Practicing nudism in your room without anyone knowing about it

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing
Video: How to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing


Are you intrigued by the nudist movement? Nudism, also called naturism, is about enjoying the beauty and freedom that you experience when you take off your clothes and return to nature. If you're not ready to practice nudism in public, you can choose to try it in your room before venturing out into the outside world. With a little care and privacy you can transform your bedroom into a single nudist retreat.

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Part 1 of 2: Practicing nudism in your room

  1. Provide complete privacy. Close and lock all doors and windows in the room where you will be staying. Especially in the evening, close the curtains, blinds or blinds. If there is a gap between the door and the floor, you can choose to slide a blanket or towel in between. You want complete privacy without being disturbed. People who visit nudist clubs see it as good practice to bring their own towel to sit on. You can practice with this in your room.
    • Make sure you have plenty of things to do and enjoy yourself for a while.
  2. Get rid of your clothes. Stack your clothes in the same order you put them on so you can get dressed quickly when someone knocks on the door. Do this especially if you are afraid of getting caught. However, keep a towel handy so you can wrap it around you quickly - just say you just wanted to take a shower when someone comes in.
  3. Do whatever you normally would. Now that you have removed any obstacles and clothing, you can just get back to your daily life. So don't do any special things just because you are naked. Real nudists just do what they normally would, only naked - because then they can enjoy life a little more and feel a little more free. Here are some things you can do in your room:
    • Have fun. Read a book, play a computer game, watch TV, draw, paint, play solitaire, solve a crossword puzzle, play guitar, and so on.
    • Cut to the chase. Work on your resume, do some computer research, file your tax returns, clean up your room, organize your photos, and so on. Things you wouldn't otherwise enjoy (like cleaning) can be a lot more fun when you do them naked.
    • Be healthy. Moderate effort, stretches or yoga can be very beneficial, especially if you do it in front of a large mirror - this way you can see exactly which muscles and ligaments are involved in your exercises.
    • Give yourself a massage. While you may not be able to reach your back, you can massage your legs, arms, torso, hands, abdomen, scalp, and other body parts to relieve tension.
    • Treat yourself. If you're naked and have a lot of time on your hands, you can rub yourself all over with lotion and relax on a blanket.
    • Be bold. Call a friend and talk to him / her naked. Does he / she know a lot ?! See what it feels like to talk to a friend on a platonic level without wearing clothes. If you feel completely comfortable, you may be able to join a nudist group in the future when you are ready.
    • Know it's not about the sexy stuff. While you may be tempted to touch yourself when you are naked (which is perfectly fine and natural, of course), you should know that one of the core values ​​of nudism is to practice it in a non-sexual way. That's why it's so important to make sure you have enough things to fill your time with once you lock the door.
  4. Sleep naked. Many people sleep naked because they like it, even if they would not necessarily label themselves as a nudist. If you would like to practice nudism alone in your room, then you can do that by going to bed naked. If you are caught, people will not think that is such a bad thing - after all, a lot of people sleep naked. Keep a bathrobe handy for when you have to go to the toilet at night. If you really take nudism seriously, you can just wake up in the morning and stay naked for as long as possible.
  5. Learn to understand nudism better. An excellent other way you can spend your time in your room is to research nudism online. If you really want to practice nudism, you need to have a good understanding of what you are actually doing. There are many misconceptions about nudism that you need to be aware of before you can say you really understand. Here are some things you could learn:
    • Many nudists prefer the term "naturists".
    • Nudism is not meant to be sexual. Being naked should be completely natural, rather than causing arousal.
    • Nudism is all about regaining the freedom that small children have over nudity. You have to stop thinking about the restrictions that society has placed on you, and you have to return to your inner child. Nudism is playful.
    • Nudism is also called naturalism because it is about returning to your natural state.
    • While it is illegal to be naked in public places, nudism itself is not illegal. Unless you live in Arkansas (USA), Saudi Arabia or Iran.
    • Nudism is not a sexual deviation. Nudists have a perfectly healthy sex life; they don't make their daily lifestyle sexual because they are naked. This does not mean that they are asexual. Being part of a nudist group doesn't have to mean being overly sexual just because you're not wearing any clothes.
    • You don't have to have a perfect body to be a nudist. You just have to be comfortable with what you have.
    • You don't always have to be naked to be a nudist. Many nudists have regular jobs and wear normal clothes when they have to. However, they are always looking for ways to be naked and express themselves.
  6. Get dressed again. Unfortunately, you cannot sit naked in your room forever. Whether you're going to the movies with friends or having a family dinner, at some point you'll have to put on your clothes to get back to the ordinary world. If this makes you feel too constrained, and you can't cope with wearing clothes all day, then you may want to consider taking your nudism to the next level.

Part 2 of 2: Taking your nudism to the next level

  1. Tackle one space at a time. If you feel completely comfortable practicing nudism in your room, then you can take the next step. If you want to do it alone in your room, chances are your roommates or family members may be so understanding of your lifestyle. If so, you can talk to them to see how they react to it (the more difficult option) or explore other rooms in the house when no one else is home.
    • Start by walking naked from your room to the bathroom before and after you shower. Then try to enter another room naked, even if only for a few minutes.
    • If you know that no one will be home for a few hours, you can close the curtains and walk around naked at home.
    • Just make sure you have a backup plan in case someone unexpectedly arrives home earlier (if you really feel like explaining why you're watching TV naked).
    • You can always keep a towel around your hands to cover yourself, to say that you just wanted to take a shower. But if you really believe in nudism, then you won't want to sneak up on it forever, will you?
  2. Look further. Once you've mastered being naked at home, you can take it a step further. If you live in or near a relatively remote area, you can check out how good it feels to be naked in the backyard, in the woods behind your house, or even on a deserted beach nearby. Just be prepared for the reactions of people who can see you and get the wrong impression of you. Therefore, try to do it in as remote an area as possible. For example, you can take a short walk in a deserted forest area or swim to a remote part of a lake, and than take off your clothes.
    • See how it feels so close to the elements. Is this something you would like to do in the long run, and without having to sneak up on it?
  3. Talk about it with your loved ones. If you have enjoyed the freedom and liberation that being naked has offered you, then you can choose to talk about it with your loved ones. Talk to your best friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend, or even your parents, if you think this desire has become an essential part of you that people should know. Be prepared that they may not understand what nudism is all about, and may be a little skeptical at first or pass judgment right away. Don't worry though - they'll catch up.And if they don't, then you're going to have to find a way to deal with it.
  4. Meet like-minded people. If you feel good as a nudist, you can take your interest to a higher level by joining interest groups such as the NFN (the Dutch Federation of Naturist Associations), the FBN (the Federation of Belgian Naturism) or a similar organization of people interested in preserving their right to be naked. You can also find out where you can practice nudism safely. Such organizations can help you find clubs where you can practice nudism, such as at home events or in a spa.
    • You can also look for nudist beaches or reaction areas at home and abroad.
    • Do not be afraid. If you find the right spot, you won't be exposed to any oversexual predators. Just make sure you read the ideals of the group you want to join before taking the plunge. Nudist recreation should be about accepting the self and respecting your individuality, the freedom of others, and the feeling of liberation; not from discomfort.
  5. Consider taking a nude vacation. If you do not feel completely comfortable walking around naked in your own hometown, then you can consider finding vacation addresses that are specially equipped for nude recreation. You can use the standard vacation search engines for this, and narrow your search term with something like "nude recreation" or "nude vacation". This way you can find a resort that is perfect for you, whether you want to go to France or Mexico. This can be a great way to immerse yourself in the nudist's life without fear of bumping into your mom or elementary school teacher.
  6. Keep it private if you don't feel comfortable. Public nudity is not for everyone. If you just want to be naked in your own house or room, there is of course nothing wrong with that. You don't necessarily have to be naked outside, in public or with a bunch of other nudists. It's about expressing your body and mind in a way that you makes you happy. So enjoy being naked wherever you do!


  • Keep the volume of sound / music low (definitely don't use headphones / earplugs!) So that you can hear it when someone comes home or knock on the door when you are naked.
  • Don't forget to enjoy this time for yourself and have fun! This is your time to show how unique you are as a person.
  • It is good practice among nudists to bring your own towel to sit on at events and in nudist recreation areas. Even if you are not ready to attend such an event, you can already practice in your room. Bring your own towel to sit on when you are naked so you can get used to the idea.
  • If you plan to sit naked in your room for more than an hour, you may want to bring something to eat and drink with you.
  • Keep a bathrobe and slippers handy if you have to leave the room to pick up a phone, grab a snack, go to the toilet, etc. This is a lot easier than putting your clothes back on and then again to pull off. However, make sure you have your word ready if someone sees you outside your room and wants to know why you are wearing a bathrobe at this hour. Just say you jump in the shower for a second. Of course you will have to do that!
  • If your privacy is often violated, then you can do this better if you are all alone.


  • It is wise to practice nudism when your parents or partner are not at home. This may be slightly different if you can lock your door and keep it a secret without arousing suspicion. You can do this, for example, by taking a long shower or bath.
  • Take precautions if you are female and have your period.
  • Know that public nudity in the Netherlands and Belgium can put you on a hefty fine.