How to deal with drivers who break the distance

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
PHYSICS - Calculating the Braking Distance of a Car (Exam Question Example)
Video: PHYSICS - Calculating the Braking Distance of a Car (Exam Question Example)


1 Keep calm! Losing control over yourself, you simultaneously lose control over the control of the car, and this is already life-threatening. Taking a few deep breaths will usually help you calm down. Focus on the situation, not the radio, conversations with passengers, or your mobile phone (which should generally be avoided, especially in heavy traffic).
  • 2 Find a comfortable distance for yourself. Drivers who drive frequently in the city are more accustomed to staying close to the vehicle in front, while drivers who rarely drive into the city find it more convenient to keep a long distance. Considering this fact, your opinion that the driver driving behind is not keeping the distance may not correspond to reality, or the opinion of the driver driving behind. An important goal, in this case, is to reduce stress for both drivers, since each of them is susceptible to, in his opinion, aggressive behavior on the road.
  • 3 Keep up to date with local traffic regulations. As a rule, non-observance of the distance is considered a violation of traffic rules, since it can create an emergency on the road. In the event of a collision, the driver driving behind will be the culprit. If the driver is aware of the consequences of a collision with you, then most likely he will not sit on your tail.
  • 4 If it is safe to do so, pull to the side of the road to let the vehicle behind you pass. This is usually the quickest way to get rid of the tail.If a car driving behind you quickly starts to catch up with you, this is an indicator that it wants to overtake you. If it's safe, skip it.
    • On narrow roads, use the back lane to allow the pursuer to pass. In many cities it is customary for a slower vehicle to use the lane, otherwise it will be just a polite driver's gesture.
    • On a winding road, do not accelerate sharply in the overtaking lane, as this will prevent others from passing. Many drivers drive slowly and smoothly around corners, and only start to accelerate after entering a straight lane and making sure they have enough room and visibility to overtake. Exercise patience when giving others a ride.
  • 5 If possible, slow down and move off the center of the road, allowing the vehicle from behind to go forward. Often these drivers just want to go faster, so if you miss them, they will rush forward and leave you alone. If you notice that they want to overtake you, pull out of the fast lane.
  • 6 Keep the speed constant. This will allow the "pursuer" to determine when he might overtake you. Resist the urge to speed up or slow down to scold the offender - this will bring nothing but frustration.
    • When in doubt, use cruise control. This will help you drive at a constant speed and avoid unwanted acceleration from another driver. In addition, you will already be in a tense situation. Using cruise control allows you to pay less attention to speed, and concentrate on finding a way out of this situation.
  • 7 Whatever happens, don't become the source of the problem. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to change lanes, the laws of physics will prevent an intruder from driving through you. However, if you have caught up with another car traveling at the same speed as you, it is better to slow down and clear the lane. Dangerous situations on the road are not worth defending your rights.
  • 8 If, when driving on a multi-lane highway, you notice that you are often "sitting on the tail", try to slow down a little and get behind a trucker. Drivers approaching you from behind, seeing a truck in front of you, will immediately change to another lane without getting too close to you.
  • 9 Communicate. The driver, who alternately switches between low and high beam, asks you to give him lane in this way, but does not imply that this must be done abruptly. Stickers that say “Novice driver” or “If you read this, you are too close” can be very effective. By activating the hazard warning lights, you signal that you have a technical problem that is affecting your speed (remember to pull over as soon as possible). On the other hand, abusive hand gestures will not help, but rather will only escalate the situation. By spreading your hands, you can mean that you are not able to influence the situation, but this gesture may be perceived by another driver as a defiant one. It also takes your hands off the steering wheel!
  • 10 If you are unable to change the situation, be prepared to be abused by aggressive drivers. They can turn on the high beam, honk, shout insults, or show unfriendly gestures. In case someone turns on the high beam headlights, switch the rear-view mirror to night mode, and mentally preparing for possible beeps or abuse, you will be able to react more calmly.
  • 11 If there are passengers in the cabin, try not to disturb them. Ask them not to worry and to remain calm while you deal with the offended driver. They can give you advice, but ultimately, distractions should be kept to a minimum.
  • 12 Do not perceive the aggressor as an enemy or "an ignorant driver who needs to be taught a lesson." Avoid the urge to lynch the intruder. This is not the time to teach him the rules of the road, which, anyway, will not do him any good, except insult. Just focus on defusing the situation. Let law enforcement agencies monitor the implementation of laws.
  • 13 Press the brake pedal lightly several times so that the driver behind you will notice your brake lights, but do not depress the pedal all the way to reduce speed. This is another way to show that you need to increase the distance. (Don't brake abruptly to "teach him a lesson" - this will only lead to an accident, which will be worse for everyone.)
  • Tips

    • Remain calm when other drivers try to provoke you.
    • Always try to drive according to the rules: let pedestrians and “racers” pass, smoothly fit into a row when overtaking, always use signals, etc. The more drivers do this, the more enjoyable driving will be for everyone.
    • Remember to always drive as safely as possible and set an example for others.
    • Remember that it is safer to behave predictably on the track and use signals to communicate if pressure is exerted on you.
    • Don't make the problem worse. Even if you don’t have to give way, changing lanes is the best solution in terms of safety and stress.
    • Be guided by the rule: "Slow transport goes first."
    • When an intruder overtakes you, pay attention to his license plate and consider whether it is necessary to report him to law enforcement agencies (for example, the traffic police). If the car has a logo of a company, or its phone number, that's even better. Never argue with the offender personally, but you can help ensure that he is held accountable for bad driving.
    • Remember that it is safer to "go with the flow" than to be a "boulder in the stream". If the average traffic is too fast for you, consider alternatives.
    • Do not think that if you slow down, the driver will get out of the way - this is a false idea. If you slow down, it will brake too to avoid a collision, but if you continue to brake, it has no “escape route” until you resume speed.


    • Never try to "teach someone a lesson" on the road. All drivers have the same rights and responsibilities. If you are not a law enforcement officer, then you can break the law by imposing your views on driving.
    • If you carry a mobile phone with you, it would be a good idea to store your emergency and law enforcement numbers under the speed dial buttons. If someone creates a dangerous situation on the road, you must inform the relevant law enforcement authorities (it is better for the passenger to make the call!).
    • Don't intentionally do things that annoy other drivers. This is, to say the least, offensive. In the worst case scenario, you can run into tough guys who carry weapons and are not mentally balanced, which can end up very badly. Do not under any circumstances make an already bad situation worse.