How to earn more tips as a bartender

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make More Tips as a Bartender
Video: How to Make More Tips as a Bartender


If you are a bartender and enjoy being around people, then you will earn more tips than someone who just comes to work and serves time there while making average quality drinks. Get to know your visitors, let each one of them feel special, and also let them know that you are happy to see them, because you want them to come back to you again and again. The more your customers like you, the more they will be delighted with your service, and accordingly, you will earn more tips.


  1. 1 Keep your bar, glasses, shakers, and beverage and snack area clean. Cleanliness is just as important as good service.
  2. 2 Greet the visitor when they enter the bar area. If you're expecting a response from another visitor, smile at a new or returning customer, nod your head in greeting.
    • Walk up to the visitor and greet them as soon as possible. If you have a regular visitor in front of you, then be sure to refer to him by name, which will emphasize your respect for him. Thus, you show respect, sympathy and attention to the visitor - the most important aspects of a successful service.
  3. 3 Offer your regulars his favorite cocktails and drinks, served exactly the way he likes.
  4. 4 Work efficiently when dealing with visitors, preparing drinks and operating the cashier. Most of the bartender's profit comes in the form of tips, so it is very important to serve customers well.
    • If the visitor has to wait longer than usual for their drink, this will negatively affect your tip. Customers can also opt out of being returned to your bar.
    • The visitor's glass must always be full. When you spot an empty glass, immediately ask the visitor if they want more.
    • Always garnish all drinks, unless your diner likes the garnish. If you remember that the visitor prefers lime, lemon, or celery, then you can increase your tip percentage.
  5. 5 Prepare a special drink for the indecisive visitor. This way you will be able to make friends with this person and earn more tips.
  6. 6 Keep your visitors in a good mood. They may enjoy jokes, little flirting, and friendly conversations. Other people just like to sit and enjoy a drink in silence.
    • Hear when your visitors express their sadness and frustration. Excuse yourself politely when you need to leave and serve other customers. Try not to hurt anyone.
  7. 7 Have fun, laugh and enjoy your time at work. Be creative - tell a joke, show trick when appropriate. You won't earn more tips just by making cocktails.


  • If you find it difficult to remember the names, then repeat the name of the visitor at the time of meeting.
  • Talk with your manager about introducing discounts on drinks some day to attract more visitors and earn more tips in the end.
  • Keep a bartender's handbook with you for peeking at as needed.
  • If a regular customer orders a certain type of liqueur or wine, and you usually don't have one, then talk to your superiors about the possibility of ordering this liqueur next time.


  • Never eavesdrop. Even if you hear a conversation, pretend that you don't.