How to leave a group of friends

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to politely leave a group of friends and what to do when you see them again!
Video: How to politely leave a group of friends and what to do when you see them again!


Not all friendships stand the test of time. If a group of friends behaves arrogantly, annoys you, or treats you badly, then you have the right to end the relationship. You can gradually move away from them or immediately cut off all ties. Try to be honest with them about your decision. If you think that ending the relationship altogether is not the best solution, then try to voice your concerns and forge a friendship, or start spending less time in such a company.


Method 1 of 4: Best Way to Leave

  1. 1 Tell us about your decision. The easiest way to leave a company is to talk about your decision. You can notify all your friends at once or talk to them one at a time. This method is fraught with awkwardness, as friends may have a lot of questions.
    • If you are very close with all your friends in the company, then it is better to tell everyone at once.
    • If you are closest to several people, then first talk to them, and then with all the other friends.
    • Prepare for a conversation if you are going to notify the whole company. Write down important thoughts so you don't miss or forget anything.
  2. 2 Move away gradually. Sometimes it is better not to talk about everything directly, but gradually and slowly move away from the company. Unless your friends are involved in dangerous or illegal activities, there is usually no need to abruptly end the relationship. If you move away gradually and eventually completely stop communicating, then your friends will not be as painful as in the case of an abrupt departure.
    • Stop sharing personal details and events that happen to you.
    • Spend free time with other friends or find a hobby for yourself.
    • Sometimes skip calls from friends and answer your messages late.
    • Over time, friends will become ordinary acquaintances, so it will be easier to stop communicating (if you want).
    • It should be understood that friends may have questions. They may ask what is the reason for the distance, what happened and if everything is okay with you. Try to answer questions honestly.
  3. 3 Stop all communication. This method may seem dry and heartless, but if your friends mistreat you, then there is no other way out. Don't use this method if you just want to avoid awkward questions and open conversation. It is better to discuss the situation directly and openly than to burn all the bridges. In addition, after the abrupt end of a relationship, you will have to "ignore" people or avoid meeting them in the future.
    • No need to explain anything, answer calls, messages or letters.
    • Block your friends' social media pages.
  4. 4 Organize a party. If you move to another city for work or study, you have to part with close friends. In this case, you should have a farewell party. Come up with an activity that will appeal to the whole company - go to the water park or go to your favorite restaurant. Throw a party to say goodbye to close friends and reminisce about the good old days.
    • Keep in touch with close friends on social networks, call, write letters and messages.
    • Come visit at every opportunity.
    • Write a letter to each friend and tell them how dear they are to you. Give thanks for all the years of friendship and remember specific experiences that demonstrate your closeness.

Method 2 of 4: How to behave

  1. 1 Be sincere. If friends insist that you explain your departure, be honest, no matter the reason. For example, you shouldn't think about moving out if you just want to stop communicating. Be honest and open about why you decided to leave the company.
    • If you find it easier to express your thoughts in writing, then it's okay to send a message or letter explaining the reasons to your closest or all your friends.
  2. 2 Respect your friends' feelings. Sometimes the truth hurts. Find a way to tell the truth while showing respect. For example, if you decide to leave because your interests no longer coincide or your friends have become very boring, then try to tactfully explain: “Lately it’s more difficult for me to communicate with you.” No need to humiliate or reproach your friends.
    • Focus on your feelings and point of view, speak in the first person. Don't blame or say, "You are so boring."
    • Lies bring new lies with them. Better to honestly admit the reasons for leaving.
    • Sometimes it is best to use a long answer that allows you to speak with respect and honesty. For example, “I don't have much free time” or “I have to travel a lot” can be a good answer to the question of why you are spending less time with your friends.
  3. 3 Stand your ground. Friends (especially old ones) often try to bring a person back to the company. Don't give up on your decision, don't give in to pressure or intimidation.
    • For example, if a friend convinces you to keep communicating, then say “Alas, I don’t have free time at all” or “You are great company, but it’s important for me to be alone right now.”
    • If friends continue to invite you to meetings, then politely decline all offers.

Method 3 of 4: How to avoid ending a relationship

  1. 1 Discuss problems with a group of friends. Tell us what you think is unacceptable. For example, if your friends consistently avoid you, talk to one of them face to face. Perhaps this situation has developed unintentionally, and after this conversation, they will change their behavior.
  2. 2 Take a break. Sometimes you can stop talking temporarily to see how leaving the company will make your life better. Try to figure out how you live without them. Make new friends, come up with a new hobby, and spend time with loved ones.
    • If your life changes for the better, then you can completely stop communicating with the company.
    • If you miss your friends, try to understand that they are not bad people during a break in communication, and then resume the relationship. Tell them that you are bored and really want to meet.
  3. 3 Convince your friends to change. You can leave a company that allows itself inappropriate behavior, or you can try to convince friends that they are doing wrong and explain what their mistake is. Before you distance yourself from your friends, help them understand that such behavior will not lead to anything good.
    • If friends are taking drugs or abusing alcohol, invite them to seek professional help.
    • If friends suggest that you engage in theft or vandalism with them, then it is better to dissuade them from such actions. Remind them of the potential consequences if they are caught, and offer alternative entertainment within the legal framework.

Method 4 of 4: How to Know When It's Time to Leave

  1. 1 Friends rule you. If friends constantly say that you should communicate only with them, then such a relationship is better to end. They may be slandering your other friends or your significant other to make you not spend time with other people.Get away from them as soon as possible.
  2. 2 Friends are bad for you. People often repeat after others. A very big influence on a person, in a good or bad sense, is exerted by his friends. If they do bad things, then it is better to leave such a company in order to avoid trouble. Examples of bad behavior:
    • Shoplifting
    • Drug or alcohol addiction
    • Destruction of public or private property
    • Other violations of the law and moral standards
  3. 3 Friends ignore you. If he often does not invite you to meetings, then it is better to think about ending the relationship. This behavior may be an indirect manifestation of a bad attitude towards you. If people don't appreciate your company, then they are not your friends at all.
  4. 4 Friends only turn to you in trouble. Do they only talk to you when they need something? This is bad company. If you pay for entertainment and food, host parties at home, and friends do not provide reciprocal services, then you are simply being used.
  5. 5 Friends are vying with you. If friends are always trying to bypass you in everything, then it is better to end the relationship with them. Do not associate with those who belittle your achievements. Such friends are not needed.
    • For example, if you wrote an independent work with an A, and friends say that this is a bad mark, since they received an A, then it is better to stop communicating.
    • If you are complaining about a bad day, and friends object that it is even harder for them, then it is better to leave such a company.
  6. 6 Communication drains you. People spend time with friends in order to feel a surge of energy, rejuvenate and improve their mood.
    • If you are constantly looking for excuses to refuse a meeting, then it is possible that the company of friends is bad for your emotional state.
    • Get rid of friends who oppress you with constant complaints, problems, and criticism.


  • Try to leave the company with your best friend. This way you will not be left alone after you end your relationship with them.
  • Don't force others to leave the company with you, but invite them to think about it.