How to flush the toilet

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Flush a Toilet
Video: How To Flush a Toilet


No one likes to wash the toilet, but keeping it clean is very important. A dirty toilet is a breeding ground for dangerous germs, looks disgusting and smells bad. No matter how much you would like to postpone cleaning it for later, believe me, it's easier and faster to do it. now... Follow our advice and you will get it done quickly and be happy with the result.


Method 1 of 3: Quick cleaning

  1. 1 Collect everything you need. If you need to quickly flush the toilet, prepare everything you may need for cleaning in advance to speed up the process. Prepare rubber gloves (required) and as many of the following as possible: toilet brush, antibacterial wipes, old waste toothbrush, clean rags or paper towels, and / or toilet cleaner.
    • For hygiene reasons, use the gloves in which you wash the toilet, only for this purpose. Buy gloves in a different color so you don't accidentally confuse them with cleaning or dishwashing gloves.
    • You may also find a multi-purpose detergent useful. You can buy it at a store or make your own by mixing 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with 180 ml of water.
  2. 2 Flush the toilet bowl. You can start cleaning the toilet in any order, but if you are in a hurry, it is best to start with the bowl. If you accidentally splash dirty water from the bowl, you will not stain the already washed outer part of the toilet bowl. Use a brush to remove stains, rust, and limescale. It may take some effort to remove stubborn stains. You can put some toilet cleaner or all-in-one cleaner into the water in the bowl and dip the brush into it.
  3. 3 Wipe down the seat and lid. Now that you've washed your toilet bowl, it's time to clean the parts that you come in contact with the most - the lid and seat. Use a general purpose cleaner and rags or paper towels (or antibacterial wet wipes) to quickly but thoroughly wipe both sides. If you wish, you can use an old toothbrush to scrub hard-to-reach areas between the lid and the toilet, as well as the hinges that secure the lid.
  4. 4 Wipe down the outside of the toilet. Finally, it's time to shine your toilet bowl. Spray an all-purpose cleaner on the outside of the toilet and wipe it thoroughly with a rag or paper towel, paying particular attention to the handle or flush button. Alternatively, you can simply dip a rag or paper towel in a cleaning solution or warm water and repeat as soon as it gets dirty.
    • Start wiping down the top of the toilet. If you drip with dirty water or cleaning agent, it will spill onto the part that has not yet been washed.
    • Remember to wash hard-to-reach areas such as the back of the base and cistern. You may need to use an old toothbrush or pipe brush to get to all the crevices.
  5. 5 Flush the toilet. Your toilet should now look like much better. By draining the water, you will wash away any dirt that has accumulated in the bowl while cleaning the toilet.If you wiped the toilet with toilet paper, you can also flush it - however, if there is too much paper, it is better to throw it in the trash, otherwise the toilet may become clogged.
    • After removing gloves, wash your hands. Even though you cleaned the toilet with gloves, dirty water could get inside.
    • If you needed to flush the toilet quickly, congratulations - you did the job! However, if there are stubborn stains on the inside or outside of the toilet or if you haven't washed it for a long time, do a more thorough cleaning by following the recommendations below.

Method 2 of 3: Thorough cleaning

  1. 1 Wipe the toilet with a damp sponge. First, wipe the toilet with a sponge dipped in hot water. While you clean the rest of the toilet, the dirt on the toilet will get wet and you will have to put in less effort. Soak a sponge in hot water and wipe the entire toilet bowl, cistern, lid, seat, base, and outside of the bowl. This is often enough to completely remove dirt without the use of special cleaning agents.

Put on clean, waterproof gloves and a plastic apron. The toilet is a haven for bacteria: try to keep your hands and clothes as clean and dry as possible.

  1. 1 Apply toilet cleaner to the inside of the bowl. Specially formulated products will help you remove stains, rust and limescale. Apply the cleaner under the rim of the toilet to drain into the bowl. It is important to apply the product to the inside of the bezel, as this area is often overlooked during cleaning and mineral deposits form on the bezel.

Read the instructions on the packaging of the cleaning agent. Many remedies are most effective if left in the toilet bowl for a while. If so, take a break before moving on to the next step.

  1. 1 Clean the bowl with a toilet brush. Take a sturdy bristle brush and scrub the inside of the bowl thoroughly, paying particular attention to the limescale or rusty spots that form along the water's edge and on the back of the bowl. The more thoroughly and harder you scrub, the cleaner your toilet will become.
    • Take advantage of the cleaning solution you used to fill the bowl by dipping the brush into the bowl several times to absorb some of the cleaner. This makes cleaning even more effective.
  2. 2 Drain the water. By draining the toilet bowl, you rinse both the bowl and the brush. While the water is draining, keep rubbing as the water pressure alone may not be enough to wash away all the dirt.

    If there are stubborn stains in the toilet, repeat the process: apply the cleaning agent, allow time to take effect, scrub with a brush and rinse. Repeat until the stain is gone.

  3. 3 Wipe down the rest of the toilet with a disinfectant cleaner. After cleaning the bowl, wipe down the rest of the toilet, even if it's not particularly dirty. So you will not only make it beautiful and shiny, but also destroy harmful bacteria. Spray the entire toilet with a general purpose or bathroom cleaner. Remember to treat the seat on both sides, as well as the entire outer surface, including the base. Wipe with a rag or paper towel, using light pressure to grind the product and then remove any residue.
  4. 4 Wipe the handle or drain button thoroughly. The handle or drain button should be especially clean as you touch it every time you empty the water. If bacteria multiply on it, they can easily transfer to your hand. Apply a generous coat of disinfectant spray to the pen or button. Remember that this area is the most dangerous in terms of microbial contamination, so clean it properly.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning around the toilet

  1. 1 Remove items next to or on top of the toilet. Before you start cleaning the toilet, remove any items that make cleaning difficult - a box of tissues or pads, a spare roll of paper, a magazine to read in the toilet, and so on. To thoroughly clean the toilet, you need to have access to all crevices and corners.

    By removing all objects around the toilet and from the cistern, you can not only clean it from all sides, but also protect them from cleaning agents, dirty splashes and accidental falling into the toilet.

  2. 2 Wash or wipe down items that have stood next to the toilet or on the cistern. You don't want your shiny toilet to get dusty from a dirty photo frame or box. Put on clean gloves and whip up all these things in a hurry. Wet and lightly rub them if you can, and if they are, say, paper or cardboard, just quickly dust them off. Dry the items clean with a paper towel and rearrange them.

    When finished, take off your gloves and wash your hands to avoid spreading bacteria.

  3. 3 Spray the floor near the toilet with a disinfectant spray. As a rule, if the toilet is dirty, then the floor next to it also does not shine with cleanliness. So take the opportunity and wash this part of the floor. Use a brush or broom to sweep hair and debris around and behind the toilet. Then wipe the floor clean with damp paper towels, disposable wet wipes, or a rag.


  • Paper towels are ideal for cleaning the outside of the toilet. Since they are disposable, this reduces the risk of germs spreading. In addition, they absorb the cleaning agent well and do not leave streaks on the toilet. If you've used a rag, rinse it thoroughly after you finish cleaning. Do not wash the rag with clothing, other items, or rags that you use to wipe furniture or the floor.


  • Do not use a toilet brush to clean the seat or outside surface to avoid spreading germs from the bowl throughout the toilet.
  • Toilet bowl cleaners can be toxic to you, your children, and your pets. Keep them out of the reach of children and use strictly according to the instructions.

What do you need

  • Latex gloves. The gloves you use to clean the toilet are not allowed to do any other work, so it is best to buy gloves in a different color so that they are different from your regular cleaning gloves.
  • Sponge
  • Toilet bowl cleaning liquid or gel
  • Toilet brush
  • Bathroom cleaning spray
  • Paper towels
  • Polyethylene apron