How to date in high school

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
By the way, High School Dating Advice
Video: By the way, High School Dating Advice


Romantic relationships at a young age. If you want to explore the complex world of relationships in high school, then use tips and tricks to help you avoid frequent problems. Learn how to ask on a date and spend time together in a situation where you do not have a car and extra money.


Part 1 of 3: How to Ask Out on a Date

  1. 1 Only meet if you want. In high school, you usually experience a flood of different emotions. Hormones are rampant, and for the first time you begin to pay attention to people of the opposite sex. It should be understood that romance is not the main thing in high school. Better to focus on friendship, study, and personal development rather than finding a mate.
    • If you want to date, then discuss it with your parents and listen to their advice. Do not follow up without parental permission.
    • If you want a relationship, then that's okay. Most of the time high school relationships exist primarily online or in your imagination, so it's best to treat others' stories with a grain of salt. Don't date if you don't need to.
  2. 2 Find someone you like. Perhaps you fell in love with someone? Who would you like to spend time with more than most of your friends? Who attracts you? Find someone you think is an interesting couple, with whom you would spend a lot of time. And whoever you would not refuse to kiss.
    • Make sure the person is not paired yet. It will be very embarrassing if the person you want to ask out is already busy.
    • First, you need to hang out with this person for a while so that you are not so embarrassed about asking him out on a date. Relationships will work out better if you already know the person a little.
  3. 3 Wait for the right occasion. It's okay to just say “Let's go somewhere?”, But it's even better if there is a special reason for such a question.
    • Is there a dance night out at school? A dance invitation is one of the most popular ways to ask someone out on a date. If all goes well, then you may later become a couple. And even if not, you will still have fun.
    • High school team play soon? Another sports match? Offer to go to a game together.
    • You can invite a person to a movie if the premiere of the anticipated film that everyone is talking about soon takes place.
  4. 4 Make sure you look good. If you're going to ask someone out on a date, it's best to look your best. Choose clean and pretty clothes to keep you irresistible and confident enough.
    • Take a shower and get your hair done, giving it a little more attention than usual. You don't need to look like a movie star, so try not to overdo it.
  5. 5 Take advantage of the opportunity. Wait for the situation when you are near or alone. Such a moment can come at recess or after school. If a person is always in the company of other people, then say: "Hey, do you have a free minute?"
    • Asking for a date is best done in person, rather than over the phone. Many people may not like being invited via text messages or social media posts, while for others it is quite normal. If you regularly communicate with a person in this way, then everything should work out.
    • There is always a chance of getting rejected. That is why it is better to ask for a date in private, and not in front of a large number of people.
  6. 6 Introduce yourself if necessary. If you like a stranger, and you ask him out on a date, but do not introduce yourself, then you risk getting rejected. It is best to introduce yourself briefly and say where you might have met.
    • "Hi, my name is ____. We study in the same parallel. I want to ask ...".
  7. 7 Just ask a question. If you have waited for the right moment, then just get to the point and ask out on a date. Do not come up with anything superfluous and do not try to impress. Be nice and polite, and speak to the point.
    • You can say the following: "It's not the first day I've seen you, you give the impression of a nice person and generally like me. Would you like to go to the dances with me?"
    • Don't wait to be invited, and don't assume that someone should be the first to do it. It's perfectly okay for a girl to invite a boy.
  8. 8 Make sure your parents don't mind. You are still a minor, so to start a relationship you need to get permission from your parents, as well as from the parents of the person you want to date. Ask permission and do as you are told.
    • This moment is especially important if you are going to appear together in public. Discuss the matter with all parents, especially if you are going to pick up your mate.
    • At school, you can always spend time together, no matter what your parents think about it. Better to get permission, of course, but Romeo and Juliet were middle school students too.

Part 2 of 3: How to spend time together

  1. 1 Communicate by phone and via Skype. A simple conversation with your couple can be just as fun and important as hanging out and walking together. You can arrange dates on Skype or other services, or talk on the phone.
    • Spend time together, even when you're at a distance. If you both like a TV show, you can watch it together and discuss it over the phone. You can also leave Skype on and do your homework together.
  2. 2 Write messages to each other. If your parents allow you to communicate, then exchange phone numbers and send SMS to each other. You can talk to each other and laugh at a distance.
    • Be a good conversationalist and ask questions. Don't just write hello. Ask a question, share an observation, set a topic for conversation. Don't reply to messages with one word. If you cannot speak now, then speak directly about it.
    • On our site you can find a lot of useful information on how to communicate correctly via SMS.
  3. 3 Change your marital status on Facebook. Many high school relationships actually exist on the Facebook page. If you are dating someone, then discuss with that person which part of the relationship you are willing to make public and which part you want to keep secret. Always respect the desires of others. Remember: a lot of people see your marital status.
    • If you decide, then change your marital status on Facebook to "Dating" and indicate your match.
    • Don't go overboard with messages. Nobody forbids the periodic exchange of emoticons, but you don't need to spend all your time on it.
  4. 4 Be yourself. Always be yourself when you are spending time, socializing, or wanting to say something to your couple. Don't pretend. You can joke and fool around, but don't pretend to be someone you are not.
    • Give the compliments you deserve sincerely. The phrase "You look great today" will always be appreciated.
    • Behave like you do with other friends (unless you are crazy about them, of course). If you can't be friends, then it's best not to date.
  5. 5 Don't rush things. In high school, you continue to mature and develop, and some people mature and develop faster than others. You may feel a whirlpool of conflicting emotions and seethe with your hormones. We are made like that. It is very important to pause, calm down and not rush things. You have a whole life ahead of you in which you will meet and build relationships.
    • Sometimes it's okay to kiss at the right moment if both people are ready. Be open and honest.
    • Sometimes, after a relationship ends, people feel devastated. Relax. After a couple of years, you will remember this situation with a smile.
  6. 6 Leave space for the person. If you "date" someone in high school, that's great, but that doesn't mean you are married. Don't go crazy about who the person is hanging out with on Facebook or having lunch at a big break. You are two people who enjoy spending time together, that's all.
    • Don't get discouraged. Don't send SMS and Facebook messages like "Where are you ????".
    • Spend time with other friends and do the things you love to do alone. There is always time for dates.
  7. 7 Meet periodically in life. Typically, in most cases, high school relationships are fleeting and do not extend beyond the internet or school. This is fine. It's not so easy to come up with something when you don't have pocket money and a car. But if you really enjoy spending time with the person, then go for walks or events, and not just send messages on social networks.

Part 3 of 3: How to date

  1. 1 Go dancing. This is one of the best and easiest ways to set up a date if you're in high school. Dancing is a great occasion and guaranteed fun.As a rule, all dance nights in high school take place right after class, so you don't have to bother your parents.
    • Practice if you are afraid to dance. Play a fun song in your bedroom or on your headphones and work on your movements beforehand. Nobody expects you to dance like a pro, but moving like a bear is also not desirable.
    • If your school has no activities, you can go to a sports match at a nearby school together. You can also go to school clubs or performances.
  2. 2 Go to the movies together. Invite your couple to a new movie and turn a movie visit into a date. If parents allow, then you can even buy tickets in advance, and after the movie go to a cafe and eat ice cream.
    • A movie theater is a great date spot where you won't feel awkward. If you're nervous, this is a great choice because you don't have to talk a lot.
    • If you have an older brother, then ask him to give you a ride instead of your parents.
  3. 3 Sit down at the same table during lunch. Even if it doesn't look like a date, you can eat lunch together as it's a great way to be in each other's company. Find a quiet table in the corner, or sit down with your friends so they can see you are dating. Remember to have fun.
    • Give your couple small courtesies - offer to remove an empty tray or move a chair. This behavior may seem old-fashioned or more appropriate for your parents, but it's always good for the person to feel special.
  4. 4 Walk home together after school. If you live close to each other and don't have much time to socialize during class, try spending time together after class. This is a great time to be alone and talk in private.
    • Be sure to inform your parents and do not leave school if you are usually picked up. If the parents are aware, then you may even be a little late. Walk slowly.
    • If your parents allow you, then you can take a walk somewhere else. After class, you can go to a mall or other large store. Also on weekends you can take a walk in the park.
  5. 5 Ask your parents for permission to invite your couple home. You can invite your couple to your place for dinner or watch a movie together. This way you can introduce this person to your family. This is an important step in a relationship!
    • Be sure to talk to your parents about this. Most likely, they will not want you to be alone in your room, but they will allow you to be alone in the living room.


  • Keep calm.
  • Be a good friend and don't do mean things.
  • Don't overdo it.
  • Don't lie or cheat.
  • Don't try to over-control the other person.
  • Be careful.
  • Don't rush things.
  • Obey your parents and ask their permission.
  • Don't be afraid to talk to your couple.
  • If you are scared or uncomfortable, then tell your couple about it. If you are afraid to say this, then discuss the situation with an adult. Communication is the key to success.
  • Leave space for the person. If you are abandoned for unknown reasons, then it is better to try to ask about it, otherwise such a riddle can torment you for years.
  • Be nice to the person you like.


  • Don't rush or get carried away by the person too quickly.