How to look attractive in front of the person you like

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Look Attractive and STRONG in front of People
Video: How to Look Attractive and STRONG in front of People


Do you want to please the one or the one you fell in love with? You cannot force a person, but you have the opportunity to slightly increase the chances of it. Do you also want to look more attractive and charming so that he or she will also think you are like that? Then you have come to the right place, keep reading.


  1. 1 Be cool. Don't speak in a loud or annoying voice because you want to make a good impression. Avoid intrusion (anywhere: on social media, in person, and so on). If he / she asks you something, answer and be polite. Ask open-ended questions like, "How was your day?", "What are you going to do tonight?", "What are you preparing for?" Also, compliment. Say things like, "I really like your hair," "Oh cool jacket," and "You're so good at _____, I wish I could do that too." Get closer to the person.
  2. 2 Dress relaxed, wear a plain T-shirt and pants / jeans. You don't need to dress up, you can add some accessories or jewelry if you want. If you are a guy, keep your hair and body clean and smell good. There is nothing worse than a boyfriend who doesn't wash or comb his hair. If you are a girl, simply loosen your hair if you just washed it, or put it in a ponytail or braid if it is greasy and you have absolutely no time to wash it.
  3. 3 Be polite. Say "Hello!" When you meet this person, smile and speak. If you are walking, do not look at other guys / girls along the way with flirting eyes, otherwise your target will think that you are not interested. Make sure you have a good conversation and don't use any "conversation killers" when you seem to be making contact. But when it fades by itself, do not try to start the conversation again, it can be annoying. If only he / she doesn't mind.
  4. 4 Smile at him / her when they are looking at you, but do not laugh at everything that person says - this is annoying. Ask him / her about themselves: find out her / his favorite genre of music, food / drink, program, film, and so on. He / she may even tell you something funny from his / her life.


  • If you're a guy - use deodorant, you don't need sweaty armpits in front of a girl - it's unattractive.
  • Don't change for him / her, you should like it as it is.
  • If you accidentally touch his / her hand, do not blush crimson, but simply apologize if he / she notices, and remain calm or smile if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • Smile politely.
  • Don't overdo it: you don't want this person to know everything for sure.Keep this mystery between you, as some people find it much more interesting this way (but again, don't overdo it).
  • If you make a mistake, don't worry: just keep doing what you did. They will understand you.
  • If you're a girl, wear light makeup or none at all: guys don't like girls with a layer of plaster on their faces in an attempt to appear beautiful. Keep it natural.
  • You must understand when it is time to end the conversation, you must not say too much.
  • You will be very nervous around the person you are in love with, so try to just relax and not make mistakes. If fate, then fate, however that may be.


  • Don't try too hard. Do not make it obvious your sympathy at first sight, otherwise you will become annoying, develop the relationship slowly.
  • If you're a guy, don't call this girl "baby" or "babe" - that will only put her off, even if you haven't dated yet.
  • Do not take someone's love, you do not need to arrange such a disgusting situation with his / her current passion.