How to behave when meeting with a former partner and not lose friends

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Heroes act to save others as gunman enters school board meeting (Pt 2) - Crime Watch Daily
Video: Heroes act to save others as gunman enters school board meeting (Pt 2) - Crime Watch Daily


It's always unpleasant to part. This is why there are so many sad love songs. If you recently broke up with your partner, our tips will help you maintain a friendly relationship with everyone you know. Your behavior is more important than the fact of the breakup. Learn how to behave in social situations after a breakup in order to remain a welcome guest in any company.


Part 1 of 3: Talking About the Breakup

  1. 1 Think ahead of your lines. It is recommended that you prepare a few short answers before starting any conversation in which you may be asked about your ex.If you've been in a relationship for a long time, then some unsuspecting acquaintances will most likely ask where your partner went. If you just broke up, then you may be asked about your condition. Remember that your relationship with friends is not affected by the breakup itself, but by your ability to handle the situation normally.
    • Try to be short, polite, and to the point.
    • Be prepared to translate the answer to another topic.
    • Maintain a positive attitude.
    • For example, you might say, “No, we're not together anymore. This is even for the best. I got a new job and everything is going well. " You can also politely answer: “Andrey is a good guy, but we met at the wrong moment. I wish him all the best. "
  2. 2 Share your feelings in moderation and with the right people. It is often helpful to talk about the situation in order to feel relief. However, sharing your problems with the wrong people can lead to people avoiding you. You should not discuss the breakup or ex-partner with coworkers, mutual friends, or people in that person's social circle. You can always find a more suitable interlocutor.
    • Share with a close friend you knew long before the romance began, but don't let such conversations take up all of your time.
    • Discuss the situation with relatives (parents, brothers, sisters).
    • Talk to a professional if you find it difficult to get used to a new life situation.
  3. 3 Communicate politely and positively with your ex-partner's friends. Surely you are united not only by your ex-partner. If not, explain that you enjoy socializing and that you would like to remain friends. That being said, you shouldn't be surprised if some mutual friends try to limit their communication with you.
    • You don't need to say bad things about your ex, especially in the presence of his friends whom he introduced you to.
    • Try to talk positively about the person, but make it sound just polite, and not like a desire to be together again.
    • Don't take it personally if some mutual friends are less likely to interact with you after the breakup. Of course, it is difficult for you now, but it is also difficult for them to get through this awkward moment. They may not want to complicate matters and will continue to communicate with your ex, not you.
  4. 4 Always behave with dignity. This is one of the most difficult situations. Resist the urge to say unpleasant things about your ex. Stop if this has already happened.
    • Remember: when there is a desire to speak out, contact your closest people not from the general circle of acquaintances. Mutual acquaintances will sooner or later pass on your words to your former partner.

Part 2 of 3: How to deal with your ex

  1. 1 Keep your distance if you can't behave in a civilized manner. If you have been dating for a long time, you probably have common hobbies, companies and interests. Unless one of you has moved to another city, chance encounters are inevitable, especially if you have a common social circle. After a recent breakup, it's best to keep your distance from your ex to prevent social catastrophe.
    • A recent breakup doesn't go unnoticed. Some questions like the real reason for the breakup may go unanswered. Perhaps you have reconsidered your mind and secretly dream of being together again. Sometimes people want to spend the last night together before the "final goodbye". Perhaps you want to give your ex-partner every insult you know. All this is inappropriate in the presence of strangers.
    • If the emotions have not subsided after the breakup, it is better to refuse the invitation to a meeting that your ex may attend. As a last resort, stay away from the person and do not try to speak.
  2. 2 Be polite when you meet. It should be understood that when you meet by chance, all mutual acquaintances or close friends will hold their breath to monitor the development of the situation.Meeting friends is not the right place to clear up past relationships, especially after a few drinks. Always try to behave appropriately to maintain the respect of your social circle.
    • If you happen to meet a former partner, smile and politely say, “Hi, Artem. Nice to meet you. And I was on my way to the appetizer table. Good evening".
    • If your ex is trying to start a more personal conversation, then tell them that now is not the right time. Be firm if the person insists. Say, “I was glad to see you, but I didn’t come for that. If you want to discuss something, you can call me or we can make an appointment. Best wishes". Then find a party organizer and thank you for a pleasant evening. Don't delay to avoid new meetings.
  3. 3 Be aware that your ex may come with a couple. You broke up, so there is always a chance of meeting your former partner in the company of a new companion. If you are not ready for this, then it is better not to attend events at which he may attend. At least until you come to terms with the end of the relationship and your emotions subside.
    • You should never intentionally be rude to your ex-partner's new companion. This is immature behavior. The person has nothing to do with your past problems and does not deserve to be rude on your part.
  4. 4 Have fun and remember why you came to the party. Your bad mood and closeness is disrespect for the organizer of the event and the people with whom you came. This behavior simply makes your presence at the party meaningless.
    • After breaking up, friends became your support and listened to all your complaints. Do them a favor and have a good time without trying to ruin the evening.

Part 3 of 3: How to behave with friends

  1. 1 Be prepared for the fact that some of your mutual friends may move away from you or stop communicating. No matter how hard you try, breaking up with your partner will certainly affect the relationship with some friends. According to one study on the Internet, after a breakup, a person loses about eight friends. Mutual friends often find themselves caught between two fires when a couple from a common company break up. In addition, even if you broke up amicably, your ex-partner's friends may decide to stop communicating with you. There are a number of reasons for this decision.
    • You talk too much about breaking up. Keep in mind that friends can get tired of your endless complaints and suffering. Try to spend time together in fun activities, and not just give vent to your emotions.
    • You asked for advice, but made the opposite decision. If you turn to friends for advice and never follow it, they may be offended. Consider if you really need advice. Perhaps you just want a distraction or an excuse for your decision.
  2. 2 Don't expect friends to choose sides. Respect the wishes of your mutual friends if they want to remain neutral. Don't let your doomed relationship affect your friends. Never force your friends to choose who they will communicate with. Just be happy that they haven't stopped being your friends.
  3. 3 Always be there. Appreciate friendship and friends. A recent breakup with your partner is not at all a reason to become a bad friend. If an important event is nearing in a friend's life, such as a graduation or a birthday, then be sure to attend the event, even if your former partner will be present there.
    • Your relationships with partners should not become a hindrance to communication or joint plans with friends. Remember, you are invited to share an important moment with the person. The possible presence of a former partner should not play a decisive role.
  4. 4 Do not meet "for show". You don't need to look for a person for the role of a new partner just for the sake of observing external formalities.Almost everyone will understand that your new companion is only meant to give the impression that you were not alone for long and easily got through the breakup. Doing so can take away your respect in the eyes of your close friends.
    • Better to come to events with a good friend (or a few friends). The person should be aware of your situation - this will help prevent you from meeting your ex if you are not ready yet. He will also be able to change the topic of the conversation if you again start talking only about your past relationships.