How to kill a scorpion

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best way to kill a scorpion.
Video: Best way to kill a scorpion.


Scorpions are very difficult to kill. These venomous arachnids are accustomed to living in harsh conditions, and therefore they are not afraid of pesticides. The surest way to kill a scorpion is to pierce its shell with a sharp object or get an animal with sharp teeth and claws that loves to hunt scorpions, and which will get rid of scorpions instead of you. Read on to find out where to start.


Method 1 of 3: Part: Piercing the Shell

  1. 1 Wear tight clothing. Just in case, if the scorpion suddenly gets so close that it can sting, wear jeans or pants made of thick material, heavy leather boots.
  2. 2 Find a sharp object. In Arizona, a place where scorpions are not uncommon in yards and bedrooms, home improvement stores sell large, long tongs. You can pierce the shell with them, and then take and throw out the scorpion with tongs. If such a tool is not sold in your area, long-bladed scissors, a long knife, or other long, sharp object will do.
  3. 3 Pierce the scorpion quickly. Scorpions are usually not very fast, but you still have to act quickly to get it through before the scorpion escapes. If necessary, stab the scorpion again until you are sure it is dead.
    • You can also use a blunt, hard object such as a heavy book, boot, or sledgehammer to crush the scorpion instead of piercing it. However, some types of scorpions can flatten their bodies like a coin, so simply crushing the scorpion is not always enough. You will need to twist your boot, rock, or other heavy object to make sure you crush the scorpion. When a scorpion stops moving, or its body is torn into several pieces, it is most likely dead.

  4. 4 Look for scorpions at night. If you have scorpions in your home, you can get rid of them. Just methodically killing them at night. This is the time when they are most active. At a hardware store, buy an ultraviolet light bulb and insert it into a flashlight. Shine a flashlight on walls, corners, along baseboards, and other areas where scorpions may be. Under the light of ultraviolet light, the scorpion's shell will shine.
    • Don't forget to check the outside walls as well.Scorpios can also hide between rocks in the yard and other places that can serve as a refuge.
  5. 5 Consider hiring a pest control specialist. If the mere thought that you need to deal with scorpions makes you want to run away and hide, seek help from specialists. In some areas, professionals can come to you and destroy the scorpions instead of you.
    • Some insect control firms use pesticides instead of manually killing scorpions. This is good, but many people have learned from their own experience that pesticides are ineffective against scorpions.

Method 2 of 3: Part: Using Alternative Methods

  1. 1 Get a cat. Cats are the natural enemy of scorpions. They will gladly hunt and eat scorpions. So if you have a cat, you don't have to worry about scorpions. If you don't have a cat yet, consider getting one.
  2. 2 Set up a chicken coop. Chickens also love to eat scorpions. Chickens, in addition to scorpions, eat other insect pests, which makes them doubly useful in the fight against scorpions.
  3. 3 Try diatomaceous earth. This natural substance is made from crushed organic residues. It is a white powder that can be scattered in doorways, crevices, and crevices, both outdoors and indoors. It is absolutely safe for humans and animals, but tiny fragments of organic debris pierce well from the bottom of the scorpion's shell when it crawls over the powder. Diatomaceous earth is also good at killing spiders, cockroaches and other insects.
  4. 4 Set up sticky traps. Mouse and rat traps, suitable for scorpions. Place them near water and in dark corners. If the scorpion is caught. Remove the trap and place a new one. There is a chance that scorpions will still fall into it.

Method 3 of 3: Part: Keeping Scorpions Out of the House

  1. 1 Get rid of places that might be a refuge. Scorpios like to live in dark places to hide in. In the house and yard, check all the places where scorpions might be hiding.
    • Make sure all boxes are packed and stored on shelves.
    • Get organized. Keep your belongings neatly folded and leave your shoes on the floor if possible.
    • Remove wood and stone beams from your yard.
  2. 2 Get rid of other insects. Scorpions feed on insects, so if you have insects in your home, it will be difficult to get rid of the scorpions. Keep your home clean. Spray boric acid along the baseboards, sprinkle with diatomaceous earth, use insecticides, do whatever it takes to get rid of insects.
  3. 3 Improve home integrity. Scorpions can retract their shells and squeeze through very narrow gaps in rocks. Check your home's foundations for cracks where insects can sneak through. Fill them with sealant. Check for cracks in doors, window frames, ventilation, chimney, and other places that scorpions can crawl into the house, and make sure these areas are well sealed.
  4. 4 Do not dissolve humidity in the house. Scorpions are attracted to wet places. Check that none of the pipes are leaking and install a fan in the bathroom so that it dries quickly after use. Do not leave wet towels on the floor.


  • The easiest way is to pour vinegar on a scorpion!
  • Use ultraviolet light (ultraviolet light) to find scorpions outside at night. It must be used because these insects are active at night when they merge with the area. Under ultraviolet light, they will glow green.
  • If you want to kill a scorpion, act quickly. Scorpios run fast and are hard to reach if they jam into a crack.
  • Scorpions shine in the dark. To see scorpions, turn on the ultraviolet light or turn off all the lights in the house.
  • Pour diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of the house.This will not prevent scorpions from entering the house, but the chemical composition of the mixture will quickly dehydrate the scorpion.
  • Use a portable gas burner to kill scorpions in the seams of the end walls. If you heat the wall well, you will kill all the scorpions inside it.
  • If you are constantly killing scorpions in and around your home, consider hatching beetles. Scorpions eat beetles, so they are usually where there are a lot of beetles. By eliminating the food source, you get rid of the scorpions.


  • Never handle a scorpion with your bare hands. He can sting you.
  • Do not try to crush a scorpion with your bare feet. He can sting you.

What do you need

  • Scorpion
  • Heavy or piercing object
  • Pesticides
  • Cat or chicken
  • Ultraviolet
  • Portable gas burner