How to forget someone you like

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


They say that love grows stronger in separation. However, long-term separation, unfortunately, does not contribute to the strengthening of love. If you have the warmest feelings for a person who does not reciprocate with you, it will be difficult for you to forget him. Most likely, it will be hard and painful for you. If you are desperate, in this article you will find some tips and effective methods to help you forget the person you like and find someone who can make you happy.


Method 1 of 2: Get Away From That Person

  1. 1 Stay away from someone you like but don't reciprocate. If you want to forget about this person, stay away from him. Minimize any contact with this person. This will make it easier for you to cope with your feelings, as you will not become even more attached to the person, and you will also not be upset that he does not reciprocate with you.
    • Of course, it will not be easy for you, especially at first. However, you will be able to deal with feelings more quickly if you put an end to your relationship and try to avoid meeting this person.
  2. 2 Delete his or her contact information and text messages from your phone. To avoid the temptation to contact someone you still have feelings for, delete their contact information. Also, delete all correspondence with that person. Thanks to this, you will not be able to connect with him when you are overwhelmed with emotions. Moreover, the messages will not constantly remind you of this person.
    • If you do not want to delete contact information completely, write it down in a notebook and put it in a safe place. Thanks to this, this information will not catch your eye all the time, thereby affecting your feelings and emotions.
    • You can archive text messages from that person if you don't want to completely delete them.
    • Remember that even if you delete this person's contact information, this does not mean that he will also delete yours. If the person you want to forget tries to contact you, you can either not respond or send a short, polite response.
  3. 3 Remove this person from your social media friends list. There are many social networks on the Internet, such as Facebook and Instagram, whose membership is growing exponentially. On the list of friends, we sometimes have people with whom we are not eager to communicate. Remove the person you want to forget from your friends list.
    • If you are worried that by removing this person from your friends list, he or someone else might suspect you of having sympathy for him, find a way to minimize your social media interactions with this person. For example, on Facebook, you can simply unsubscribe from the posts of this or that person without receiving updates from these people in the news feed.
  4. 4 Don't talk or think about the person you want to forget. If you like a person, you will talk and think about him constantly. This is quite natural. However, if you want to forget the person, then constantly thinking and talking about him can make your feelings even stronger. Therefore, try not to talk about this person with others or think about him. Make a conscious effort to do this.This will make it easier for you to forget the person you like.
    • It may not be easy not to mention the person you like in conversations, especially if you have mutual friends. However, try not to talk about this person, and ask your mutual friends about him as little as possible. Change the topic if the conversation concerns this person.
    • If you need to talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings about that person, do so. However, such conversations should not become a habit.
  5. 5 Ask your friends not to mention this person in your presence. If your friends know that you like this person, they may mention him from time to time. However, this can make the situation worse. It will be difficult for you to forget this person if your friends remind you of him. So ask your friends not to tell you anything about this person.
    • Most likely, when communicating with friends, especially if they are not only your friends, but also the person you like, you will hear constant mention of him. In such a situation, you can leave the company of your friends for a while and come back when they bring up a new topic of conversation.
  6. 6 Avoid places where you might meet this person or their friends. Most likely, you and the person you are trying to forget have a lot in common: friends, study or work together, favorite places. Try to do your best not to date this person.
    • If you are studying or working with this person, do not sit next to him. If this person sits next to you, you can change seats.
    • If you like the restaurant this person prefers to be in, try choosing a different location where you won't meet the person you're trying to forget.
  7. 7 Get rid of anything that might remind you of this person. Thanks to this, you will forget it faster. Remove this person from your phone contacts, as well as your social media friends. Also, get rid of all the photos and gifts that might remind you of him.
    • You can either gradually remove things that will remind you of this person, or do it in one fell swoop, removing at once everything that reminds you of him. It may be easier for you to gradually get rid of what is associated with this person and is dear to your heart. However, if you get rid of everything at once, it will be easier for you to forget this person.
    • Delete messages or get rid of letters, cards, or gifts from this person. If you leave these things, it will be difficult for you to stop loving this person. They will constantly remind you of it.
    • Get rid of joint photos with this person.
  8. 8 Allow yourself to be sad and do not be angry with the person you are trying to stop loving. Of course, breaking up is quite a painful process, so it's only natural that you will grieve over what happened. However, keep your feelings and emotions in check. Remember, uncontrolled anger triggers a backlash. So don't be mad at your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
    • Agree that this person was an important person in your life. Even if you weren't in a romantic relationship, chances are you had something to do with this person. Therefore, it is only natural for you to be sad.
    • Don't be angry with the person you are trying to forget. He may not even know that you had feelings for him. In addition, he may have good reasons why he does not reciprocate with you. Do not be angry with this person, as circumstances are often beyond our capabilities.
    • There are many reasons why you cannot build a relationship with this person. For example, he may have a girlfriend or be married. Also, your parents may be against your relationship. Or perhaps you have a very big age difference.You cannot change these circumstances, so do not be angry with the person you are trying to forget.
    • If you find it difficult to cope with your feelings, you can always turn to a psychologist who can help you with this.
  9. 9 Be sure that you will certainly meet someone with whom you can build a relationship. Believe me, the light did not converge like a wedge on this person. He's not the best game for you. You will meet a person who can become your soul mate. Open your heart to a worthy person, and you will quickly forget the one with whom you have not managed to build a strong relationship.
    • Focus on the flaws of the person you are trying to stop loving. Thanks to this, you can quickly forget him and meet a person who will really make you a happy person.

Method 2 of 2: Get distracted

  1. 1 Seek support from loved ones and friends. Chances are, you are struggling right now if you are trying to forget the person for whom you have feelings, so seek support from your family and friends. You can pour out your feelings to them, but at the same time, they can help you distract yourself, making you forget about this person faster.
    • Friends and family will support you. They will do their best to prevent the feeling of sadness from engulfing you completely. They can help you distract from negative thoughts by suggesting something interesting to do, which will help you shift your focus away from the person you love to something more interesting.
  2. 2 Focus on yourself and your interests. Trying to break out of the maelstrom of feelings, try to focus on yourself and your interests. This should help. By focusing more on yourself, you will think less about your feelings for this person.
    • For example, start exercising. Why not sign up for a yoga class? Thanks to such activities, all your thoughts will not be concentrated only around the person you are trying to forget. In addition, you can improve your professional skills by enrolling in work-related classes.
    • Whatever you do, the main thing is that the chosen activity should positively influence your emotions and feelings.
  3. 3 Do something new for yourself. New activities can help you take your mind off your feelings and emotions. By doing something new and interesting, you can distance yourself from the person you like and later deal with your feelings.
    • For example, you may have always dreamed of mountain climbing. Why not try your hand? This activity takes a lot of time and effort. Thanks to this, you simply will not have time to think about the person you are trying to forget.
  4. 4 Meet new people. Meeting new people can help you take your mind off your sad feelings and forget the person you like. You may find that you are much more interested in your new friends and acquaintances than with the person for whom you have tender feelings.
    • Finding new friends and acquaintances is a snap. For example, these might be people who work out in the same gym as you. Plus, you can meet new people at your vacation spots. Events in which many people take part are a great opportunity to find new friends and acquaintances and turn your attention from the person you are trying to forget to communicate with them.
  5. 5 Go on a date with someone else. You may not be ready for a new relationship yet, but a little flirting or a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex will not hurt. This will help you distract yourself from thinking about the person you like. It will also have a beneficial effect on your self-esteem.
    • Don't be afraid to flirt as it can help you become more confident. In addition, you will understand that the light did not converge like a wedge on only one person. The most important thing is to do it in an easy and fun way!


  • Don't be rude to someone who doesn't reciprocate with you. If the person is polite to you, be polite in return. But nothing more ... just politeness.
  • There is nothing wrong with crying if you are upset. Believe me, you will find a person who will be worthy of you.
  • Do not be angry with this person and do not consider him your "enemy". This person cannot control their feelings in the same way that you cannot influence the feelings of others. Remember that this person is not to blame for the fact that you like him. Therefore, you should not be angry with the person you are trying to forget.
  • Be patient. It takes time to forget the person you like. Don't be angry with yourself that you are not coping with your feelings quickly. Give yourself time.
  • You should not focus on what this person likes, otherwise it will be difficult for you to cope with your feelings and forget him.
  • Accept the fact that this person is not as perfect as you think. Think about the negative qualities of this person. Thanks to this, you will quickly forget it, since its shortcomings will overshadow all its advantages. If the person you are trying to forget has such negative qualities as impatience or neglect of people, then, in the future, if you try to build a relationship with him, he will show similar qualities in relation to you.
  • Think about situations when this person hurt you.
  • Show him that he has lost a lot. You get a little distracted, which can make the person you like jealous.
  • List its flaws.
  • If this person has a brother or sister, it is best if you avoid contact with them, as they may mention their brother or sister (the person you like) in conversation.
  • Accept the fact that you are in love. Of course, it is not so easy to get rid of the feeling of falling in love. Try to gradually lose interest in this person, and over time, you will achieve your goal.