How to politely end a conversation

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to End a Conversation Politely
Video: How to End a Conversation Politely


Like prudence, politeness is not as constant today as it once was. However, polite social behavior remains an essential part of building relationships with other people. And even if the conversation is interesting, sometimes you want to end it prematurely. Here are some ways to end a conversation in a sophisticated way.


  1. 1 Observe your body language. Signs that the other person wants to leave include shifting gaze, taking a small step to the side, and short answers to what you say. If a person starts to put things in a bag or put on a jacket or sweater, it also means that they want to leave.
  2. 2 Wait for a pause, and offer to say goodbye by shaking hands. When they answer you, say: “It was nice to talk to you” or “I need to run somewhere else, but I was pleased to talk to you. See you later".
  3. 3 Sorry. “I don’t want to delay you” or “I can see that you are busy, but it was nice to see you.”
  4. 4 Tell me you need to go. You can say, "Sorry, but I have something else to do today." Remain polite but persistent.
  5. 5 Smile and say goodbye. This is a sign of a friendly disposition. You can add something by saying that you enjoyed seeing and talking ..
  6. 6 If you want to meet the person again, offer to meet him in the near future. Be specific."How about we meet next Wednesday morning?" It will be better than saying, "Maybe we'll meet again sometime."


  • Useful phrases to remember:
    • I seem to have lost track of time.
    • I promised to meet mine / mine (insert the name of a loved one); I have to run.
    • I do not want to detain you.
    • It was great to chat, but I'm late.
    • I would still talk to you, but I have to go.


  • It doesn't matter what you say; it is important that you behave in a friendly and polite manner with the person you are talking to.