How to express your love

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".
Video: 8 easy way to express your love without saying "I love you".


If you want to maintain love and romance in a relationship, it is very important to show your loved one your feelings in a way that he understands and appreciates. With a little preparation, you can express your love in the right way by strengthening your relationship with your loved one.


Part 1 of 2: Show your love

  1. 1 Learn to understand your partner's needs. It is not necessary to express your feelings with gifts, perhaps touching is what your partner really needs. Understand that the way you show your love may not be at all what your partner expects from you, and then your eyes will open to a lot. Yes, yes, it is worth understanding what makes your partner feel loved, and you will be able to express your care and tenderness in such a way that your loved one will appreciate it. Try a few different ways and see which one gets the most positive reaction. Some researchers cite 5 "love languages" or ways of communicating with your partner, ways of expressing your love and feeling your partner's feelings:
    • Words, affirmations or statements: Compliments that express your positive feelings, the phrase "I love you."
    • Quality time spent: attention to your partner.
    • Gifts: Material symbols of love, such as flowers, jewelry, and other beautiful things.
    • Help: walking the dog, cleaning the kitchen.
    • Physical touch: sex, holding hands, fondling.
  2. 2 Talk about your feelings. Tell your partner that you love him. If your partner looks attractive, let him know! Your loved one cannot read your mind, so use words when you feel like admiring them. Tell us what is most valuable to you in a partner, and remember - this approach will never become outdated!
    • You may be more comfortable writing about your feelings rather than talking about them out loud, so you can try writing a few letters or postcards to your loved one.
    • Leave your partner nice notes to show that you think and care about them.
  3. 3 Be gentle. With the help of affection, you can show love in a way that no words will show. Be affectionate with your partner and show your love through touch. Stroke your loved one through the hair, take his hand and hug. Physical touch will create an intimate atmosphere and show your partner that you want to get even closer.
    • Understand the fact that some people need more affection than others.Talk to your partner to find out what is most valuable to him, what kind of touch he likes, and whether it is appropriate for him to touch in public.
  4. 4 Spend some time alone. Our life becomes too busy due to work, children, animals, friends and different rules. Make sure to spend enough time with your partner. Find a nanny for your child and free yourself up the evening to spend together. Focus on your partner and discuss things together that are important to both of you. Don't talk about household chores, kids, and finances. Arrange an evening date and enjoy the activity together.
    • Dating doesn't have to be romantic - just have fun! Do something stupid or choose an activity that will please both of you and make you laugh.
  5. 5 Express your gratitude. Show your partner that you care by acknowledging that you value the things that your partner does for you. Express your gratitude to your loved one for everything he does for you (for taking the kids out of school, buying food for your dog), and also express gratitude for those qualities of a partner that you admire (love, care, generosity).
    • Express your gratitude with words or notes.
    • You can give gifts that express your gratitude, such as flowers, a lovely dinner, or something special of your choice.
  6. 6 Please. Kindness is the best guarantee of lasting satisfaction in a long-term relationship. With your kindness, you show your partner that you are contributing to the relationship and showing your love. Usually, those people who treat kindness as a kind of muscle that need to be trained all the time are much more positive and pleasant in communication than those who treat kindness as something unchanging.
    • If your partner needs something and you are very tired, distracted or stressed, don't ignore your partner. Turn to him and chat.
    • Kindness is also very important in times of conflict. Treat your partner with care, remember in what moments you were not kind enough to your partner and improve.
  7. 7 Have fun together. Arrange a party if your partner has good news. Be close to your loved one during difficult times, but be there when your partner has good news. Partners who celebrate each other's success tend to build longer-term, more stable relationships. Show that you are supportive and joyful. Whenever he shares any news with you, listen carefully.
    • Communicate with your partner sincerely, from a pure heart. Ask counter questions and show your interest.

Part 2 of 2: Express Love After Conflict

  1. 1 Try to have five times more positive moments in your communication than negative ones. Research results show that for one conflict or negative moment in a relationship, there should be five positive moments - this will help correct an unpleasant aftertaste after a negative situation and restore a good relationship. If negative moments in a relationship are not "overlapped" by positive ones, they will accumulate, which can lead to separation.
    • Show your partner that you listen and understand.
    • Be gentle.
    • Use universal communication techniques such as humor.
  2. 2 Despite a conflict, communicate with each other with respect and understanding. Even if you and your partner disagree with each other, show that you are listening. Show that you understand your partner's point of view, as if repeating what he said and thinking about the feelings that he is trying to convey to you. Remind him (and yourself) that you admire him anyway, despite the conflict situation.
  3. 3 Farewell. It's okay to admit that you don't always act kind and understanding in your relationship. Think about when you upset your loved one when you were wrong. Explain your mistake to your partner and ask for forgiveness. Also, be prepared to forgive your partner when they are wrong. Forgiveness allows couples to acknowledge each other's shortcomings and develop their relationships. Don't get hung up on unpleasant moments, move on.
  4. 4 Express your love constantly. In relationships with people you care about - especially in relationships with your spouse and family - try to show your love more often by showing your desire to care in different ways, but in a way that the person understands best. It is widely believed that attention is the main thing, and this is true if a person does show his love. Secret love will not benefit anyone.


  • Pay attention to what a person does for others - this is a direct indicator of how a person is used to experiencing and showing love.