How to care for your hair with aloe

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
3 WAYS TO USE ALOE VERA FOR MASSIVE HAIR GROWTH | Aloe vera oil, Pre-poo & Detangler | UPDATE |
Video: 3 WAYS TO USE ALOE VERA FOR MASSIVE HAIR GROWTH | Aloe vera oil, Pre-poo & Detangler | UPDATE |


Many pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, including hair care products, contain Aloe Vera. However, if you have aloe (also known as agave) at home, it's much easier and cheaper to make your own hair care product! Aloe works wonders for moisturizing hair, giving it shine and preventing hair loss and dandruff. If you can get your hands on aloe, then follow our instructions for a free, high-performance hair conditioner!


  1. 1 Cut off two to three large, thick leaves of aloe. The thicker your hair, the more leaves you will need. Three should be enough for very thick hair.
  2. 2 Use a sharp knife to remove the thick green skin from each leaf. This will show the transparent jelly-like inner part of the sheet. Cut the skin as close to the surface as possible to retain as much jelly as possible. Squeeze the jelly into a bowl.
  3. 3 Pass the jelly in a blender. There is no need to add water. Make sure the jelly is smooth before pouring it out of the blender bowl.
  4. 4 Strain the jelly through a sieve and let it drain into a container. This is important because this will separate the jelly from the white deposits that would otherwise get stuck in your hair.
  5. 5 Apply aloe to your hair. After washing your hair, massage the aloe vera gel over the entire length of your hair, from roots to ends. If you are using another highly effective conditioner or hair treatment, you can add it.
  6. 6 Keep warm. Put on a shower cap and sit under the hair dryer for about five minutes, or just leave the aloe in your hair for about five minutes. If you are using a complementary hair product, follow the instructions for use.
  7. 7 Rinse off the aloe. After finishing the procedure, remove the shower cap and rinse your hair. Finish with your usual hair care routine.


  • Aloe Vera contains vitamin E, which is very beneficial for the skin.
  • The aloe plant has short, sharp thorns at the edges of the leaves. Be careful when cutting through the leaves.
  • Aloe Vera is often used by women in the Caribbean, where it is widely distributed, as a natural hair care product. It can be used on both natural and colored hair, as well as after a perm.
  • Aloe Vera is sold as a house plant.
  • Aloe vera gel also helps with burns and acne.
  • Since the jelly is quite thick, it will take quite a long time for you to strain it. It is best to prepare it in advance and leave it in a sieve until you need it.
  • It is recommended that you put the cut aloe leaves in a bowl as they will immediately begin to juice.
  • Freshly cut aloe leaves give off a rather unpleasant smell, but once you peel off the green skin, the smell disappears. After applying aloe, do not apply oil to your hair, it may damage your hair.


  • Make sure the jelly is well filtered before applying it to your hair. Otherwise, white deposits, which are crushed by a blender into tiny particles, will remain in the hair. The same will happen if you do not properly remove the green skin from the leaf.
  • If you are using another remedy with aloe, the instructions for its use are weighed more than the instructions in this article. If the product cannot be heated, it is best to use them separately.

What do you need

  • At least three bowls: one for freshly cut leaves, one for cut green skins, one for jelly
  • Sharp knife
  • Blender
  • Sieve
  • Shower cap (optional)
  • Hair dryer, not a hair dryer! (optional)