How to grow carnivorous plants

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Grow Carnivorous Plants! Volume 1 - Venus Flytraps, Sarracenia, and Other Cold Hardy Plants
Video: Grow Carnivorous Plants! Volume 1 - Venus Flytraps, Sarracenia, and Other Cold Hardy Plants


Carnivorous plants are carnivorous plants capable of using their tubular leaves to trap and digest insects. Insects are lured by sweet nectar and visual lures. The inside of the tube is often too slippery for the insect to climb out. When insects enter the pool of water inside, they are digested by enzymes or bacteria. The reason these plants use this method of foraging is because their native soils lack minerals or are highly acidic, and this method allows the plants to compensate for this by obtaining nutrients from insects. It is possible to grow these fascinating plants at home, just follow the directions.


  1. 1 Explore the requirements of each type. Predatory carnivorous plants can be found all over the world, so the requirements for growing them vary depending on the region they come from. Read some quality books on the topic so that you have a clear understanding of plants and their needs. Below is a brief overview of the different types of carnivorous plants:
    • Nepentes, tropical carnivorous plants, monkey bowls. - There are about 120 species in the genus Nepentes and they grow in the tropical regions of the Old World (mainly in the Malay Archipelago). Most of these species will require high humidity, plenty of water, and moderate to high light levels (similar to orchids). It is not ideal for beginner plants.
    • Sarracene is a family of insectivorous plants growing in the New World and can be divided into three genera (groups of species):
      • Sarracenia - All of these species grow in North America. They require distinct summers and winters, strong, direct sunlight and plenty of water.
      • Darlingtonia - These species are confined to Oregon and Northern California and are difficult to grow. The roots must be kept at a cooler temperature than the rest of the plant because they grow in an environment with cold running water.
      • Heliamphora - All of these species are native to South America. They are also difficult to grow.
    • Cephalotus is only one species of this genus (Cephalotus folicularis) and can be grown like any subtropical plant.
    • Bromeliads are the same family as pineapples. One or two species from this family are believed to be carnivorous. They do not form the characteristic "jug" shape.
  2. 2 Get plants. Once you've decided which species you are best prepared to grow, start looking for a source. Your best bet is to find reputable greenhouses and acquire a healthy carnivorous plant from there. Ask the assistants for more tips on growing certain species.
    • Insectivorous plants can also be ordered online, but they can get damaged and die during transport.
    • While it is possible to grow carnivorous plants from seeds or cuttings, this is not recommended for beginners.
  3. 3 Place the plant in a sunny location with at least six hours of direct sunlight. Ideal temperatures range from 15.5 º C to 29.6 ° C. The beautiful coloration of a carnivorous plant will be much more intense if the plant gets a couple of hours of bright, full sunshine each day, but it will also grow quite well in partial shade. Most people grow carnivorous plants in a greenhouse or terrarium. You can make an inexpensive option using a saucer and a plastic bottle; Cut off the top of the bottle and place it upside down over the plant on a saucer. A garden will fit when it replicates the exact environment in which carnivorous plants grow naturally.
    • Insufficient lighting is a common cause of the death of insectivorous plants in a home-grown environment. If you don't have a greenhouse or moist, sunny plant space, consider using artificial lighting. Lighting with a few cold or warm white fluorescent lamps placed 30 cm away from the plant will help them grow.
    • Only put a hardy carnivorous plant on the windowsill, and even then, if you have enough sunlight and moisture. Although the bathrooms are humid, the windows are usually too dark to provide the amount of light a carnivorous plant needs. Hardy carnivorous plants include sundew, pemphigus, and fatty worms. The Venus Flycatcher probably won't like being on the windowsill.
    • Air conditioning makes the room too dry for carnivorous plants.
  4. 4 After positioning the plant appropriately, fill the cups with 1.2–1.9 cm water to keep them moist inside. During travel, the liquid present in the cups is sometimes poured out, and if the cups dry out, the plant may die.
  5. 5 Provide good soil drainage. Good soil consists of one part compost and one part peat and perlite mixture, or mix sphagnum moss, charcoal and orchid bark. Although soil type and proportions must be researched very carefully for the type of carnivorous plant you have. If a carnivorous plant doesn't like the soil, it won't grow well and will die. Do not use potting soil or fertilizer - carnivorous plants grow in infertile soils and fertile soils will overwhelm them.
  6. 6 Keep the soil very moist during the growing season, from May to October. The drained pot should be 2.5 cm away from standing water. Don't let the plants dry out completely. The water you use must be either rainfall or distilled water with low salt levels. Aerating the water before watering the plant will help the plant grow. To aerate the water, fill the container halfway with water, close tightly, and shake it vigorously.
  7. 7 Keep your habitat moist. Carnivorous plants can tolerate low humidity, but they tend to stop producing "jugs" if the humidity is insufficient. About 35 percent moisture is great for plants. Greenhouses and terrariums can provide the necessary humidity, but provide adequate ventilation so that the air does not overheat or become stale.
  8. 8 Feed the plant. If carnivorous plants grow somewhere without access to insects for a long period of time, you can add a few small insects such as a fly or cockroach to an adult plant. However, this is usually not required. Many species benefit from adding a small amount of a balanced, soluble fertilizer to the "pitcher" (eg Miracid, mixed 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water). Add this solution to the "jugs" until they are 3/4 full.
  9. 9 Maintain the well-being of the carnivorous plant. In addition to watering, moisture and feeding, keeping a carnivorous plant in good shape requires that they have room to grow and be protected:
    • Cut off all dry leaves with scissors when winter begins, dormant period. Their dormant period varies by species, but typically lasts around 3-5 months during the winter. During this time, they should be stored in a cooler and drier place than usual.
    • Protect outdoor insectivorous plants. Leave all developing "jugs" in the pot or provide thick leaf mulch and cover with cling film or container in hardiness zones 6-8 during the winter months when plants are left outside.
    • Divide and transplant the plant when the pitcher comes out of hibernation before new plants grow rapidly and the growth cycle begins. Carnivorous plants can live for several years if properly cared for.


  • Tropical carnivorous plants such as nepentes or monkey bowls need a greenhouse to grow properly. A greenhouse that successfully grows orchids provides the right conditions for nepentes.
  • Carnivorous plants can be separated and replanted when the plant emerges from hibernation, but this must be done before vigorous new growth begins.
  • Buy only nursery grown plants for best results. Check with your local nursery for availability or order online through carnivorous plant suppliers.
  • For indoor growing, place the plant on a south window or give them 12-14 hours of artificial light.
  • Move the potted plant to a basement or other cool place during dormant months in cold areas and keep the soil moist. The best temperature is around 5 ºC, during this period of three to four months.


  • Do not use potting soil from the garden - it will kill the plant.
  • Never let the soil of a carnivorous plant dry out, even while resting, keep water in a drainage saucer.
  • The range of heights of carnivorous plants is from 10 cm in length (Sarracenia psittacin) to more than 1 measure in height (Sarracenia yellow). Be careful to choose the look that suits your needs.
  • Never fertilize a carnivorous plant; the plant gets its nutrients from the insects it catches. If you are feeding insects, do not feed too many of them, as too many insects will wilt and kill the plant.
  • Only rainwater or distilled water should be used to water carnivorous plants.
  • Indoor carnivorous plants can be grown outdoors during the growing season. They go to rest in winter. Tropical carnivorous plants will not survive the cold. North American carnivorous plants can be left outdoors under USDA Growth Zones.

What do you need

  • Nursery where carnivorous plants are grown (preferred, but seeds will also work)
  • Garden
  • Greenhouse (optional)
  • Nice sunny place (optional)