How to reduce pain in Osgood-Schlatter disease

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 3 Treatments for Osgood Schlatter Disease or Syndrome.
Video: Top 3 Treatments for Osgood Schlatter Disease or Syndrome.


Osgood-Schlatter musculoskeletal disease usually affects the knee joints in children aged 10-15 and can be very painful. Unfortunately, there are not many ways to overcome pain, but there are several things you can do. In Osgood-Schlatter disease, the muscles or ligaments break away from the leg bone.Only 13% of people worldwide have both legs affected. Here are some tips to help you get over the pain.


  1. 1 Stretch 4 times a day until you stop growing, then twice a day.
  2. 2 Try applying ice to reduce swelling.
  3. 3 Rub the sore spot with Biofreeze. This will help relax the muscles.
  4. 4 Special cooling and heating patches (Icy-hot patch) are of great help for the same reason as Biofreeze.
  5. 5 Massage the irritated area gently.
  6. 6 Apply heat by placing a hot water bottle on either the top or bottom.
  7. 7 Find someone with whom you can discuss your illness. You may be given tips on how to relieve pain.
  8. 8 Talk to your doctor about this condition. Most likely, he will recommend you a bandage that is worn in the middle of the knee - it puts pressure on the muscles; don't worry, it's good to put pressure on these muscles. This is very helpful in relieving muscle pain.


  • Many people suffer from this disease - you are not alone.
  • Ask your doctor about prolotherapy - this will help to quickly cope with your problem.
  • Try not to hit your knee to prevent further injury.
  • Don't let this disease limit your life. You just have to be more careful.
  • Don't be afraid to bend your knees! Some people suffer from back problems.
  • It is believed that Osgood-Schlatter disease only affects adolescents, but this is not the case. Although this does not happen often, it still happens that the growth plate does not fully connect. This causes severe pain and requires surgery if it does not heal by the time the person reaches puberty. It can also lead to arthritis and bone spurs in the knee joint in adults.
  • The hot water bottle helps very well.
  • If you are doing something that is painful, then you must rest.


  • Always wear a knee brace when exercising.
  • If pain occurs, STOP and rest. By being reckless, you will simply hurt yourself and make your friends angry with you for disobeying them.
  • Try not to do sports that make you painful. For example, running.
  • If you practice martial arts and spar, then wear knee pads.

What do you need

  • Ice
  • Biofreeze. You can buy it at any pharmacy or store that has a pharmacy department.
  • Support Group. Family (your mom will be very supportive), friends, coaches and teachers.