How to deal with a guy you think you like

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Unique Habits that Make Successful Women Irresistible to Men| Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs
Video: 5 Unique Habits that Make Successful Women Irresistible to Men| Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs


If a guy likes you, your reaction to his feelings will depend on whether they are mutual. It's very exciting to know that the guy you like is also interested in you. In this case, try flirting back. However, if you don't feel reciprocated, unwanted attention can become unnecessary stress for you. Then try to hint to the guy that you are not interested in a relationship with him. In any case, if the guy does not understand your hints, you will have to sit down and calmly discuss your future relationship.


Method 1 of 3: When You Feel Mutual Interest

  1. 1 Get closer. If a guy constantly hints at your feelings, respond to him with a warm attitude from your side. Try to sit next to him at various events. When talking to him during breaks or at lunch, stand a little closer than usual. This way, you can hint to the guy that you like him too and that you enjoy spending time with him.
  2. 2 Find an excuse to spend time alone with him. Spending time alone with the guy you like can help you understand how interested he is in you. Besides, it will be a sign that you like this guy too. Try to find a way to be alone with him so that you can talk openly about your feelings.
    • For example, write something like, "I really want a burger. Would you like to go out and have a snack after class?"
  3. 3 Flirt with him through social media. Giving a guy you love more attention on social media can show that his feelings for you are mutual. Try to often leave comments under his photos and posts (on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte or other social networks). Reply to his Twitter posts and repost ones you like.
    • Flirt unobtrusively in the comments. For example: "Nice photo! Blue suits you very much".
  4. 4 Respond to signs of attention. If a guy is flirting with you, respond to his flirting. The most popular way to flirt is to look someone in the eye, smile, "play" with your eyebrows, and accidentally touch someone you like. If you notice such signs of attention in your direction, respond to them.
    • For example, if a guy you like touches your hand, wait a few seconds. You can then gently ruffle his hair or put your hand on his knee.
  5. 5 Be yourself. Remember, if a guy already likes you, you shouldn't change! When you are around him, be yourself and don't be afraid to lose control. Feel free to act a little silly and funny around him; most likely, this will make you even more attractive to him.
    • For example, if you like some musicians that seem a little weird to others, don't be afraid to tell your guy about it.If you like a certain genre of movies, invite your boyfriend to watch those movies together.

Method 2 of 3: If You Don't Feel Reciprocity

  1. 1 Try to spend time only with companies. To hint to a guy that you just want to be friends, communicate with this guy only within the company of your friends. Don't spend time alone with him. When inviting him somewhere, say in advance that your whole company is invited, and not just the two of you.
    • For example, invite him to a movie night with your other friends.
    • If a guy invites you somewhere, try redirecting his invitation. For example, he invites you to go to a party with him. Then you should answer something like: "Oh, listen, we are going there with friends. You can join us!"
  2. 2 Avoid touching. Friends often contact each other through touch. For example, we can hug a friend when we meet or say goodbye, and pat each other on the shoulder in a friendly way during a conversation. If you think this guy likes you, try to avoid that kind of touching. This kind of touch can easily confuse a guy.
  3. 3 Take it easy with compliments. It's okay to compliment your friends. But you don't want to overdo it with comments when talking to a guy you like. Otherwise, he will think that he is also interesting to you, although this is not so.
    • For example, let's say this guy is wearing a T-shirt that you like. In this case, phrases like "you look very cool today" can be perceived as flirting.
    • So try to comment on this less flirtatiously. For example, you might say something like, "Cool T-shirt!" To play it safe, you can not say anything about this at all.
  4. 4 Do not respond to his attempts at flirting and courtesies. If a guy starts flirting with you, try your best to ignore it. If you start responding to his flirting, he may take it wrong. For example, if a guy smiles at you from across the room, respond to his smile and look with a quick nod rather than smile back.
    • If a guy is aggressively flirting with you, making you feel uncomfortable, say something like, "Look, I really don't like you touching me all the time."

Method 3 of 3: Talk

  1. 1 Find the right time and place to talk. When talking about sensitive topics (for example, when discussing your feelings for a person), it is very important that you have the space and time to talk. Pick a moment when you are both free and not limited in time. Choose a secluded spot, such as a quiet bench in a park.
  2. 2 Confess your feelings directly. If you want a guy to understand that he is not romantically interesting to you, be straightforward. There is no point in beating around the bush and hinting. Go straight to the topic by saying, "Look, I have feelings for you. Sometimes I think you have feelings for me too ... Am I right?"
  3. 3 If you are not interested in a relationship, be honest but kind. If you don't like a guy, don't fool him. Say that you value your friendship very much, but romantically you are not interested in him. There is no need to be rude and brutal, but you need to clearly and clearly convey to him that you do not want a relationship.
    • Say something that clearly shows that you don't feel reciprocated. For example: "I don't like you romantically."
    • If you want to mention a reason, that's okay, but do it kindly. For example, if a guy doesn't appeal to you, you shouldn't say, "You're unattractive." Better say, "I only see you as a friend."
  4. 4 If the guy really has no feelings for you, be able to respond with dignity. It will be very embarrassing if you misunderstand the situation.Regardless of whether your feelings for a guy are mutual or not, it will be very embarrassing and unpleasant if it turns out that you were wrong and the person does not really like you. Therefore, think in advance what you will answer him in this case.
    • Try to accept his answer with dignity. In any case, you can always answer something like: "Oh, I think I got it all wrong ... Thank you for your honesty!"
    • It's okay if you feel sad and resentful if suddenly the guy you thought had feelings for you rejects you. Take the time to chat with friends and please yourself - go to the movies or order food delivery.


  • You shouldn't reciprocate with a guy just because he likes you. It will be unfair to him. Before starting a romantic relationship, make sure you have mutual feelings for your boyfriend.