How to enhance female libido

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Boost Libido In Women 🤔
Video: How To Boost Libido In Women 🤔


Young girls and adult women report more marked decreases in sex drive or libido than in previous decades. There is no panacea for getting rid of female libido problems, as they appear for completely different reasons. Women need to value emotional and physical changes in order to increase their attraction. Find out how to enhance a woman's libido.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Identify Emotional Causes

  1. 1 Determine if you are suffering from severe or moderate depression. Depression and anxiety are often accompanied by decreased sex drive.
    • If you don't know how serious your depression symptoms are, take a test like one found in Prevention magazine. Go to first.
    • See a doctor or psychologist for help with depression. If you have experienced depression multiple times, there are professionals who can identify and stop depression cycles.
    • In some cases, you may be prescribed antidepressants to relieve symptoms of depression. Be honest with your doctor about reducing your sexual decline, as some medications reduce urge. Changing your medication often has a positive effect on your libido.
  2. 2 Identify problems with self-esteem or self-confidence. Weight gain, lack of exercise, and relationship problems can lead to low self-esteem.
    • Being overweight or gaining weight for a long time can lower your overall energy levels, including your sexual energy. Start exercising 3 to 5 times a week, consult a personal trainer at the gym to design a workout that's right for you.
    • Find a family therapist if you have relationship problems. A woman's sex drive depends on trust and other positive emotions. Work actively on the emotional aspects with your partner and you can solve problems with your libido together.
    • Make other positive changes in diet, exercise, contact with friends or family, and an active social life to boost self-esteem. Talk to a therapist if you cannot deal with this problem on your own.
  3. 3 Define stress. Stress lowers your comfort level and distracts you from your sex life.
    • Sign up for a massage, exercise more, or balance your work-life routine if stress affects your self-confidence and sexual appetite.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Determine the Physiological Causes

  1. 1 Get a blood test. Thyroid and anemia lower libido. A doctor can help you deal with these problems.
  2. 2 Stop smoking. Tobacco affects blood circulation, which can reduce sensitivity and impair the functioning of the genitals.
  3. 3 Determine the effect of your birth control pills. Up to 40 percent of women taking hormonal contraceptives experience decreased libido. The tablets block testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.
    • If you haven't changed your pills recently and are experiencing a decrease in libido, it is most likely something else.
    • See your doctor if this is a possible cause. He may prescribe other pills for you, thereby solving your problem.
  4. 4 Determine if you are in the early stages of menopause. Loss of sex drive and lack of lubrication are common in postmenopausal women.
    • Your doctor may be able to prescribe a medication for you to relieve symptoms or increase the release of vaginal lubrication.
    • Ask your doctor about taking dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone. Although DHEA can be bought without a prescription, all hormone substitutes must be approved by your health care provider in case they increase your risk of cancer or other problems.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Try Natural Libido Boosters

  1. 1 Eat healthy. Eating 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day will reduce your risk of anemia by increasing your energy levels and improving your blood pressure.
  2. 2 Take supplements with ginseng and / or ginkgo biloba. These supplements can be purchased without a prescription and can improve mood and sex drive.
    • Taking supplements can affect your libido due to the placebo effect. A certain percentage of people will always see an improvement in their condition due to the belief that their condition will improve. For this reason, it may be best to use such supplements while you determine the cause of the problem.
    • Do not take ginkgo biloba if you are taking blood thinning medications. Check with your doctor before taking supplements if you have health problems or are taking other medications. Supplements may not work with prescription medications.
  3. 3 Accept ArginMax. This supplement doubles sex drive compared to placebo. Read the instructions before taking.
  4. 4 Use vaginal creams. Your doctor may prescribe creams for you, but you can also turn to natural remedies.
    • Vitamin E enhances the release of vaginal lubricant when applied daily to the vaginal area.
    • Use Zestra topical oil. This vaginal oil contains vitamins C and E, primrose oil and angelica root oil. Studies have shown that your libido will increase more strongly than from a placebo.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: Sexual Stimulants

  1. 1 Do pelvic floor exercises. They are also called Kegel exercises, which will help you control and strengthen the muscles surrounding the vagina, thereby increasing your sexual desire.
    • Learn to identify the muscles that help you stop the flow of urine and lift your lower abs. Contract your muscles without straining your glutes. Hold for 3-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times throughout the day.
  2. 2 Watch the video with your partner. Research has shown that both men and women are interested in pornography, although women take longer to get aroused.
    • Head to for a list of videos or sites that women love.
  3. 3 Try using stimulation in the bedroom. Vibrators are a great addition for women who are experiencing decreased sex drive. Start with a small vibrator and consider purchasing several in the future.

What do you need

  • Doctor
  • Blood analysis

* Therapy sessions

  • Antidepressants
  • Change of birth control pills
  • Hormone therapy
  • Healthy diet
  • Ginseng
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • ArginMax
  • Vitamin E
  • Zestra
  • Pelvic Diaphragm Toys
  • Pornography
  • Vibrator