How to choose a theme for your drawing

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Understanding Media, Subject and Theme in Art
Video: Understanding Media, Subject and Theme in Art


Drawing is a pleasant enough activity, but sometimes it seems like a difficult task. If you're having trouble finding ideas for your drawings, spur yourself up with some stimulating tricks and other techniques. Inspiration can also be found in other areas of arts and interests. And developing the habit of drawing regularly will allow you to keep your creativity flowing constantly.


Method 1 of 3: Finding a Direction

  1. 1 Work on assignment. There are a number of websites where you can take assignments with drawing themes. You can find them with the simplest search query on the Internet. You can also use assignments from thematic groups in various social networks. The assignments usually look like this:
    • “Draw a flock of birds hanging out in the club”;
    • “Draw something that scares you, but in a comical way”;
    • “Draw a restaurant you would never dine in”;
    • "Paint the scenery for a fictional game show."
  2. 2 Work in a new way with your favorite drawing theme. Everything may seem like a routine to you when you draw the same thing over and over again. If you like to draw on a specific subject, such as nature views or fantastic scenes, you can continue to work with them, but only from a different angle. For example, if you like drawing people, you can draw someone:
    • someone you know well, but in a place where you have never met him;
    • in the usual way, but make one of the person's hands unusually large;
    • presented as someone who can hardly be a superhero;
    • the way you imagine this person 50 years later.
  3. 3 Set specific frames or parameters for your drawings. Sometimes it is the wide openness of the question "What should I draw?" makes it so difficult. If you force yourself to think within a certain framework, you can break out of the dead end and create something interesting. Come up with a couple of rules and start drawing based on them.
    • For example, you can draw the same object 20 times, but each time make one small change to it.
    • Likewise, you can draw 10 “M” objects that come to your mind first, no matter what they look like.
  4. 4 Try to build on the Oblique Strategies missions. Oblique Strategies was originally a deck of cards invented by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt. Each card contains a unique guideline that should direct your thoughts in an indirect way or allow you to approach a problem from an unusual angle.Currently, there is a Russified version of the cards in the form of an inexpensive smartphone application “Oblique Strategies - in Russian”. Pick a card for yourself and let it influence your drawing. Examples of tasks from cards are given below:
    • “Go back in your tracks”;
    • “Take a sudden destructive unpredictable action. Get together ”;
    • "Take a close look at the most embarrassing details and enlarge them."

Method 2 of 3: Apply different painting techniques

  1. 1 Make machine sketches. If you can't think of what to draw, just place a pen on the paper and make it move. Draw lines, simple shapes, doodles, cartoon characters, stick figures, whatever comes to mind. The very physical movement of the drawing hands can give you strength. Machine sketches allow you to think and create in an unjustifiable way, almost on a subconscious level.
  2. 2 Draw with quick gestures. This drawing style is the basis for depicting living objects; but it can also be applied in other situations. Set yourself a timer for one minute and try to have time to completely draw a shape or object. You will have to work quickly, forcing yourself to reflect only the essential features of the subject. Make several of these drawings in 5-10 minutes.
    • You can use images from the web as nature to draw with quick gestures.
  3. 3 Draw from photographs. Photos can be a great base for drawings, especially when you don't have any ideas. If you have nothing to draw, look for photographs that are fun and fresh to draw. For example, you might give yourself the task of drawing what you find on the third page of a magazine, no matter what it turns out to be.
  4. 4 Copy masters. If you are in a stupor and do not know what to draw, you can always copy what someone else has already drawn! Attempts to recreate the work of previous artists not only solve the problem of choosing an object to paint, but also provide an excellent opportunity to learn.
    • Consider copying works by old masters like Raphael and Rembrandt, or more contemporary artists like Frida Kahlo and Francis Bacon.
    • Many art museums allow sketches to be made directly at their exhibitions. So grab a notebook with a pencil and sketch the work that inspires you the most.
  5. 5 Refer to the drawing tutorial. Reading a drawing textbook may seem boring, and not at all creative, but when you are at a dead end, this very activity can be a lifesaver. Even if you consider yourself a seasoned artist, remembering the basics and doing the basic exercises will keep you freshened up and come up with great ideas. Below is a list of several classic drawing books:
    • "Fundamentals of educational academic drawing" Nikolai Lee;
    • "Basics of composition" N. M. Sokolnikova;
    • "Technique of watercolor painting" P. P. Revyakin;
    • "Complete Oil Painting Course" Hennes Ruissing;
    • "Image of a Man" Gottfried Bammes;
    • "The art of color" Johannes Itten.

Method 3 of 3: Develop your drawing skills

  1. 1 Try yourself at something else besides drawing. Read, listen to music, dance, or engage in other creative activities. Go for walks. All this will help refresh your head and facilitate further creativity. In addition, in these activities you can find ideas for your new drawings. Try the tips below.
    • As you walk around the neighborhood, try to pay attention to seemingly trivial things or scenes that can actually become amazing objects to paint.
    • Think about the images that the music you are listening to creates and draw them.
  2. 2 Don't be limited to one single drawing medium. Using new media can be inspiring, especially when you're stuck and don't know what to draw. Even re-drawing familiar objects can be inspiring in new ways with new media. Try using a variety of painting tools, such as:
    • the pencils;
    • coal;
    • pastel;
    • pens;
    • markers;
    • wax pencils;
    • crayons.
  3. 3 Draw daily. Push yourself all the time and be sure to draw something even when you don't think you have good ideas. Even if you do not like what you painted on a particular day, there is a benefit in it, do not despair. Developing a habit of drawing regularly will increase your chances of creating good work when real inspiration strikes.

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