How to text a pen friend for the first time

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
pen pal with me // tips for writing a pen pal letter ✉️✨✨
Video: pen pal with me // tips for writing a pen pal letter ✉️✨✨


Chatting by pen is a great way to make new friends and get to know a new culture. Relationships like these can last for years and become more intimate than with the people you often see in real life. Writing your first letter is always difficult because you don't know the person and want to make a good first impression. Start your letter with basic information about yourself, do not overwhelm the person with unnecessary information, ask thoughtful questions and do not write too much to interest the other person and build strong friendships.


Method 1 of 3: How to write a letter

  1. 1 Call the person by name. You don't need to repeat the name too often, but greet the person you are talking to by name. You can also refer to the person by name again in the body of the letter.
    • Also include your name in the first paragraphs, even if it's on the envelope. Complete the introductory and welcome section.
  2. 2 Write a simple greeting. Before the main part of the letter, you need to greet your interlocutor, say how glad you are to meet, and also wish well. You can write: "How are you?"
    • The welcome part helps the reader to move smoothly to the text, and not instantly plunge into the maelstrom of information and facts. Imagine that the letter is a conversation in which it is now your turn to speak. You don't usually start a conversation without a greeting.
  3. 3 Tell us some general information about yourself. Age, gender, place of residence (not necessarily a home address) are great start-up options as they give the person a first impression of you. You can go further and indicate what grade you are in or your specialty, family composition and a couple of personal qualities (“I love to laugh,” “I just hate mathematics,” or “I am an Orthodox Christian”).
    • The first letter is an introduction, so treat it accordingly. What would you tell the person when you first met? This should be written about.
    • Children and adolescents need to remember about safety. Talk to your parents before writing a letter and especially sharing personal information.
  4. 4 Indicate how you found out about the person. You've probably used a penpals site or other forum, so it's polite to tell the person how you found out about them. Here you can also mention the correspondence with other people. How long have you been using this service and why did you decide to write to this particular person?
    • If you are interested in specific information in the profile, then write about it and explain the reason for your interest. Tell us how you feel about such a detail and ask the other person to share new details.
  5. 5 State the specific purpose of the letter. Perhaps you want to find a pen pal for a specific purpose (for example, to study a foreign language and culture). Perhaps you just want to find an interlocutor or have entered a new stage in life and need support. The person should know your intentions.
    • Do not go too far and say that you are very lonely and you simply have no one to talk to. Even if this is the case, the person may feel embarrassed and not answer you.
  6. 6 Write the final part. There are various ways to end a letter, but in the case of a pen pal, it's best to thank the person for taking the time to read the letter. It is not necessary to end the letter with the words: "Write to me!" - or: “I would be glad to receive a reply letter” so that the person does not feel obligated. Just thank the person for the time they spend writing and wish them a good day.
    • Be sure to sign the letter with your name.

Method 2 of 3: How to add personality

  1. 1 Look for common ground. Typically, people are looking for pen pals who share their interests, so talk about what you really like, and also find out how your new friend feels about such things. In the first letter, you can skip the details and write something general like: “I love outdoor activities”, or: “I love going to concerts and theatrical performances”.
    • You can also be more specific and include your favorite bands, vacation spots, and a concert you recently attended. Try to write about your general and specific preferences.
  2. 2 Ask a couple of questions. The first letter should outline several aspects that you would like to know more about. This will make it easier for the addressee to write you the first response letter. Do not go too deep into personal details from the very first letter like: "Name the worst moment in your life." Ask something as simple as, "What do you like to do on the weekend?"
    • You can do something original and attach a small handwritten questionnaire with questions and fields for answers. You might ask: "What's your favorite book?" - or: "What's your favorite food?" Questions should not be too serious or deep, you might even ask something silly like, "What animal would you like to become?"
  3. 3 Describe your typical day. Typically, a pen pal's life is different from yours, especially if they live in a different country. Talk about how you spend your days to make it easier for the person to imagine your life.
    • He will also receive one more subject for a reply letter.
    • If the person lives in another country, then try to find out how similar the life of a teenager is in your countries. This will create a friendly relationship between you. In addition, the interlocutor will be able to talk about their everyday life. You might be surprised how similar or different your lives are.
  4. 4 Attach an interesting detail. Add a touch of personality to your letter with a magazine clipping, your drawing, or a sheet of your favorite quote, poem, or picture. Try to think creatively and choose something interesting.
    • In the letter itself, you can even say nothing about the attachment. You can create a small riddle to motivate the person to write you a response letter with clarifications.

Method 3 of 3: How to Build a Lasting Relationship

  1. 1 Send each other photos. After a few letters, you can share your photo with your interlocutor and ask him to send your photo. Choose an official photo from a school album or a spontaneous vacation photo.
    • You can also share a photo of your home, school, favorite vacation spots, or a trip.
    • In addition to photographs of yourself and your favorite places, you can share images of your favorite bands or movies, landscape shots of the cities you want to visit, photos of crafts.
  2. 2 Try to get closer. When you find out the general information about each other and it is quite convenient for you to communicate, start asking more personal questions.Ask the person about the difficulties they face. Take an interest in goals and dreams. You can also share personal details of your life. Tell us about your fears and trials that have befallen you.
    • One of the benefits of penpal friendship is that you are less likely to meet someone in real life (at least not right away). This makes it easier for you to share your personal information.
  3. 3 Send gifts. In addition to letters, you can send each other gifts for the holidays and just like that. If a person lives in another country, you can give him a popular toy and other simple things. You can also send exotic products to each other if they do not deteriorate for a long time.
    • This point should be discussed in advance in letters. It's important to make sure the other person doesn't mind receiving the gift from you.
  4. 4 Discuss deep topics. One way to build a strong relationship with your pen pal is to discuss the important topics you are thinking about. You can talk about destiny and share your beliefs. Tell us about what aspects of society make you sad and frustrated and what you would like to change. It is possible that soon your letters will no longer be limited to discussing everyday events and strong friendships will develop between you.


  • Don't write too long a letter. This is an introduction letter, so your new friend shouldn't get bored or think you've overdone it. If the goal is to build a lasting relationship for correspondence, then you don't need to immediately dump all your thoughts in the first letter. One page from a notebook or two or three small sheets of paper is enough.
  • You don't need to describe your whole life. If you want to correspond regularly, then leave information for subsequent letters. You can give hints, but not go into details. Now you need to attract the attention of the person and show yourself as an interesting interlocutor.
  • Chatting with friends doesn't have to be boring, so don't write in a formal style.
  • At the very beginning, you can send letters to several recipients at once. If one of them does not answer you, then others may answer.


  • The person may not answer you. It depends on your criteria for choosing a chat friend or other factors. There is no need to be upset.
  • Usually you have to wait up to two weeks for a response. Don't be in a hurry to get impatient and write a second letter if you don't get a response after a few days. The person may be busy. Delays in the work of the postal service are also possible.