Get a girl to like you on Facebook

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If A Girl Likes You On Facebook or Social Media
Video: How To Tell If A Girl Likes You On Facebook or Social Media


Do you have a crush on a girl and want her to notice you? One of the best ways to do that these days is through Facebook. Follow these easy steps to make a good impression so she likes you and gives you a thumbs up from her.

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Part 1 of 3: Preparing to break the ice

  1. Get good at taking selfies. First of all, if you want a girl to like you on Facebook, you need to have a good profile picture - that's the first visual impression she'll get of you.
    • Take a profile picture of your face. If the girl doesn't know you that well yet, she can see your face and get a sense of who you are.
    • Rather than making something abstract, make sure your profile picture is clear, taken from the front, preferably while smiling, while being well dressed and looking nice.
    • Do not make overdosed mirror selfies; you don't want to look like a narcissist.
    • Make sure the photo has been taken in high resolution and that it has been properly cropped. A fuzzy photo with half of your face cut off doesn't look good.
    • Save your other photos - such as those from over a year ago, baby photos, and photos with others in them - for your other albums.
  2. Choose a nice cover photo. Your cover photo can be an important addition, and it's a good place to show off some of your personality.
    • For example, consider matching the color scheme of your cover photo to your profile photo. Or you can use a photo of a work of art that you really like.
    • Although your profile photo should be a photo of you alone, you can take a group photo for your cover photo. If you have mutual friends with the girl you like. then take a photo of you and those friends, and use it as a cover photo. Then she can see that you are interacting with the same people as her.
  3. Refresh your information. Take the time from time to time to update the information in the "About" section.
    • Be thorough and fill in most parts, including your birthday, school, work, etc.
    • Make sure to enter your "relationship status". Show the girl that you are single and that you are interested in girls.
  4. Find out what the girl likes and is interested in. If you know what she likes, you can "like" some of the same things.
    • It can break the ice if you have some common interests, so research what she likes before reaching out to her.
    • Ideally, you have naturally overlapping interests, but it doesn't hurt to add some of her favorite bands, series, movies, books or restaurants to your favorites.
  5. Post interesting things. You are more likely to impress a girl if you come across as an interesting person.
    • One way to appear cool is to keep your Facebook page filled with interesting content, such as funny status updates, fun photos, and funny things you are doing. Photos are the most interesting and visually engaging of all the content you can post, so they're more likely to grab the girl's attention.
    • Keep banal posts about everyday activities like going to school or studying for a test to a minimum and only post once a day so that you don't seem like you're addicted to Facebook or the Internet.
    • Say you are going to attend fun events, and make sure they show up on your Facebook page. You have to come across as someone who does all kinds of fun things!
    • Bypass the new Facebook EdgeRank algorithm by posting content (especially photos) that you know a lot of people will like, thus ending up with the girl in her news feed.
  6. Play around with the security settings. You can tighten some of your security settings so that you can hide potentially embarrassing or annoying things as long as you try to get her to like you on Facebook.
    • You can also disable people from tagging you in photos, even temporarily, so you can control which photos your friends can post of you.
    • Be careful what others post on your page. Intercept anything that can blacken you in the girl's eyes.

Part 2 of 3: Breaking the ice

  1. Send a friend request. If you are not friends with her yet, you will have to become one first. Don't send a message just yet, but wait for her to respond when you submit the request.
    • If she responds, let them know that you have mutual friends, or that you go to the same school or live close to each other. Use any of these as a reason to want to get to know her better.
    • If she asks why you want to befriend her, be honest! Even if it's just because you liked her profile picture, let her know and ask to chat with you so you can get to know her better. Chances are she's flattered and would like to get to know you too.
    • Keep it simple and safe. Don't dram to get her phone number, and don't be too coercive. You're still in the ice breaking stage, so don't scare her away by appearing too aggressive or impatient.
  2. Start a conversation. Your best bet is to reach out to a private message so she doesn't feel pressured in public.
    • Think carefully about your first message; make sure you have a good opening line, which is a bit more than just "hi".
    • For example, if there is a party coming up, or if something happened at school, ask her what she thinks; or, if her favorite TV show has just been, ask if she watched and use that to start a conversation.
  3. Keep the conversation going. Text messaging is a great way to find out if the two of you are a good match and to get her to like you before you meet in person.
    • Try to include something new in every message to keep the conversation going.
    • Always wait a while before answering so that you don't seem too desperate. Try to respond only once every day to raise expectations.
    • Make it about her. Don't let the conversation become one-sided, just talking about yourself. Make her feel like you want to learn more about her.
    • After you've messaged back and forth, ask them to chat with you through the chat window. That is a slightly more direct, "real" form of communication.

Part 3 of 3: Going one step further

  1. Write something on her Facebook page. Send her beautiful photos or things that you know will interest her. For example, if she likes cats, send her a cute cat photo.
  2. Keep it tidy. Do not use foul language or make ambiguous jokes.
    • Research has shown that it can be difficult to properly convey and understand jokes over the internet. That said, it is better not to risk making jokes that could be misinterpreted as they can be offensive.
    • Politics and religion might be nice talking points, but if you are just getting to know someone and want them to like you, you better ignore them. Save these kinds of polarizing topics for a later date.
  3. Like what she posts. Keep an eye on what she posts and click on the thumb.
    • Leave sweet and complimentary comments, especially if she posts pictures of herself.
    • However, don't overdo it or like everything they post because you don't want to appear too eager.
  4. Send invitations. Use the function to invite her to let her know that great things are about to happen; that's a way to ask her to do something fun with you, without actually asking her on a date. That will be the next step once you are ready to meet outside of Facebook!