How to have fun alone

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Do you have days when you need to kill time? There are thousands of ways to have fun, from vigorous activity to relaxation. In this article, you will find tips on how to take advantage of the fact that you are on your own.


Method 1 of 6: Learn to Appreciate Loneliness

  1. 1 Enjoy your freedom. Learn to be positive about loneliness and appreciate the benefits that come with it.
    • Alone, you can think or act as you see fit; you do not need to care about the opinions of others and do not need to think twice about your actions.
    • Appreciate the independence that comes with loneliness. When making decisions, you do not need to take into account anyone's interests, preferences, or desires. If you want to watch a horror movie, no one will whine and ask you to change the channel. If you want to go for a run, no one will blame you for your long absence.
    • Enjoy the fact that you don't have to look your best in front of other people. Want to spend all day in your pajamas? Please! Nobody will look askance at your appearance.
  2. 2 Enjoy the absence of awkward situations. When you are surrounded by people, you always run the risk of getting into an awkward position (even if this happens rarely).
    • You don’t have to shy away from uncomfortable questions and don’t have to listen to someone’s uninteresting stories about their pets.
  3. 3 Love yourself and your quirks. Loneliness gives you the opportunity to take a break from the hectic daily life and relationships with other people.
    • To fully enjoy your loneliness, take all your quirks for granted - talk to yourself, dance while brushing your teeth, and so on. Loneliness will allow you to appreciate what an amazing and unique person you are.
    • Appreciate yourself for your unique qualities and ignore other people's opinions.
  4. 4 Learn to notice and appreciate the little things in life. Being away from the frantic pace of modern life, you can pay attention to small details that you did not notice before or forgot about them.
    • Take a look around. Pay attention to as many small details as possible that you can enjoy, and then seize the moment and really enjoy.
    • Be observant. Pay attention to small changes in your mood, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Try to identify what caused this change and how it affected you physically and emotionally. So you will immerse yourself in your inner world and learn to understand yourself much better.

Method 2 of 6: Build something

  1. 1 Start a blog. It can be about your favorite movies, games, bands, books, computers, celebrities, whatever! Search for a free blogging platform, choose a design that matches your theme, and come up with a catchy title.
    • If your blog contains information that was fun to collect and write, then it is likely to be fun to read. Place a link on your Facebook blog so your friends can leave their comments.
    • Blogging can provide an endless amount of entertainment. Add messages to it every time you have free time.
  2. 2 Experiment in the kitchen. You don't have to strain, as you cook only for yourself.
    • Prepare something you've always wanted to try or something as simple as an omelet.
    • Try making your own unique dish without using a recipe. Start with a side dish like pasta or rice and add your favorite ingredients or foods you want to try, like buffalo meat or chia seeds.
    • Try making one chocolate chip cookie.
  3. 3 Draw a picture. Go to a specialty store and buy what you need, or just use the paper and pencil you have around the house.
    • If you are not artistic, buy a special coloring book.It's fun and you will have a new room decoration.
    • Why not draw a comic or web comic? Use yourself, celebrities and your friends as characters. Sketch every detail, or just sketch it loosely. Sketch funny and funny situations, and when you meet with friends, show them the comics.
  4. 4 Make an album. If you have piled up photos, ticket stubs, restaurant menus, and other knickknacks, take the time and make a memorable scrapbook.
    • Buy an empty album.
    • Organize the items you want to include in the album by date and category.
    • Show your creativity by pasting objects into the album.
    • You can add some sentimental or witty captions to the album.
  5. 5 Write a book. You may never have that perfect time alone again, so make the most of it. Silence will help you concentrate. If writing a book seems like too much of a task for you, try something easier:
    • Make a diary entry or start keeping a diary.
    • Write a letter to someone you haven't seen in a very long time.
    • Make a list of tasks for the next month or even a year.

Method 3 of 6: Treat Yourself

  1. 1 Invite yourself to dinner. There is no reason to be ashamed of eating alone. It's actually quite nice to go where you want, order what you want, drink whatever you want.
    • If you don't feel like eating alone at all, sit at the bar. The people in the bar tend to be more friendly and open-minded.
    • Go to your favorite restaurant and order the dish you've always wanted to try. Take a book with you or enjoy your meal while watching people.
  2. 2 Take a bath or shower. If you usually have a lot of people in your home and you have to queue to take a bath, take a moment and spend as much time there as you like.
    • Take a shower, but take your time. Use your favorite body care products.
    • Pour lather or some of your favorite essential oil into the bath. Light candles, turn on music and relax.
  3. 3 Work your nails. Sign up for a salon or go there spontaneously.
    • If you do not want to spend money on a manicure, then do it yourself. Don't just paint your nails, but do the full procedure: file your nails, make a bath and paint them correctly with base, varnish and top coat. If you have time left, do the pedicure as well.
  4. 4 Get some sleep. This is especially helpful if you don't get enough sleep.
    • Indulge in an afternoon nap or go to sleep when you feel like it.
    • If you are home alone in the morning, get some sleep.

Method 4 of 6: Focus on self-improvement

  1. 1 Perform duties. The best thing about privacy is that you will not be interrupted by anyone. Do your homework, prepare for the exam, clean the room. Make good use of your free time.
    • Rearrange the room. Clean the room and rearrange the furniture to give the room a new look. Add / hang new decorations to freshen up the room.
    • Create a filing cabinet for your documents or make a calendar showing all of your plans for the next few months.
  2. 2 Learn something new. Practice doing a skill every time you are alone and you can improve your skills dramatically.
    • Do you have a guitar in your house that is idle, or a piano that almost no one ever plays? Learn to play these instruments!
    • Try your hand at solving logic games and puzzles. You can find them on specialized sites and as smartphone apps.
    • Or learn to solve the Rubik's cube and you will be considered a genius.
  3. 3 Take a course on learning what interests you.
    • Many courses, including free ones, are available online.
    • Free courses often don't require any homework or exams, so if that bothers you, opt for such courses.
  4. 4 Call someone you haven't spoken to for a long time. Call friends and family who live far away.
    • If you don't want to talk on the phone, write them a message or email. This is a great opportunity to show people that you remember them.
  5. 5 Meditate or just think. When was the last time you lay on your bed and plunged into your inner world?
    • Consider the decisions you are about to make in the near future. What are the pros and cons? Make a list of them if it helps you get your thoughts in order.
    • Use your imagination. Travel mentally to different places or even worlds. Dream. A great story or blog idea might come to your mind.
    • Meditate. Sit down, close your eyes and concentrate on the sounds and smells around you. Clear your mind and focus on your breathing.

Method 5 of 6: Be Proactive

  1. 1 Go outside and enjoy nature. Walking alone will allow you to observe nature without being distracted by anyone. You will be surprised how relaxing and uplifting watching nature is.
    • Go to the nearest park, nature reserve or lake, river, especially if you've never been there before.
    • Take a bike ride. It is very interesting to observe the environment from the seat of the bike. Find a quiet, scenic spot or explore the cycling routes in your area and go for a walk.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Loneliness gives you the chance to improve your fitness and mental wellbeing.
    • Run through the streets or exercise in the stadium.
    • Search the internet for video yoga courses or work with an instructor.
    • Turn on the music and dance in front of the mirror. It's even better if you come up with a dance and then teach it to your friends and family.
    • Take up a new sport for yourself. See what you need to do this and look for a local team or club you can join.
    • Go to the gym where you can not only improve your fitness, but also meet new people.
  3. 3 Choose an adventure. Now you are not tied to anyone, so choose a place on the map where you have never been, and go there!
    • Go to the beach and sunbathe or swim.
    • Take a trip to a city or park you've never been to. Take photos to show your friends.
    • Go fishing and catch fish that you can show your friends or make a delicious dish out of it.

Method 6 of 6: Entertain Yourself

  1. 1 Pay attention to your favorite media. Watch your favorite movies, re-read your favorite books and magazines, or just relax to your favorite TV show.
    • Have a night of watching movies or listening to music. Make it a themed night, like watching only horror movies, or 80s melodramas, or Broadway musicals.
    • After watching or listening to your favorite movies and music, move on to other movies and music. Open music blogs and podcasts, and see what Spotify or Pandora recommends.
  2. 2 Play games. Even if you are not an avid gamer, give it a try. If you're already a gamer, expand your horizons.
    • Try a new video game or find a new video game store. Check out older or lesser known games.
    • Play an online game with other users - even if your friends are not playing with you, you can play with users from other parts of the world.
    • Try new genres of games, for example, if you are a shooter lover, play strategy.
    • Play board games.But what if you need multiple players? You can play as all players yourself! Compete with yourself and rejoice in the fact that you will win anyway.
  3. 3 Indulge in memories. Browse through your old photo albums or scrapbooks and think back to the old days.
    • You may want to find old friends or relatives with whom you have lost touch. In this case, search for information about them (online or otherwise).
    • Use memories for inspiration - describe them in a story, blog, comics.
  4. 4 Browse the internet for a lot of interesting stuff.
    • Conduct an informational research. Open any web page and follow the links on each next page. Read the information on the pages that open and follow along to determine how far you can go. Thus, you will receive a lot of new information.
    • Open educational sites or sites that teach users to do different things. If you're interested in hair styling and makeup, find the site with the craziest hair styling and makeup tips and experiment on yourself. If you love tinkering, find tutorials on making or building different items (birdhouses, crème brulee, pillows). This will help you discover some of your hidden talents.


  • Take the opportunity and do something that you wouldn't do in front of other people.
  • Do what you've never done before.
  • Make a to-do list and cross out the completed ones.


  • Don't go online and tell people that you are home alone. Never tell anyone that you are alone, except for family and close friends.
  • Be careful when going outside alone.