How to care for kittens from birth

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn How Baby Kittens Grow: 0-8 Weeks!
Video: Learn How Baby Kittens Grow: 0-8 Weeks!


You are probably looking forward to the moment when your cat gives birth to kittens. However, caring for newborn babies and a cat mom can be trickier than it sounds. If you're unsure of what to expect, find out what kind of care newborn kittens need and how to care for them as they grow up.


Method 1 of 2: Caring for Newborn Kittens

  1. 1 Be prepared for problems during labor. Watch your cat during labor, but do not disturb her. During childbirth, natural instinct comes into play, and your cat, most likely, will not need your help. It is better to observe the animal from the side and make sure everything is in order.However, you will need to intervene in the event of the following problems:
    • The kitten remained in the fetal bladder... Usually kittens are born in fetal bladders, which the mother cat tears with her tongue. If the cat does not do this or refuses the kitten altogether, you will need to take a soft towel and gently remove the bladder. If you are not sure if it is worth doing, give the cat time to take care of the kitten, otherwise she may refuse it.
    • The cat is pushing hard for more than 20 minutes... This is a sign of a problem with the passage of the fetus. Check to see if the kitten's head comes out. If it seems, grab a soft, clean towel by the head and gently pull the kitten forward and push back. If the kitten doesn't come out, call your veterinarian. If the kitten's head is not showing up, call your veterinarian.
    • The kitten did not start eating within an hour after birth... Most kittens start drinking their mother's milk within 1–2 hours of birth. If the kitten is not eating, attach it to the cat's nipples to help him smell the milk. If in half an hour the kitten does not start eating, open its mouth slightly and attach it to the nipple. If that doesn't work, you may need to pipette feed the kitten.
  2. 2 Help the cat settle into the box after giving birth. Since the cat will be caring for the kittens in the first few weeks of life, you will need to arrange a comfortable place for her. Most likely, the cat will choose its own place. Place a box of clean, dry blankets for the cat in an area warm enough to wear a vest. The place must be calm so that people do not walk past the box, otherwise the cat will not feel safe.
    • It is important that the room temperature is comfortable. If the room is hot, the cat will be nervous, and if it is cold, the kittens may be hypothermic. Newborn kittens are defenseless, they are warmed by the warmth of the mother-cat's body.
  3. 3 Feed your cat a hearty meal. After giving birth, the cat will eat twice as much as usual, so she needs to eat well. In addition to satisfying food, feed your cat vitamins and minerals. It is best to offer kitten food to your cat because it is higher in calories and contains additional vitamins and minerals. Do not give milk to your cat as it may cause diarrhea. Place food and feed near the nest so that the cat does not have to be away from kittens for a long time. There should also be a tray near the nest.
    • Kittens are born deaf and blind. But they do smell, so they can find the source of mom's milk.
  4. 4 Prepare kitten food. There are several ways to wean kittens from a cat, but the easiest way is to let things take their course. Kittens will begin to give up milk on their own at 4 weeks of age and later. Offer the kittens dry food. At first, they will be just interested to see what it is, but when they start spending a lot of energy, they will eat it. It's easier to start with wet food.
    • The cat itself will wean the kittens and will feed them less and less often. So the kittens will begin to switch to ready-made food.
  5. 5 Set up a kitten tray. When the kittens grow up, they will stop lying all the time and start moving, exploring the space and playing. You will need to supply them with a large, low-sided tray. Show the kittens where to go to the toilet. Try showing your cat that she can go to the kitten litter box so the kittens know where to go to the litter box.
    • Do not use lumpy filler. If the kitten swallows particles of this litter, they will clump together in the intestines and block the lumen.

Method 2 of 2: Taking care of kittens' health and socialization

  1. 1 Create a safe environment for your kittens. Protect them from deep containers of water, remove threads, wires, ribbons and small toys. This will prevent kittens from suffocating and drowning. Be careful where you put hot drinks, because kittens can knock them over and get burned during play.Don't give kittens food from the table - it is bad for their stomachs.
    • Watch out for how other animals in the house behave with kittens, especially dogs. Block tight spots where kittens can climb in and get stuck.
    • Enter the room where the kittens live carefully. Cats love to climb into different places and can behave unpredictably. You can accidentally trip or step on the kitten.
  2. 2 Decide when you will be looking for a new home for the kittens. If you decide to add kittens, start looking for new owners for them when they are 8 weeks old. Sometimes it is advised to give kittens at 12 weeks, but by this time the socialization process is over, and it will be more difficult for kittens to get used to a new home. It is best to house kittens between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks.
    • By this time, the kittens will have time to spend a lot of time with their mother and will be ready to move to a new home.
  3. 3 Check your cat and kittens for fleas. Examine the fur and skin of the animals. Comb the cat and kittens and remove the hair from the brush with a white paper towel. There may be red spots (dried blood) and flea discharge. If your cat or kittens have fleas, ask your veterinarian for advice on a flea remedy that is suitable for the kittens. Treat the skin of the mother cat, wait until the product is completely dry, and return it to the kittens.
    • If the veterinarian determines that the kittens have contracted worms from their mother, the kittens will need to be given a liquid medicine with a syringe (such as fenbendazole). It can be given to kittens at least 3 weeks old. Repeat every 2-3 weeks.
  4. 4 Get your kittens vaccinated. Vaccinations can be done no earlier than 9 weeks. Ask your veterinarian what vaccinations you need to get. Your doctor will recommend vaccinations against infections and rabies. In some countries, veterinarians advise vaccinating kittens against feline leukemia if cats go outside, as the disease is transmitted by contact with other cats.
    • Even if the kitten lives in the house, it still needs to be vaccinated. Your doctor can help you find vaccines.
  5. 5 Socialize your kittens. When the kittens are 3-4 weeks old and they will not be near their mother all the time, start inviting friends over to play with the kittens. Watch the process so that the kittens are not frightened (this can be harmful to their development). Kittens should be introduced to different people up to 12 weeks old so that they get used to different smells and sounds. After 12 weeks, it will become more difficult for kittens to tolerate new situations calmly.
    • If kittens are socialized at an early age, they will not be afraid of people and can quickly get used to new things, which will be useful in adulthood.


  • The kittens' eyes and ears will open on days 10-14. They will start getting up and walking at about three weeks. When they learn to walk, they may refuse to live in the nest.