How to convince your parents to buy you an Apple Macbook

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Many people prefer Apple computers over Windows or Linux because of their nature. Usually, it is difficult to get a poppy because it is very expensive and many parents do not want to pay such a huge amount of money. Here are some ideas for convincing your parents to buy you an Apple laptop instead of just a computer.


  1. 1 Begin this process on Christmas or birthday eve. You always get rewards on your birthday and you get expensive gifts. This is the best time of the year and you have a high chance of getting one of them. If you ask for an expensive item not for your birthday or Christmas, your parents will think you are spoiled.
  2. 2 Be against food Microsoft. You want a Mac. Show your parents your love for Apple, not Windows or Microsoft computers.
  3. 3 Show your hype around Apple products. Have your friend bring a Mac (recommended) or another Apple product. Show a keen interest in him and show it to your parents.
  4. 4 Do not use your personal computer for several days. The idea behind this is that your parents may decide that you are obsessed with all computers, and your life is looped (revolves around) on that computer. Show off your Mac skills if you don't like personal computers or your iMac.
  5. 5 Don't be obsessed with computers. Your parents will learn that your whole life revolves around the computer all day. Don't talk about computers. You can talk about Mac when it comes to computers, but only from time to time.
  6. 6 Don't talk about electronics all the time. Your parents will decide that you are obsessed with electronics and your life will be horrible because you won't get your Mac in years when your parents don't want you to get rid of your "obsession" with electronics.
  7. 7 Speak and show your hatred of desktops. The point is to get you an Apple laptop, not a desktop computer (iMac). Show that you love laptops more than desktops, and show your parents that you don't want an Apple iMac, Pro, or Mac Mini.
  8. 8 Be patient and don't speed things up. Be well organized at school. Don't rush into things you hate just to get your reward. Show your parents that you are behaving well and prove that you have something to give.
  9. 9 Get good grades! Remember your books, notes and assignments! Good grades will lead you to a reward. If you become an A-student, your parents will think you are hardworking. Then they can surprise you in the form of a MacBook!
  10. 10 Exercise more. Your parents will think you are not lazy. Show your parents that you want an awesome (surprise) poppy gift and you will be very grateful.
  11. 11 Be obedient, helpful, and proactive so that your parents don't tell you to clean and tidy up your room. If your parents ask you to do some chores around the house, do it when they tell you. Don't reply in style: "Okay, okay, I'll do it." - and then you forget.
  12. 12 Prove that you are an attentive listener who does the things they mentioned doing, even if you have to take on the most boring work and do it well.
  13. 13 Show them the prices. There are many places where you can buy MacBooks. Choose the cheapest purchase option at a price / discount ratio. Often MacMall and Best Buy and Often MacMall and Best Buy are more expensive than buying a laptop from Apple. Buy from Apple recovered from from Apple, Ebay if your parents know a lot about computers and are willing to deal with potential seller issues, or
    • Pay attention to the value of AppleCare and the ability to bring your laptop to an Apple distribution site for timely service so you don't have to send your computer to Dell / Texas and wait weeks. Warranty locations are not only convenient, but the staff are friendly and helpful with all kinds of problems that you would have to pay outrageous sums of money for at a company like Best Buy. MacBooks are probably safe from viruses for at least a few years, unlike analog PCs. If you are reading this, then you are probably not a computer scientist, and you want a computer that won't have to pull your hair out on weekends.


  • Try not to be a stubborn child: obey quickly. They will decide that you are working hard and deserve a reward.
  • In order to influence parents and purchase a MacBook, show that you love learning / and school, volunteer and do your homework without "grumbling or coaxing."
  • Do not throw demands at a glance. Do this carefully and gently over time.
  • You can tell your parents that you need it for a project at school.
  • Help your parents pay for the purchase: "It's expensive; so I want to buy it at a lower price, from eBay, for example, and I'll do a garage sale to help pay."
  • Tell your parents: "I would like to use my MacBook on long trips, in an airplane or in a car."
  • Don't use your personal computer until your parents respond. Just hint and wait until the parents say, “Why doesn't he / she use his / her personal computer? Does he / she hate the PC?
  • Tell your parents that you are tired of PC and desktop use... Parents will see and understand the truth. Don't lie. They'll know when you really want to go from PC to Mac / desktop to laptop.
  • Even the cheapest MacBook of any class compares favorably with good competing laptops. But more expensive options cost significantly more money for a small selection of computers - they are less elegant and easily portable.
  • Try an older, cheaper laptop to see if you like it as your primary computer, and then take the plunge on the MacBook. MacBooks will be more refined, but laptops have long left behind properly equipped desktops for fantasy gaming and are one piece that effectively degrades ergonomics.