How to receive a student's farewell speech

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
The Present - OFFICIAL
Video: The Present - OFFICIAL


"Strange Al" Yankovic. Kevin Spacey. Alicia Keys. Jodie Foster. What do all these stars have in common? They all delivered a farewell speech on behalf of the entire class.While giving a goodbye speech won't make you a supermodel or singer, it can give you the strength to excel academically and elsewhere. All you need is to be mentally resilient, resilient and maintain strict work discipline. How to do it? Just follow these tips.


Part 1 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 Start with elementary grades. Unfortunately, in many cases you will not be able to just show up at school and decide to read your farewell speech on the very first day of your stay. You will have to prove that you deserve it, starting from high school - to take difficult courses in mathematics and English. In some schools, classes are not divided according to academic performance, but in some, from the seventh or eighth grade, additional classes are held, giving the right to an honors degree. Attending these courses will open the door to advanced high school courses, so make sure you lay the groundwork for that.
    • You can easily improve your English, but if you are "caught" in math, then it will not be easy to get out of this situation. For example, if you regularly attend algebra classes since 8th grade, in 9th you will have to go to geometry until you are completely confident in yourself.
  2. 2 Learn about how to select the farewell student. Some schools calculate the GPA, while others give bonuses for attending extra classes. In most schools for attending extracurricular activities are given extra points, so keep that in mind; and even if your school does not offer any bonuses, you still need to strive for success; After all, if you want to read your farewell speech, then maybe you should go to the most prestigious school, which means that you will have to attend extracurricular classes anyway.
    • For example, if your school looks at the GPA when choosing a farewell speech student, then you might get a 4.0. "Excellent" in the regular class, 5.0, i.e. "Excellent" for attending additional classes and 6.0 - "excellent" in the advanced class.
    • The speaker will also usually read the farewell speech to his classmates. But before you decide, find out if the student will be chosen to give the speech. In some schools, the president of the student community reads the farewell speech, in some the students themselves choose the speaker by voting, and in others the speaker himself speaks. and president of the student community.
    • In some schools, not one, but all 29 students give a speech!
  3. 3 Choose your items wisely. If your school does not look at the GPA when choosing a student to read a speech, take difficult subjects whenever possible. If you think difficult subjects will be too difficult for you, then you need to think again about nominating yourself as a speaker. In order to be worthy to give a farewell speech, you must almost always study the most difficult subjects... Are you ready for the challenge?
    • If you get more points for studying in advanced classes than for attending additional classes, go to them.
    • Electives can greatly spoil your GPA, as they are among the required subjects. However, all students in your school are expected to take some electives, such as a gym or arts club. If you have a choice, try to choose the ones for which the most points are given. For example, do not take creative writing, if it is already a compulsory subject, it is better to attend an advanced linguistic class.
    • Of course, you can skip the interesting activities at the school. But they will NOT be able to help you become a goodbye disciple.
    • If you don't have to go to the gym at your school, if you play sports, then sign up for a sport to increase your GPA.You need to be a versatile person, and not just have good grades - this will set you apart from the rest of the candidates. However, we do not advise you to play sports just to increase your GPA, as this may affect your performance.
  4. 4 Remember that giving a farewell speech does NOT guarantee a place in an elite college. If you want to give a speech, it means that you are very ambitious and plan to test your strength in such elite educational institutions as Harvard, Yale, Duke University or Amherst College. But remember that in such universities, students who made a farewell speech are a dime a dozen. This will increase your chances of admission and impress the admissions office, but try not to sound like a robot thinking only about grades, convey to them that you have other interests and that you are a good member of the student community.
    • Even the dean of student admissions, William R. Fitzsimmons, recently said, “I think this is all a holdover from the olden days. It's a long-standing tradition, but the selection committee doesn't care for a long time. "
    • If you've given a goodbye speech in addition to playing sports, community service, or the arts, you're a great candidate. But if you were 10th in your class with those qualities, you are still no worse.
    • College admissions will also be greatly influenced by the SAT score. Many colleges pay the same attention to GPA and qualifying test score - this means that your efforts over the past four years will be equal to the efforts spent on passing the 3.5 hour exam! Is it fair? No, but you have to come to terms with it.

Part 2 of 3: Trying hard

  1. 1 Study hard. If you want to give a goodbye speech, then you need to study in order to get good grades. This does not mean that you have to sit over books all day, just try to study carefully. Here are some tips on how to get yourself to learn:
    • Create an effective class schedule. It can be 2-3 hours of classes at night or 3-4 hours of classes every other day. Whatever you do, make a plan in advance so as not to overwork and not postpone everything until the last day.
    • Set yourself a pace. Set a limit of 10-15 pages every day and don't read too much, otherwise it can get boring quickly.
    • Take advantage of the test assignments. Your history, math, and other study books contain practice questions that you can use to test your knowledge of the material. Even if the teacher does not use them, they can be useful to you.
    • Make caption cards. Use flashcards if they help you remember historical terms, foreign languages, or even mathematical formulas.
  2. 2 Try to stand out from your class. You don't have to suck up to your teacher to become a successful student. You just need to come to class on time, participate in debates and ask questions if something is not clear to you. By focusing on the class, you will be better able to absorb the material, which will help you do well on the tests and will also attract the sympathy of the teacher, which will help you get the highest possible score, including points for participation.
    • Keep your conversations with other students to a minimum. After all, you may be missing something important.
    • Write a synopsis. You don't need to write the lecture word for word - try to take notes in your own words to better understand the material.
    • Stay after class from time to time and talk to your teacher. You don’t need to constantly turn under his feet and annoy him, but if you get to know him better, it will lift you up in his eyes.
  3. 3 Observe order. If you want to excel in your lessons and academically in general, you will have to get more organized. For each subject, you need to have a notebook, a labeled folder, keep your locker and desk clean. If there is a turmoil in your life, then you will not be able to easily store information in yourself, as well as concentrate on writing a term paper the way you would like it.
    • Create a planner to record homework assignments for each day.
    • Keep a calendar on your desk to highlight important test dates.
  4. 4 Read ahead. Reading ahead of time the materials that you go through in a day or a week will help you understand the content and prevent possible problems in case you do not understand something. As long as the program does not become so complex that you do not understand the material without the teacher's explanation, you will be one step ahead of everyone.
    • Reading ahead will give you a big advantage. Just don't talk about it in class, otherwise the teacher will get angry, thinking that you are confusing other students with additional information.
  5. 5 Ask for more help. You may be thinking why you need it? Here you are definitely wrong. If you want to give a goodbye speech, you must have an advantage over your rivals. Try to find something new or engage in repetition of the old, the teacher after class can help you with this, as well as your parents, if they understand your homework better than you. You can even ask a senior student for help.
    • You can also hire a private tutor, but his services are quite expensive.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping the balance

  1. 1 Take part in extracurricular activities. Always make time for clubs, sports, volunteering and other activities. Believe it or not, extracurricular activities will boost your grades because they can help you better manage your time. Research has shown that students who play sports perform even better than those who bypass the gym.
    • It will also help you take your mind off the constant thoughts of studying.
  2. 2 Maintain your position in social life. You don't need to spend ten hours in your room in the dazzling light of a lamp. Of course, you should not abandon your studies, but you need to find time to hang out with friends, go to parties, go to the movies and even a school carnival. Spending 100% of your time with your nose in a book can make you feel frustrated and lonely. You don't need to be the king of the party, but hanging out with a few good friends will give you the strength to learn further.
    • Make friends with whom you can study together. Lesson in a group of like-minded people will make the learning process more interesting and productive. Try organizing your group to prepare for a specific subject and see if it works; if you are able to concentrate, then your chances of passing a subject with a good grade will increase significantly.
  3. 3 Don't forget the competition, but don't turn it into paranoia. No need to waste time on narcissism and waiting for a knife in the back. Don't ask your opponents how much they got on the test, how much time they spent preparing for the last exam, or what grade they got. This will channel your energy in the wrong direction and make you focus on what to you not necessary at all.
    • Remember, everyone is different. It may be that you need to study for 4 hours in order to pass the exam well, but your neighbor only 3 hours. A student giving a farewell speech does not have to be generously gifted by nature, you just need to work hard on yourself.
  4. 4 Take good care of your body. The farewell speech is not a test of intelligence, but of endurance. You must be healthy. Remember to eat breakfast and stay away from drugs and alcohol. Only if you are physically strong can you do everything at the highest level. While you can sometimes indulge in pizza or candy, eating nuts, vegetables, and other protein-rich foods can help you focus on work and avoid wasting energy.
    • You can have a good time without drugs and alcohol. If you want to give a farewell speech, then you need to think about choosing a company.
  5. 5 Get more rest. Sleeping 7-8 hours a night, going to bed and waking up at the same time will keep your body energetic and strong, and will also help you to be attentive in class, pass exams and become an ideal student. Start preparing early so you don't have to go to bed at three in the morning and then nod off in class.
    • Try to go to bed no later than 10 or 11 pm and leave the house no earlier than 45 minutes or an hour after waking up - and you will be on full alert when you come to school.
  6. 6 Don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you want to give your farewell speech, you need to relax a little. Do not think that every point can affect your destiny and chances to go to Harvard. Undoubtedly, grades are important, but it is also important to stay sane and not lose friends. Remind yourself that the end of the world will not come if you do not get the maximum score on the test - be sure to get it next time.
    • In order to give a speech, you need to be calm, otherwise you risk finding that you cannot withstand such pressure.
    • Be positive and always hope for the best - don't waste your time worrying about the grades you received a month or a year ago. It's not worth it.


  • Attend as many extra classes and courses as possible. If your school takes a GPA into account, they will give you more points than regular classes, which will help you get a GPA above 4.0.
  • If you are determined to give your farewell speech, you should not be distracted by anything. Don't give others a chance to surpass you.
  • Concentrate. If you have set a goal for yourself, fight for it.
  • Becoming a public speaker is half the battle. This is only half the way. You will also have to write your farewell speech.


  • Remember: there are things in life that are much more important than this! Don't be afraid to lose. Ten years later, no one will remember the student giving the farewell speech. The main thing is friends and your experiences. Just don't be discouraged and keep dreaming.
  • Giving a goodbye speech will not give you any advantages when applying to Ivy League universities. Students who give a speech may also be rejected, even a second or third time. Go in for sports or other optional activities, if, of course, time allows you.