How to get groomed

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 IMPORTANT GROOMING TIPS FOR WOMEN | Body odour, Ingrown hair, frizzy hair etc | Manasi Mau
Video: 7 IMPORTANT GROOMING TIPS FOR WOMEN | Body odour, Ingrown hair, frizzy hair etc | Manasi Mau


Grooming doesn't require a ton of money or an innate sense of style. Each of us can look well-groomed with just a little extra time. Well-groomed and self-confidence go hand in hand. A little time and attention to your appearance will benefit both you and your personal hygiene.


Method 1 of 3: Maintain Your Grooming Regularly

  1. 1 Take a shower every day. Cleanliness is the key to a well-groomed appearance. Start every day with a shower by purchasing a soap or gel of your choice in advance. Do this only if you do not have any medical contraindications.
    • Certain soaps contain fewer harmful chemicals and are beneficial to the skin.
  2. 2 Use deodorant. After you wash, take care to keep the scent fresh. Use deodorant after showering. In case of an allergic reaction, choose an aluminum-free product or a product for sensitive skin. Take the time to find the scent that works for you.
  3. 3 Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day should be the minimum of your usual routine. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening.And no matter how in a hurry, do not think that you can skip this procedure.
    • Also floss once a day. And even twice a week will be good. Dental floss reduces the likelihood of bad breath by removing bacteria that accumulate in the mouth.
  4. 4 Shave and trim your hair. Not everyone needs to shave their face, legs, or other body parts every day. If necessary, shaving your face, legs and armpits is sufficient. Men can look well-groomed and with facial hair, but it also needs to be monitored and looked after.
    • To be well-groomed, a woman usually needs to shave her legs and armpits. There are many communities that oppose this point of view, as men do not need to remove hair from these parts in order to look attractive.
    • Do what feels right for you. Self-confidence is already halfway to being well-groomed.
    • If you have sensitive skin, you can shave less often and find a special cream made for your skin type.
  5. 5 Carry essential supplies with you. Always keep your “emergency briefcase” with you to counter your imperfections as soon as you leave the house. You can use a bag with a sturdy fastener and put in products for dry skin, broken nails, or matted hair. Include some of the following items in your set:
    • Liquid cream or petroleum jelly
    • Small hair brush
    • Mint candies
    • Small mirror
    • Safety pins
    • Hair ties
    • Perfume or cologne
    • A stack of paper napkins
    • Miniature sewing kit
  6. 6 Style your hair (for men). With the right styling techniques, you can tackle any type of haircut. Here are some tools that will work for most styling:
    • A special lipstick can be effective for creating a shiny look on short and wavy hair.
    • Wax is great for adding shine as well as styling unmanageable short hair.
    • Clay and mask help to create a tousled look in medium length hair.
    • Creams prevent long hair from frizzing or flying apart.
    • Gels can be used for strong hold and to give hair a damp look.
  7. 7 Style your hair (for women). Before styling, you need to determine your hair type. You can determine how thick your hair is by counting how many times you need to roll the elastic to make a ponytail. Once - the hair is thick, 2-3 times - medium, and if more, then thin. To prevent frizz and leave your hair smooth and shiny, use a high voltage hair dryer (over 1800 watts).
    • Curl your hair. For curls, apply a light mousse to damp hair. Once dry, use a ceramic curling iron. Use a special curly spray to keep your curls in place all day.
    • Straighten your hair. Choose a ceramic iron and prepare your hair for straightening. Use shampoo and conditioner formulated to smooth your hair.
    • Add volume to the curls with a special gel, which must be applied after a shower, when the hair is still damp. Do this in the evening and tuck your hair into a bun before bed. Let your hair down in the morning for healthy elasticity.
    • If all else fails, wear a hat.

Method 2 of 3: Dress Appropriate for the Situation

  1. 1 Wear clean clothes. After washing and drying clothes, always fold them immediately to avoid wrinkling. Take stained clothing to a dry cleaner for immediate processing. Make sure that there are no loose threads on the clothes, that all buttons are in place, and that the hem is clean.
    • If you take care of yourself, take care of your clothes.
    • Use a sticky roller if necessary.
  2. 2 Remove spools from clothing. Spools are fibers and filaments that collect and form small balls. You don't need any special equipment to get rid of them.First, wash your clothes and, if you notice any pellets, shave them off. Take a standard razor that you use on leather and shave off the pellets. For a final touch, go for a sticky roller.
    • Use the blade slowly and carefully. If you're not careful, you can easily poke a hole.
  3. 3 Wear your favorite clothes. If you don't like a piece of clothing, ditch it in favor of something that attracts you. When we like our clothes, we tend to care more about their condition. Dressing up in your favorite outfits will make you look amazing and boost your self-esteem.
    • If you like a coat or pants but they don't fit, take them to your tailor shop.
  4. 4 Dress stylishly. Pay attention to current trends. Take a closer look to see if someone is wearing what you think will suit your look. But it is worth adhering to the general rule: the simpler, the better. You don't have to dress up every day, you can make a strong impression by wearing something simple but suitable for you and your figure.
    • When you understand what suits you, go and buy more of these things. Don't hesitate if you're sure it looks good on you.
    • Accept your body and shape. Whatever you get from nature, you can find clothes that emphasize your dignity.
    • Make sure your clothes fit well. Don't wear anything too loose or tight.
    • Always try on clothes before buying and ask someone for their opinion.
  5. 5 Wear clean and polished shoes. Shoes are always the first thing that most people pay attention to. She can say a lot about a person. If your shoes get dirty from salt or dirt, clean them the same evening.
  6. 6 Use a good perfume. Complete your outfit with a light scent. Go shopping for a better perfume or cologne. Be aware that some people have extreme allergies to certain fragrances. The smell should be felt, but not fill the entire space.
    • When in doubt, find a natural beauty store and get an essential oil based fragrance. Using essential oils can help lift your mood, reduce stress levels, and smell great.
  7. 7 Take care of your leather goods. Sort through all your leather items about twice a year and clean them thoroughly. If the skin on the product seems too dry or begins to peel off, apply a finishing or special cream on it. Try to use the products recommended by the manufacturers of this leather, as it can be different.
    • Wipe off all grime and smudges with a damp towel. You can use leather soap if desired. The main thing is to never wet your skin too much.
    • Never leave your skin to dry in direct sunlight.

Method 3 of 3: Take Care of Your Appearance

  1. 1 Get your hair cut and styled regularly. Well-cut hair will help you show off a confident look. Schedule a haircut every 4 weeks to keep your hair looking healthy. Even if you're trying to grow your hair, trimming will keep split ends away and encourage healthy growth.
    • Don't be a stranger to your hairdresser or stylist. Once there, schedule your next session to maintain a good haircut.
  2. 2 Wash your hair when necessary. People with straight hair can wash their hair every day, while those with curly hair may not do it as often. There is also controversy that daily shampooing can dry out hair and deprive the scalp of important nutrients.
    • When using shampoo, apply the product to the scalp without worrying about the rest of the parts.
    • If curly hair becomes very dry, consider using conditioner more often than shampoo.
    • Use conditioner on your hair from the middle to the ends.These parts of the hair are most susceptible to drying out.
  3. 3 Cut your nails. Short nails look neater. Men should always cut their nails. If you have long nails, keep them in good condition. Never hesitate to visit a nail salon.
    • Don't bite your nails. This will prevent your hands from looking well-groomed. Always use a nail clipper or a professional in the field.
  4. 4 Use a mirror. Check your appearance before leaving home. With the help of mirrors, you can spot flaws that are easy to miss, but which can ruin your image:
    • Red spots on the face
    • Folds in clothes
    • Head mess
    • Non stand-up collar
    • Faded clothes


  • Washing your face twice a day will help fight rashes on your face.
  • Moisturize your skin immediately after showering to keep it from drying out.
  • Pluck your eyebrows frequently.


  • Be careful when shaving to avoid cutting yourself. Don't shave against hair growth.
  • Use a modest amount of aftershave, cologne, or perfume. Usually, even a small amount of the product can be enough for a long time. If you overdo it, people will think you want to overpower the scent of something else.