How to become a Pastafarian

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
How to Become a Pastafarian - The How To
Video: How to Become a Pastafarian - The How To


Pastafarianism is the fastest growing carbohydrate-based religion in the world. Pastafarians worship the flying macaroni monster, an almighty deity whose church does not require belief that it really exists. Outside observers call Pastafarians satirists, enemies call them heretics, and landowners call them filthy pirates, but one thing is certain about Pastafarians: they love beer!


Part 1 of 3: Joining the Church of the Flying Pasta Monster

  1. 1 Your desire alone is enough to join the church! All, according to the official website of the Church of the Flying Pasta Monster (LMM), it takes to become a Pastafarian is want to become one of them... To you not necessary:
    • Participate in any ceremony
    • Pay any fees
    • Something to promise or make some vow
    • Renounce your religion
    • Know at least something about Pastafarianism
    • Believe in LMM literally
  2. 2 Learn the basics of the Pastafarian religion. So you just became one of the Pastafarians just by desiring it? Excellent! It's time to find out what you just signed up for. Below are some of the foundations that make up the Pastafarian religion - however, you don't have to literally take them on faith to become a follower of the church:
    • The supreme deity is known as the flying pasta monster (LMM).He is invisible and omnipotent, and his presence takes the form of a giant ball of pasta with two meatballs as eyes. He created the entire Universe in 4 days, and then spent 3 days on rest.
    • Pirates are recognized as sacred creatures. According to this religion, they help fight global warming and protect against natural disasters. Every Pastafarian should strive to become a pirate robber.
    • Pastafarians believe that heaven is the land of "beer volcanoes and stripper factories."
  3. 3 Study the sacred texts of Pastafarianism. For a better understanding of your new religion, try searching for any Pastafarian scriptures. The most important book of Pastafarianism is Scripture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... The Writing Award-nominated Scripture was published in 2006 following an open letter from Bobby Henderson of the Kansas Department of Education, which expressed a satirical protest and demand for intelligent teaching in public schools. The Scriptures discussed various aspects of the Pastafarian faith in death, making it indispensable for new followers of the church.
    • Another important Pastafarian book is Free Canon (available on the Internet), which includes religious stories, teachings for daily life, prayers and writings by numerous important figures in the church, such as Captain Jeff.

Part 2 of 3: Following the Principles of Pastafarianism

  1. 1 Follow 8 rules: "I wish I hadn't." This code of practice (also known as the Eight Supplements) was given to Captain Moses by the LMM himself and provides a basic code of conduct for all Pastafarians. Actually, at first there were 10 rules, but on the way down the mountain, Moses fell and broke two of them, which are considered "condescending" moral standards for the Pastafarians. Here are the 8 rules of survival:
    • "You better not behave like a holy man and a narcissistic donkey when you spread my sacred grace."
    • "It would be better if you did not justify suppression, submission, punishment, shredding and / or similar treatment of others by my name."
    • “You'd better not judge people by their appearance, or the way they dress or talk. Behave yourself, okay? "
    • "It would be better if you did not allow yourself offensive actions, desires in relation to your partner who has reached the age of majority and moral maturity."
    • "You wish you hadn't been fighting fanatical, misogynistic and evil ideas on an empty stomach."
    • “You'd better not spend millions on building churches / temples / mosques / tombs in the name of my sacred grace, instead spend money on something better (choose)
      • Eradicating poverty,
      • Treatment of diseases,
      • For a peaceful life, passionate love and a decrease in the cost of the Internet.
    • "It would be better if you didn't tell people about what I said to you."
    • “It would be better if you did not treat others the way you want them to treat you, in terms of the use of latex and petroleum jelly. But if your partner likes it, then please (in accordance with rule # 4), have fun. "
  2. 2 Whenever possible, talk and / or dress like a pirate. In Pastafarianism, pirates are equated in status with saints in Christianity or bodhisattvas in Buddhism. In fact, the very existence of pirates is meant to protect against natural disasters. All Pastafarians are encouraged to dress, speak and behave like pirates, especially if they will preach the holy word of LMM.
    • Typically, pirates dress in frilly colonial-era outfits, casual shirts, brightly colored jackets, bandanas, and blindfolds.
    • Pirates love beer, grog, wenches, the high seas, and whatever the day off has to offer.
  3. 3 Observe the holidays of Pastafarianism. Like any religion, Pastafarianism has its own holidays. These special days call for fun celebration, humble reflection, and special devotion to the LMM.Below you can see a short calendar of the most important Pastafarian holidays:
    • Every Friday. Friday is sacred for Pastafarians. However, this does not require any special effort - Pastafarians can celebrate this day "drinking beer and relaxing."
    • Ramendan: A month of fasting, during which Pastafarians only eat pasta and noodle dishes after sunset. The beginning and end of fasting can change from year to year.
    • Pastover: Pastafarians enjoy a pasta festival, dress up in a pirate style, and participate in the ritual of passing a blindfold. Dates vary from year to year; usually take place in March or April.
    • The day when they speak like pirates (September 19th): everything is clear anyway. Dressing like a pirate is recommended but not required.
    • Halloween (October 31st): Pastafarians are required to dress like pirates.
    • "Holidays": Pastafarians celebrate a vaguely defined event such as Christmas at the end of December (the church does not give a specific date) as they wish, but definitely with pasta, pirates and beer.
  4. 4 Pray LMM. Godly Pastafarians can pray on Holy Friday, every day, or whenever they want - there are no strict rules on how and when to pray. Although the Pastafarians have the main figures with which several common prayers are written, you "do not need" to use them - any sincere prayer (even if you come up with it on the go) will be heard by the LMM. If you want to pray, end all your prayers with the holy word "Ramen."
    • Here is just one Pastafarian prayer - you can find more here.
      I pray to the Knower
      Give the Flying Spaghetti Monster your sauce;
      and present with noodles in sauce;
      and in noodles, meatballs;
      but in meatballs, knowledge;
      but from knowledge, the awareness of what is delicious;
      but from the realization that it is delicious, love for pasta;
      and from pasta, love for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  5. 5 Don't bother those who don't believe in LMM. Although Pastafarians are encouraged to spread the good word of LMM in their daily lives, they not allowed to harass, intimidate or otherwise harass people who do not believe in the LMM. Not only does this contradict several "You wish you didn't do this" rules, but it is also crude and does not fit into the loose, macaroni-absorbing philosophy of Pastafarianism "live and let live."
    • Please note that this rule applies not only to people of other religions who consider Pastafarianism heresy, but also to atheists and agnostics.
  6. 6 Above all, have a good time. Pastafarianism is meant to be the kind of religion that followers can enjoy... While LMM followers vary by category from completely casual to dedicated, no one takes the belief in Pastafarianism so seriously that they fail to knock over a glass of beer on Friday night to touch the infinite wisdom of the LMM. Don't worry about anything about the practice of Pastafarianism - remember, this is a religion whose holy day is called Ramendan.

Part 3 of 3: Becoming a Pastafarian Master

  1. 1 Choose the right Pastafarian sect for you. Pastafarians looking to delve deeper into the faith may ultimately choose which sect in the religion to join. These sects interpret the word LMM in different ways, carry out different practices and beliefs for their members. Until a sect breaks at least one of the rules "You wish you didn't," there is no concept of "right or wrong" sect - it's all a matter of personal preference.
    • The two largest sects of Pastafarianism are the Orthodox and Reformed. Orthodox, as a rule, are more conservative, adhere to the stricter beliefs of Pastafarianism, while the Reformed are more open to allegorical designations and meanings.
    • For example, many Pastafarian Reforms believe in automated creation doctrine, which holds that the LMM caused the creation of the universe in a single action (the big bang), and then allowed natural processes to finally shape life. Orthodox believers, on the other hand, believe that the LMM consciously and literally created life and everything else.
  2. 2 Spread the good news of the church by promoting the LMM religion. The LMM Church encourages its members to spread their word until it turns into persecution or persecution of others. One of the most popular propaganda methods is the distribution of flyers, booklets, brochures and the like. Official materials for promoting the doctrine of the church are available here.
    • You can also optionally create your own propaganda materials. However, make sure your materials are in line with Pastafarian doctrine. It can be considered inappropriate if, for example, the leaflets say something like: "The flying pasta monster hates those people who profess other religions." This is not true, because LMM accepts people of all faiths.
  3. 3 Get ordained as a Pastafarian ministry. Are you ready to stop being a follower of the LMM church and become a leader? It is very easy to become an officially recognized clergyman; it can be done via the Internet. You just have to pay $25to receive an official certificate in your name, as well as to be included in the register of clergy.
  4. 4 Try to get your religion recognized by the government. Heroes of the Pastafarian faith do not give up when they are told that they do not belong to the "real" religion. Officially recognizing your religion as a local, state or national institution is one of the most daring and selfless things a Pastafarian can do. This will not only raise awareness of Pastafarianism, but it will also help to demonstrate the oppressive nature of certain privileges for other religions in society. One great way to prove it is - pose for official photos with a colander on your head... Below are a few examples.
    • In 2013, Pastafarian Lukas Novi (of Czech origin) won a lawsuit and received the right to wear a colander on his head and even be photographed for documents, citing religious reasons.
    • In 2014, Christopher Schaeffer became the first prominent Pastafarian politician in the United States when he won a lawsuit and won the right to wear a colander on his head while taking the oath in Pomfret, New York City Council.
    • Shauna Hammond received permission to wear a religious headdress to be photographed in it for a driver's license in Oklahoma, USA.
    • Jessica Steinhauser demonstrated her religious freedom by wearing a metal colander on her head and posing for a driver's license in Utah, USA.


  • Grog, girls and pasta are always welcome, but not required.
  • To learn more about our religion, visit, or buy the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • If someone asks you about your religion, tell them. Who knows? Maybe the time will come when they will realize how good she is and will want to turn to her.
  • Choose your sect carefully in Pastafarianism. If you accept Captain Jack Sparrow as a prophet, then sparrovism is for you. Proponents of the traditional approach may be more comfortable in the Orthodox Pastafarian Church. On the other hand, if you believe that seat belts are immoral, then the Reformed Church is the right place for you.
  • Read other articles on Wikihow on how to dress and talk to look like a pirate.


  • If you do decide to drink grog, DO NOT drive immediately afterwards.
  • Do not brandish a pirate's weapon in public, police and security services may not be able to see that they are fake from a distance.
  • In some places, there may be rules prohibiting the wearing of pirate regalia.