How to protect your network from hackers

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Former NSA Hacker Reveals 5 Ways To Protect Yourself Online
Video: Former NSA Hacker Reveals 5 Ways To Protect Yourself Online


Unethical hackers (in the bad sense of the word) are always looking for weak spots in the network in order to break into your company's security system and obtain confidential or new information. Some hackers, known as black hackers, take pleasure in wreaking havoc on security systems. And some hackers do it for money. Whatever the reason, hackers are a nightmare for companies and organizations of all levels. The favorite targets of hackers are large corporations, banks, various financial institutions, security institutions. However, hacking threats can be prevented if appropriate security measures are taken in time.


  1. 1 Read the forums. It is a good idea to read the hacking forums to gather the information you need about the latest hacking and protection techniques. A good hacking forum can be found at
  2. 2 Change the default password immediately. Some software sets its own password by default so that you can log into your account for the first time after installation; it is extremely unwise to leave the password unchanged.
  3. 3 Identify entry points. Install the appropriate scanning software to identify entry points from the Internet to your company's intranet. Any attack on the network must start from these points. Determining these entry points is not an easy task. It is best to seek the help of an experienced hacker who has network security skills to carry out this procedure.
  4. 4 Perform tests to identify attacks and network impacts. By performing tests to identify attacks and impacts on the network, you can identify vulnerabilities in the network that can be accessed by both external and internal users. Once these points are identified, you can prevent external attacks and fix security bugs that could be entry points for attackers. Weakness tests should be performed taking into account the possibility of both external and internal attacks.
  5. 5 Provide user training. All necessary steps should be taken to educate users on the necessary security techniques to minimize risks. You can conduct socio-technical tests to determine the level of user awareness of network security. Until all users are aware of all the factors related to network security, security is not complete.
  6. 6 Configure firewalls. A firewall, if not properly configured, can be an open door for any intruder. Therefore, it is vital to establish rules for using traffic through the firewall, which will be useful for doing business. The firewall should have its own settings, depending on which side you approach the security of your organization's network. From time to time, analysis of the composition and nature of the traffic is necessary to maintain the security of the network.
  7. 7 Implement and use a password policy. Use a strong seven-character password rule that is secure and easy to remember. The password must be changed every 60 days. The password should be made up of letters and numbers to make it more unique.
  8. 8 Use passwordless authentication. Regardless of the rules described above, the password is less secure than SSH or VPN keys. So consider using these or similar technologies. Use smart cards and other advanced technologies where possible.
  9. 9 Remove comments in the site's source code. Comments used in the source code can contain indirect information that can help hack the site, sometimes even usernames and their passwords. Any comments that seem inaccessible to external users should also be removed, as there are some methods to see the source code in almost all web applications.
  10. 10 Remove unnecessary services from devices. There is no need to depend on the reliability of modules that you are not actually using.
  11. 11 Remove the start pages, test pages, and applications that come with your web server software. They can be a weak point for an attack, as they are the same for many systems and the experience of cracking them can be easily used.
  12. 12 Install antivirus software. Intrusion detection systems and antivirus software can be updated regularly, even daily. An updated version of the antivirus is necessary because it finds the latest known viruses.
  13. 13 Ensure physical safety. In addition to keeping your network intrinsically safe, you need to think about the physical security of your organization. Until your organization has a complete security system, any attacker can simply walk around the office to get the information they need. Therefore, it is imperative that all of your organization's physical security mechanisms, along with the technical ones, are fully functional and effective.


  • Less common OS versions such as Mac OS, Solaris or Linux are less attacked by hackers and have fewer known viruses written for them. But, using such an OS will not be able to fully protect you.
  • Back up your files regularly.
  • Practice safe computer and Internet use.
  • Install the new version only after completely removing the application.
  • Never open attachments in messages from unknown people.
  • Hire IT security experts who are trained in hacking and security to ensure your network is reliable and prevent attack attempts.
  • Use Firefox browser instead of Microsoft Explorer as it is safer. Disable JavaScript, Active X, Java and other unnecessary tricks anyway. Activate them only for sites you trust.
  • Always use updated software versions. Otherwise, it could attract attackers.


  • If you are in Singapore and none of these steps have helped, then contact the authorities immediately to avoid big problems. The authorities would rather be looking for a hacker than your illegal software. Being arrested or fined for using illegal software is better than having constant problems with attacks on your network or getting fired.

What do you need

  • Knowledge in networked systems
  • Knowledge of basic network operations
  • Scanning software
  • Antivirus software
  • Physical security mechanisms
  • Expert with knowledge of hacking