. You don't have to be indulgent, try to make it become what you really want to change. You can offer unnecessary help or advice.
  4. 4 Show him how incredible you are. Share your passions with this person by showing you how far you've come by sharing such things. He will notice that you are happy and satisfied because you are doing what you love and that makes you unique. He will find it attractive that you want to change your life for the better.
    • keep in mind that it's okay to have flaws. It's okay if sometimes he sees that it's hard for you. Let him help you if he suggests. Together, you can help each other become stronger and better.
  5. 5 Give him some space. Respect him as a person and give the opportunity to be that person. Don't be bossy and don't try to take all of his time. If with you he will feel free and feel supported, then the likelihood that he will fall in love with you will be greater.
  6. 6 Build trust between you. Don't question all the things he says and does: trust him and show it. Show him that you are the kind of person he can trust and not be afraid of being judged.
    • If he tells you a secret, you must keep it. If you find out something that confuses him, do not bring it up.
    • Share your secrets with him and let him know about you that no one else knows. Be vulnerable around him and let him comfort you. Don't be nervous when he's hanging out with other girls. Your trust will mean a lot to him.

Method 3 of 3: More Help

  1. 1 How to get a girl. If you want to get the girl of your dreams, you need to have a few skills and know a couple of tricks. But getting a girl isn't always as difficult as it seems. Be confident and it will be yours in a matter of minutes!
  2. 2 Date invitation. The idea of ​​inviting this ideal girl somewhere gives goosebumps. What if she says no? Clap! A couple of good tips and this will turn out to be much easier than you think.
  3. 3 How to get a guy. Getting a guy can be tricky. Girls are in a worse position, as we usually expect to get us! However, there is nothing to stop you from finding your Prince Charming when you start feeling lonely.
  4. 4 Finding the perfect companion. Do you think you have terrible taste? You can fall in love, but if your skill in selecting candidates for this is not very good, you will probably have a hard time finding someone with whom you fall head over heels.
  5. 5 Learn to flirt. It will become much easier for you to get your passion. As a top-notch flirt, it will be very difficult for you to refuse!


  • Smile more often, this will show that you enjoy being around him. Plus, smiling makes your face glow and it will interest the guy even more in you.
  • To make him comfortable with you, compliment him or act relaxed. In response, he will feel calmer and it will be easier for you to talk.
  • (Guy's tip) Don't worry about how you look. If he really likes you, then he will not care, even if you are without makeup.
  • Do not paint with blush unless necessary. If you use eyeliner, don't apply too much. Boys notice very easily when you change your appearance.
  • Try to start with a small conversation before starting the main conversation.
  • Always be interested in his feelings.
  • Don't wear very revealing clothes. He can either take it vulgarly, or it will give the wrong impression.
  • (Girl's Tip) If you periodically look at him for a while or wait for him after school, you can earn yourself points. But if you are not expecting it, do not pretend as if you are doing it. Pretend you're expecting a girlfriend. Wait until he comes up to you, this will show that you are not head over heels in love with him and will exclude gossip and whispering of those around you behind your back.
  • Occasionally glance at him at the most unexpected moments (for example, during breaks in a conversation or from another table)
  • If you are going to talk to him, brush your teeth before so that he does not think that your breath is smelly and begins to avoid you!
  • Wear eccentric clothes to look more attractive.
  • If you have an account on social networks (in contact, facebook), be sure to add! Once he becomes your friend, you can start to correspond with him, asking first about school affairs, projects, excursions, etc. You can then move on to broader topics like his interests, jokes, simple conversations, and maybe even minor arguments like which band is the coolest? Which prime minister is better? (Just don't be rude and don't go too far!)
  • Give him a piece of paper with your number on the back.
  • If you are good friends and you do not want to lose such a friend or be rejected, invite him to your place, offer to meet on the beach, or something like that. Ask him what films he likes, and then say something like "would you like to go to a movie" insert a suitable title ", and then you could go somewhere after .."


  • Don't go after him as he might think you are weird. Even though the thought of being stalked can be flattering, some guys think it's just not okay!
  • Never embarrass him in front of his friends.
  • Don't act like an idiot towards your friends when he's around. The guy might think that you just don't like his presence.
  • If you think he doesn't like him, stay calm and pretend you don't care. But you should keep in mind that all guys are different, and jealousy does not hurt him. He is more likely to just give up and forget about you, or because of jealousy, he will stop liking you.
  • Do not forget to hint to him about your feelings, do not spread everything spontaneously at once. Make it visible, but not too much.
  • Don't get hung up on constant monitoring. While it’s never a bad thing to know what’s going on around you, if you don’t give your guy any leeway, it’s unbearable for him.
  • In class or work, be careful not to stare at him. He will be scared and is unlikely to ever speak to you until the end of the week.
  • Don't be afraid to take the first couple of steps.
  • Never ask him if you are beautiful. Otherwise, both of you will feel uncomfortable with each other after this. Instead, you can say “Yes, I know I'm _____ {insert appropriate definition}, but pretty!” and if he agrees ...
  • Don't send him to the friend zone!