How to convince a very hairy man to shave his chest

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Should Men Shave Their Body Hair? | This Morning
Video: Should Men Shave Their Body Hair? | This Morning


If you think that your gentleman needs to get rid of body hair, but he categorically refuses to do epilation, then how to persuade him to at least shave his chest? Most men with a hairy torso may refuse hair removal, thinking that shaving other parts of the body besides the face looks like a woman. However, when reaching out to the "masculine" half of your man, you can succeed by persuading him to remove excess hair, leaving smooth, soft and boyishly sexy breasts.


  1. 1 Draw his attention to the practical side of this action. Men are looking for practical benefits in everything, so if this idea makes any sense, he may agree to do it. Just telling him it’s “cool” will have absolutely no effect. It is necessary to put forward concrete ideas in order to achieve his agreement. It is best to say that shaving your breasts can have the following benefits:
    • Hair will not rub against the shirt during exercise. In most cases, men with a hairy torso will find that their nipples or certain areas of their breasts become irritated during exercise. Of course, this also happens with bald men, because the hair serves as a buffer, but you can lie to him by saying, "Remove the hair, and there will be no irritation."
    • Reduces the risk of acne and boils. Some men with a hairy torso are unable to thoroughly wash their breasts due to the presence of hair on them, which leads to the appearance of abscesses. If they get rid of the hair, the washing process will become much easier and bacteria will not accumulate there. However, men who wash thoroughly do not have to worry about this.
    • A more even tan. If your man wants an even and beautiful tan, then he should get rid of chest hair. Hairless skin is easier to tan.
    • It's attractive. If you are close with this man, then tell me that smooth breasts attract you much more, because they do not inject!
  2. 2 Tell him that smooth breasts turn you on. If a guy thinks that shaved breasts will convince you to sleep with him, then that will be enough to persuade him.
    • Embrace. Tell him that snuggling up to a smooth chest is much more enjoyable. Hair that goes into your mouth and face does not attract you.
    • Tell him that this is how you can see his muscles. What guy wouldn't want to show off his six or eight dice. Even if your man has only two of them, it will be more pleasant for him to show them than to hide them behind his hair.
    • Let him know that he wants to kiss smooth breasts. Tell him that it is much more pleasant for you to kiss smooth, rather than hairy, breasts. How many girls want a mouthful of hair just because they were trying to be romantic?
  3. 3 Say that smooth breasts can give you confidence. Many fashionistas are embarrassed to have chest hair, as smooth bodies such as those of David Beckham, Zac Efron and Justin Bieber are in fashion now. Long gone are the 70s, when shirt-hair was all the rage. Now the less hair the better.Here are some confidence-building facts that will help him get rid of chest hair faster:
    • On the beach. Instead of constantly wearing a swimsuit or a T-shirt on the beach due to self-doubt, trying to follow fashion, he can boldly show his chest muscles. Tell him that you would like to see him show his steel muscles in public.
    • He may feel more comfortable wearing T-shirts or shirts made of fine fabric. Also, if you are not wearing a shirt, people may see hair under the shirt. Many men who know this tend to be embarrassed, but shaving your chest can easily fix the problem.
  4. 4 Offer him to trust a professional. The reason why he may refuse to shave may be the thought that he will have to shave himself, taking into account all the subtleties, as well as the mess that this will lead to. Especially if he is excessively hairy, shaving can be time-consuming and painful. Using the services of a professional, the consequences will be as follows:
    • Reducing the risk of irritation after shaving. A professional knows how to properly shave your breasts to avoid skin irritation. From professional creams and lotions, as well as the special technique of the master, your man will be delighted!
    • The professionals do it right without leaving bloody cuts. If your boyfriend is afraid of cuts and the sight of blood, then only a professional can help.
    • See a professional who specializes in men. Many men are ashamed to do such a procedure in a salon where they do women's manicure. Instead, find a place that caters to men. This will give him confidence. This factor can play into your hands.
  5. 5 Understand that, in addition to feeling ashamed, the reason may be that your man does not want to part with his hair because of fear of pain. After all, hair removal from sensitive areas is quite painful. Just think about the waxing procedure (remind him how much he loves your smooth legs and ask how he would be if they were as hairy as his chest) if you had such an experience. Tell him that pain relievers can be used. This can help you coax him into laser or waxing. An offer to pay can also help.
    • Tell him about remedies that can help relieve pain: creams, steaming, drinking whiskey, etc.
    • As suggested earlier, persuade him to contact a professional, since in this case, the procedure will be less painful, and also offer him to pay for it himself.
  6. 6 Don't tease your hairy man. Talk about your preferences, but remember that he will make the decision, not you. If your reasoning has not convinced him, and he still wants to leave his chest hairy, then you will need time to convince him. Understand that he understands perfectly what you want, but he will not change his mind because of your whining. Just remind him of it periodically. In the end, he may agree, but on his own terms and only when he is ready for it. Remember, relationships matter more than chest hair.


  • Using an electric razor can be helpful in some cases, but it is more likely similar to brushing your hair rather than removing it.
  • Consider waxing as it gives you a faster and better effect than shaving.
  • If you are really annoyed by his chest hair and he refuses to get rid of it, then in response to his act, try to stop shaving yourself. If he comments negatively on your hairy armpits or legs, then just tell him that you will only shave if he does too.
  • Sometimes it would be nice to find a compromise.For example, ask him to keep the hair on his chest, but get rid of the hair on his shoulders and back. If he realizes that you don't like his hair, then he may get used to occasionally shaving off excess hair.
  • Make sure he puts sunscreen on his chest when he goes out to the beach. Without hair, his chest will become more receptive to the sun.


  • Always stay calm. No one wants to be nicknamed or considered disgusting and scary. This can hurt and hurt self-esteem.
  • This is his body. If you don't like something, then try to come to terms with it.
  • If he has too much hair, then you should see a professional, as shaving yourself can lead to cuts, irritation and uneven hair growth.