How to learn key phrases in Farsi

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
100 common Persian/Farsi Phrases in Conversations
Video: 100 common Persian/Farsi Phrases in Conversations


Even if you don't know a word of Persian, you can learn a couple of basic phrases for communication in just a few minutes. The Persian language is represented by three main variants (dialects): Farsi in Iran, Dari in Afghanistan, and Tajik in Tajikistan. By studying the following phrases, you will open the door to a rich treasure trove of Persian history, culture, civilization and spirituality.


  1. 1 To say hello, say salam or dorud, and to say goodbye, say bedrood.
  2. 2 To introduce yourself, say "Man [your name] hastam" (for example, "man Alex hastam").
  3. 3 To say "please" say "hageshan" or "lotfan", and to say "thank you" say "merci" or "mammon".
  4. 4 Say "bali" or "ari" which means "yes" and "not" instead of "no". You can also nod or shake your head.
  5. 5 If you are looking for something, say koja, which means where.
  6. 6 The phrase "kaimat in chand ast" means "how much it costs".
  7. 7 The word "kay" means "when".
  8. 8 To ask the person "How are you?", say" Hal-e shoma chetour ".
  9. 9 Basic pronouns in Farsi: "man" - "I", "tu" - "you", "u" - "he, she, it", "ma" - "we", "you" - "shoma", "ankha" - "they ".
  10. 10 Say "mikham" if you want something. For example: "Ab miham" means "I want water" (in fact, it sounds like "can I have water?").
  11. 11 In response to the question "Are you okay" say "Hub hastam" (this is an affirmative answer).
  12. 12If you want to say where you are from, say "man az (name of your country) hastam" "


  • Iranians love foreigners, even more than themselves, and will do anything to please them. This is not a new trend, historians wrote about similar behavior of the Persians thousands of years ago. Hospitality is in their blood.
  • Iranians are a very welcoming people, they will correct your mistakes in pronunciation.
  • For the most part, Iranians are very warm-hearted, friendly and generous people with an interest in foreigners and their culture. When dealing with Iranians, the following tips on customs and politeness will help you.
  • Meal times in Iran differ significantly from those in other countries, in Europe and America. They usually have lunch from 13:00 to 15:00, and they often have dinner after 19:00. Secular events in Iran are long-term events that take place in a sedate rhythm, often serving pastries and sweets, fruits and nuts. It is considered rude to refuse the offered dishes, guests should take them even if they are not going to eat them.
  • Iranian officials are extremely scrupulous about mentioning the Persian Gulf. It is highly recommended to use the full name, avoiding calling this body of water simply "bay", and even more so, "Arabian Gulf".
  • If you come to visit an Iranian for the first time or for an event, it is customary to give a small gift. Flowers, sweets, or baked goods are popular and appropriate options.
  • Secular customs
  • Before communicating with Iranian businessmen, one should learn not only secular customs, but also certain rules of business etiquette.
  • Use body language: Accenting, gesturing, drawing, and facial expressions will help you get your message across.
  • Business Etiquette
  • Say "Ruzegar Nick" or "Hoda Hafez" as a goodbye.
  • If you need help, say "Misha komakam konid" and most Iranians will not refuse you.