How to confuse a bot on Cleverbot

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Funny Conversation With Cleverbot! Episode 1
Video: Funny Conversation With Cleverbot! Episode 1


A Cleverbot is a program uploaded to the Internet that uses a complex coding system and algorithms to conduct meaningful conversations with site visitors. The Cleverbot is great at supporting simple conversation topics, but it's not perfect. We will tell you how, with the help of some tricks, to find flaws and flaws in the programming of the Cleverbot bot. If you want to check if this bot can really look like a human if you look at it with the naked eye, we will tell you how to do it. First you need to open the page


Method 1 of 2: How to confuse a bot with specially thought out phrases

  1. 1 Try entering lyrics for a song. Cleverbot is great at keeping up a conversation. Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about music. Try to enter a few lines from your favorite song, then Cleverbot will answer you with something completely unrelated to music, even if the song is very famous.
    • If your song is very popular, the bot, in principle, can recognize it. For example, try typing the opening phrase of Queen's song "Bohemian Rhapsody": "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"
  2. 2 Set the bot to a logical paradox. A paradox is a statement, question, or proposal that cannot be logically answered. The story has posed many paradoxical questions and challenges that you can use to confuse the bot. The bot does not know how to talk about logical problems and paradoxes, for example, about time travel. Try one of the paradoxes below, or use a search engine to find any other example.
    • If this sentence is true, then Santa Claus exists.
    • Since we have not yet been visited by people from the future, does this mean that time travel will never be invented?
    • What happens if Pinocchio says, "My nose is about to grow" .ref>>
  3. 3 Try playing games with the bot. Cleverbot is a terrible player. For example, if you ask him to play chess or checkers with you, he will say "OK". When you say "your turn", he will answer out of place. This is because Cleverbot is not configured to play games. He may just tell you that he wants to play with you, but he doesn't know how to do it.
    • Cleverbot can play only one game - "rock, paper, scissors". Try saying, "let's play rock, scissors, paper," and then write, "rock," "scissors," or "paper."
  4. 4 Try to have a romantic dialogue with the bot. Try to confess to him that you love him or that you like him. Cleverbot is capable of general phrases such as "I love you" or "marry me", but it does not accept any other romantic compliments or gestures.
    • Try telling the bot something like, "You can't tell me your phone number, or I forgot mine." Usually Cleverbot answers completely out of topic.
  5. 5 Ask the bot if he knows math. You can ask the bot to solve a simple math problem for you. Cleverbot can perform general math functions almost instantly because it is a computer program. But if you ask a question a little more difficult, for some reason it puts him into a stupor. It won't take you long to get an incomprehensible answer from him if you start talking to him about mathematics.
    • Sometimes you might even be able to get different answers to math questions. For example, ask how much two hundred will be multiplied by two, writing it all in words, not numbers. He will say "four". If you ask how much 200 will be multiplied by 2, having written the numbers in non-letters, he will answer you, "you get a number."
  6. 6 Talk to the bot about something supernatural. Cleverbot knows little about ghosts, poltergeists, and other phenomena that are considered supernatural. Talk to the bot about monsters, aliens, spirits and other interesting things. You will quickly confuse him and he will not find an answer to you. Try talking to him about religious or spiritual topics.
    • Try talking to the bot about ghosts. Ask him, for example, if he has ever seen a ghost. Most often, the bot will answer this question, "What do you think? Is my life a lie?"
  7. 7 Talk to the bot about famous people. He doesn't know anything about politics or celebrities. Ask him for his opinion on a recent event. This will almost certainly mislead him. For example, ask, "What do you think of Brad Pete?" The bot will most likely answer, "I think he is a great president and he will change the country for the better."
    • You can try talking to the bot about various topics. He's not very smart. Over time, you will be able to corner him. For example, if you ask him, "What do you think about the president's policy?" He will answer, "I think he is no longer the president."

Method 2 of 2: General strategy for misleading the bot

  1. 1 Talk to him as emotionally as possible. A cleverbot cannot recognize emotions and various kinds of exclamations. He takes everything you say absolutely literally.A cloverbot has absolutely no ability to understand that you are offended, that you are angry or that you are sad. Try asking Cleverbot for forgiveness. His answer will likely surprise you.
  2. 2 Speak incoherently. You can mislead the bot by sending it messages that don't make any sense. Write about things that have no semantic meaning, for example:
    • Write a non-existent word.
    • Ask him what he thinks about tarnalia and refreedes, or other non-existent concepts.
    • Try to write your bot with grammatical errors
  3. 3 Talk to the bot using slang. He does not understand slang and, most likely, will not be able to answer you on the topic. Ask him, for example, "how are you doing?".
    • Try to write numbers instead of letters, for example, instead of the letter o write 0, etc. ("h0w 4r3 y0u d01n6, cl3v3rb07?")
    • Try talking to the bot in street slang, like "how are you, bro, what are you doing?"
    • Try talking to the bot, mimicking an accent and misusing letters in words.
  4. 4 Write long messages to the bot. The longer and more complex the message, the less likely it is that he will understand what is at stake and will answer correctly. For example, tell the bot a story from your life. Ask him something difficult and philosophical.
    • Imagine that this bot is a friend with whom you have not communicated or seen for a long time. Ask him how he is doing, tell him what you think of him and hope that he is doing well. Wish him a great weekend, tell him that you hope to meet soon. Talk about how you spent your summer vacation and ask what he did.
  5. 5 Talk to the bot for a long time. Sooner or later, he will not be able to answer your question correctly. The longer you talk to him, the more likely he will lose the thread of the conversation. The bot often forgets what you are talking about and only replies to the last message you left. Over time, the conversation will become quite meaningless, and the bot will start spanking complete nonsense.
    • Try using the "Think for me" button on the website. Then the bot will come up with an answer to its own message on its own. That is, he will simply try to conduct a dialogue with himself.


  • If you misspell words and make grammatical mistakes, Cleverbot will not understand you.
  • Cleverbot does not understand smilies.