How to Grow Lucky Bamboo

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners
Video: Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners


Lucky Bamboo is an easy-care houseplant that grows well in countries with low, indirect light. This is a plant that is actually not bamboo at all, but a species of tropical water lily - Dracaena sanderiana, it is native to Africa and is said to bring good luck and happiness to the inhabitants of any place where it is grown. With a few tips, your lucky bamboo will grow healthy and grow well - bringing you luck to boot!


  1. 1 Look for plants with bright green leaves. If the leaves or stems are yellow or brown, it means the plant is unhealthy.
  2. 2 Use the correct container. Place the lucky bamboo in a tall glass vase or ceramic container - not shallow bowls - or leave it in the container you bought it in.
    • The container must have enough stones or balls at the bottom for stability. Lucky bamboos also need at least 3-8 cm of water to grow well.
  3. 3 Place the lucky bamboo where it will receive indirect light.
  4. 4 Change the water every 1-2 weeks.
    • After the plant has grown roots, they should be covered with water.
    • Encourage root growth by increasing the amount of water in which the plant grows. More roots means more lush top foliage; the higher the water reaches the stem, the higher the roots will grow.
  5. 5 Transplant the lucky bamboo into soil if you like. Lucky bamboo can always be grown in water and does not need soil to grow.
    • If you decide to transplant your lucky bamboo into soil, you need to make sure the soil has good drainage. This can be achieved by simply adding small stones to the bottom of the pot.
    • Keep the soil moist, but not drenched. The plant can get dry rot if the soil is too wet.


  • The best water for your plant is fresh spring water, rainwater, or filtered water. Chemicals in tap water, such as chlorine, can harm the plant and the leaves and stems will begin to turn yellow.
  • Fertilizers that are made specifically for lucky bamboo are usually available where the plants are sold. Add a drop of fertilizer to the water when you change it to help the bamboo stay healthy and grow.


  • Do not place the lucky bamboo on a windowsill or in direct sunlight. From this, the plant will burn, turning the leaves yellow, then brown.
  • Do not expose lucky bamboo to temperatures below 10 ° C. These tropical plants need a warm, comfortable temperature.
  • Keep lucky bamboo out of reach of small children and pets; the leaves are toxic if swallowed.

What do you need

  • High capacity or pot
  • Stones or balls
  • Water
  • The soil
  • Fertilizer made for happy bamboo