How to make a coworker fall in love with you

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
"How To Flirt And Hookup With A Coworker" by Dating Expert Matthew Hussey
Video: "How To Flirt And Hookup With A Coworker" by Dating Expert Matthew Hussey


Work can really be a great place to meet a guy. You already see each other regularly, so it's easier for you to get to know each other naturally. In addition, by working together, you already have something in common and you have something to talk about. On the other hand, turning a work hobby into a relationship can be tricky. Without the approval of your boss or colleagues, the road to romance can be bumpy. However, as soon as the person you love reciprocates, chances are they will be willing to do whatever they can to make your romance a success.


Method 1 of 4: Flirt at Work

  1. 1 Look him in the eye. Eye contact is essential for flirting and getting attention. The eyes are truly the mirror of the soul, so let the guy look into them.If you look away from him, he will most likely think that you do not want to get to know him better.
    • While eye contact is beneficial, you don't need to stare at a guy. There is a fine line between gazing and staring.
    • Typically, women raise their eyebrows, make eye contact, tilt their heads back and to the side to show their interest, and then look away.
  2. 2 Smile. This is probably the easiest way to show a guy that you are interested. When a girl smiles at a guy, she looks open and friendly. This behavior will let him know that you are ready to make contact and that next to you he can be himself.
    • The best smile is a sincere smile. Humans are good at detecting falsehood, so just be natural!
    • Whether you have beautiful teeth or cute dimples on your cheeks, smiling will help showcase them.
  3. 3 Touch it. This is not always appropriate in the workplace, so be careful with this point. Some types of touching are considered commonplace in any setting, while others can cause discomfort in the workplace. There are three types of flirtatious touching.
    • A friendly touch is found in almost any work environment. It can be expressed as a simple handshake or a pat on the shoulder.
    • "Touching with grounds for objection" is more personal, for example if you put your arms around a person's shoulder or wrap your arms around them. This may seem out of place in the midst of a busy office, but it can pass as cheering after a tough meeting.
    • Touching the face can be considered "unbridled behavior." There are only a few work situations in which you might touch a colleague's face. However, if an eyelash falls on his cheek, this can be a great opportunity to gently and flirtatiously brush it off.
  4. 4 Compliment him. Everyone likes to hear a little flattery from time to time. Point out what you like about it or what you value about it. However, it's best to focus on more than just looks. Think about what his actions seemed cool to you or what achievements he is proud of.
    • Let him know that you are always happy to see him. And that his persona greatly brightens up long working days.
    • Praise him for something he did well (such as giving a great presentation or paying attention to detail). So he will understand that you are watching him.
  5. 5 Be straightforward. Studies have shown that if a woman flirts openly, then she has a better chance of success. If the subject of your sighing isn't responding to you in any way, it may just not pick up your signals, and you should make them more obvious.
    • Straightness has its limits. If you feel like you are sending clear hints but not getting reciprocity, this is probably how the guy is trying to politely make it clear that he is not interested in you.
    • If you are worried that this is your case, just continue to behave in your usual charming manner and see if this prompts him to take the first step.
    • You can be straightforward, but not demanding. Say, "I would like to spend some time together outside of work," instead of: "Would you like to go to the bar with me?"
  6. 6 Flirt virtually. Flirting on the phone or on social media can be more discreet or more open, depending on your performance. If you send playful messages from time to time, chances are, no one will notice. However, curious colleagues will definitely pay attention if you put a “like” mark under each of his posts on social networks.
    • Always exercise extra caution when flirting online. For example, watch what you press: "answer" or "answer all."
    • Avoid anything that is inappropriate in the workplace.It's okay to offer him a cocktail or beer after a long day at work. But sending ambiguous pictures is definitely not worth it.

Method 2 of 4: Present Yourself in Your Best Light

  1. 1 Look your best. There is no one-size-fits-all way to look great. Every woman has her own style, and men also have different tastes. Looking your best is not just about impressing him. It also means wearing something that gives you confidence. A person who is satisfied with himself automatically becomes more attractive in the eyes of other people.
    • If you have a dress code at work, choose an outfit that makes you feel amazing. Wear a suit with a skirt that you know will flatter your figure.
    • If you must wear a uniform while on duty, make sure it fits well and is clean. Pay extra attention to aspects of your look where you can express your personality (for example, get a nice hair, manicure, make-up, or wear jewelry).
    • If your clothes get dirty due to the work environment, choose uniforms and hairstyles that enhance your self-esteem and enhance your self-satisfaction.
  2. 2 Take good care of yourself and practice good hygiene. Good looks aren't always enough to get you a guy. In fact, poor hygiene can be the main repelling factor. Shower at least once a day, and brush your teeth at least twice a day. Wear deodorant and clean clothes.
    • For some guys, good hygiene is more important than looks. Therefore, first of all, take care of yourself, and you will become beautiful in a natural way.
    • Self-grooming people are attractive because they show pride in their appearance.
  3. 3 Get enough sleep. A good night's rest will not only keep you awake and productive, but it will also help you look and feel your best. If you don't get enough rest, you will be lethargic and not in your best shape when it comes to flirting.
    • The amount of sleep you need depends mainly on your personal needs. Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep.
    • Signs of sleep deprivation include dark circles and bags under the eyes. However, if you get enough rest, they should disappear!
  4. 4 Exude a pleasant scent. Smell is most closely related to memory as well as attraction. If your target begins to associate you with a pleasant scent, another biological mechanism will work to your advantage.
    • This does not mean that you have to pour liters of perfume on yourself. In fact, soap and deodorant will make a significant contribution already.
    • If you decide to wear perfume, pay attention to the reaction of a colleague. If he is leaning towards you, then the scent is good. If he shuns you or wrinkles his nose, then he does not like the smell.
  5. 5 Look independent and confident. This is sometimes referred to as "the hard-to-reach game." In fact, this will show him that you have a busy life and that your sense of fulfillment does not depend on men.
    • Show that you know how to lead an interesting life. You might say, “Have you been kayaking? I'm going this weekend, and now I'm thinking what to take with me. "
    • Feel comfortable dining alone or with one or two friends. This will show that you value time alone with yourself or with people close to you.
  6. 6 Show your frivolous side. If he only sees you at work, he probably isn't aware of other facets of your personality. Make it clear that both inside and outside the workplace you are not immersed in business.
    • Do something funny or lightheaded at work. For example, you can organize a Secret Santa event during the New Years, or hang a funny wall calendar in the break room.
    • Invite your coworkers to do something fun after work.This will help the guy see how you behave with other people in a relaxed environment.

Method 3 of 4: Communicate outside of work

  1. 1 Invite him to do something new. This will show that you know how to have a good time and are able to provide him with a storm of emotions. It's easy to invite someone to a bar or to dinner, but the most memorable people are the ones who invite us to do something we've never done before.
    • Don't be discouraged if he refused. You can just say, “Well, if you change your mind in the future, let me know. I would love to spend time with you. " This way you will not burn the bridges and leave the course behind him.
    • Come up with something that makes you excited. If you are afraid of heights, do not suggest to him to try ziplining (downhill skiing) simply because it sounds cool.
  2. 2 Wear something that you wouldn't wear to work. If you dine together or go out immediately after the service, you will not be able to completely change your clothes. However, you can make small, flirty changes. If you are spending a weekend together, be sure to emphasize your individual style, since you do not need to dress in a business way.
    • If you are dating right after work, you can let your hair down if it has been styled up all day.
    • If you are having dinner together, you can leave your jacket in the office to look less formal in a blouse and suit skirt.
    • You can also change immediately after the service. If your clothes are dirty after a day at work, it makes sense to change them before going anywhere.
  3. 3 Take conversations outside of work. If you've chatted during the day, you can remind him of this by sending a short message or email. Try to divert the conversation away from the topic of work and focus on common interests.
    • If he mentioned his favorite music group, send the following message: “Hi! I downloaded the album you mentioned. Thanks for the cool recommendation. "
    • Do not "pickle". Even if he likes you, he may not want to be reminded of the workplace after a hard day. Don't expect long messages or emails.
  4. 4 Get the approval of his friends. Make an effort to befriend his buddies. They don't need to know your intentions, but if they like you, they are more likely to support your nascent romance.
    • It will be easy if he is friends with some of your colleagues.
    • Remember, people tend to value their friends' opinions, especially when it comes to relationships.

Method 4 of 4: Maintain Sensible Boundaries

  1. 1 Be respectful and leave space for him. Let him decide for himself whether he wants to dine with you or not, instead of always rushing to eat together. If he works in another department, do not spend too much time there, otherwise he may think that you are too intrusive.
    • You can poison enough signals of your interest without going overboard.
    • Remember, no one wants to feel like they are being sexually harassed in the workplace. If the person thinks that you are stalking them, you may be in trouble!
  2. 2 Check out your company policy. In some companies, employees are actually prohibited from entering into romantic relationships. Elsewhere, there are strict rules of conduct in the workplace. Do not take any action that could compromise you or your colleague. If you need to wait until the end of the working day, wait.
    • Check out the employee memo. If you do not have a copy of your own, you can look for the memo in the break room or ask someone from the staff. It may also be available electronically.
  3. 3 Get ready to gossip. This may be the hardest part, but it will almost inevitably happen. No matter how much you hide it, people will definitely notice what is happening.Workplace gossip can help ease the boredom of a monotonous routine, so be prepared for questions and rumors.
    • Gossip can play into your hands. If the object of your sighing was not sure of your intentions, then rumors will help him understand everything to the fullest.
    • Decide if you want to deny the rumors or be honest about your feelings. Choose wisely, as it can both help you and turn against you.
    • Remember: what you tell someone in secret will most likely sooner or later start wandering around the office.
  4. 4 Be aware that your motives may be questioned. Very often people see flirting in the workplace as a way to get promoted. First of all, you need to be honest with yourself and admit that you are not. And then make it clear to everyone interested that you are not going to flirt just for the sake of moving up the career ladder.
    • While this does not always happen, the likelihood increases if the guy is in a position above yours.
  5. 5 Stick to one guy at a time. On online dating apps, you can easily flirt (and date) with many guys at the same time. At work, however, the situation is slightly different. Even if the target of your sighing is not aware that you are also flirting with the courier, someone else will notice. And rest assured, this information will reach your colleague.
    • If a guy sees or hears that you are flirting with someone else, he will probably decide that you are not serious about your intentions or that you do not like him.
    • Not all guys are motivated by jealousy or rivalry. If he sees you with someone else, he will most likely start living his life, especially if he had feelings for you.


  • Do not hurry. Some people are very wary of office romances. They worry that if nothing works out, the work environment will remain uncomfortable for a long time. Don't be discouraged if your guy doesn't ask you out right away.
  • Make sure it's free. Before you waste time and effort, do a little research. As if by chance, ask a colleague if your target has steam. Most likely, a coworker will guess your motives, so be sure to ask someone you trust.


  • A failed office romance can actually embarrass you. If you ended up going on a few dates with your boyfriend, have a frank conversation with him. Agree that if you fail, both of you will treat each other with respect and can work together. If you can't agree on this, then building a relationship further is not a good idea.
  • If you do start dating, be sure to discuss whether and how openly you will communicate about it at work. Depending on where you work, you either better keep the relationship secret, or you can state it directly. However, if you hold different views, you can get hurtful misunderstandings.