How to be unexpected

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle
Video: The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle


Anything where improvisation is used, original humorous phrases, monologues or witticisms can be called a surprise. "Randomosity" is fun that can be expressed in the presence of friends or companies, but can quickly become very unpleasant. Remember, don't be proud of it!


  1. 1 Free yourself from the usual rules. The processing of your offers is optional. This is just an add-on and you can do it on Tuesdays, but not on Wednesdays if you so desire. This is how you should think. If you decide you want to buy a rubber duck, talk about it as something important. Don't be afraid to end the conversation and do it! If you are in the college library and suddenly just want to find Sasha, go to the table and ask Where is Sasha? You probably won't be answered, but at least you will try.
  2. 2 Mention things like oranges or cats at random intervals.
  3. 3 Make plans and change them halfway through. Just because you're buying a new coat doesn't mean you can't go there on your way to the zoo. Plans should be broken if you think about more interesting things.
  4. 4 Be original in what you say. It will sound more sudden, or like you have a headache. For example, instead of saying, "A few years ago," say, "A few years after a year to ten years ago, I spoke to my sister's father's brother (uncle)."
  5. 5 Do strange things. Place the book in front of someone and say, "You've just been added to your facebook contacts!" Note: This will make you sound extremely silly.
  6. 6 Explore unusual / specific colors and numbers. If asked for a color, call it "eggshell color" or "dioxysine purple." Look for new ideas on the names of Liquitex paints, my favorite is "prostitute green" and yes, there really is such a color. Also, answer something like pi, e, or square root of seven when asked to choose a number between one and ten.
  7. 7 Avoid favorite words. To use them is to "imitate the unexpected," and it is extremely heartbreaking if one feels the need to invent the term. These are, as a rule, words that were previously unexpected material, which was often used, and now it is not considered as such.Favorite words are pickle, chicken, monkey, dinosaur, penguin, purple, pie, squirrel, moo, pizza, mayonnaise, sausage, pants, socks, ponies, llamas, unicorn, tacos (or burritos), cheese, and nose.
  8. 8 Don't be a trainer. If you can't be unexpected, don't push yourself. You can stop liking people if you try too hard, but if you read the manual to be unexpected, have friends that you would never be a burden to.
  9. 9 Find your word. Try to stick to step 7 when choosing your words. Examples of unexpected words: smiley, knee, boeing, etc.
  10. 10 Make random noises. Things like "mvarh" or "ooooooh" or even "bwah" and "dji" will work just divinely. You can also laugh. A lot and disorderly. People will know you for this very reason. Sometimes you can be the person who laughs and makes everyone around you laugh! Don't try to force it. You must be the first in your own world.
  11. 11 Don't forget sudden actions, such as occasional popping or headbanging like a budgie.
  12. 12 Unexpected names work well. Try using Chris Mer, Mr. Chesters, or the Teletubbies; everything works well..
  13. 13 There are certain things you should do every day, like brushing your pet's coat. Say "I love you" to a stranger. Remember to do this every day, so it becomes a habit, but never do these things to one person, or, if you prefer, you can always say this to the same person.
  14. 14 Keep a notebook where you can write down and keep track of your surprises. Write anything unexpected that you say for future reference. Make sure you have your laptop with you at all times so that everything is close at hand.
  15. 15 Put on perfectly normal clothes (like jeans and a T-shirt) and add something funny (like a huge chicken mask). Of course, you could also go in weird clothes (you can buy things like suspenders, top hats, umbrellas, shiny vests, walking sticks, ribbons, army boots, hippie or vintage stuff, neon stuff, glow sticks, rainbow suspenders, etc.) (the trick is to have basic clothes: regular T-shirts in various colors and a pair of blue or maybe gray jeans combined with fancy accessories). Note: Wearing "unexpected" clothes will lose your glasses because people will see how ridiculous and stupid you look and will ignore the unexpectedness of your words and / or actions. Sorry, but it's true.
  16. 16 Have fun. Just look at this as a way to express your originality. Don't just imitate others. Use surprise as talent. Think of her as a way to be happy.
  17. 17 Get used to the formation of strange obsessions, like a certain condition, food, person or animal. Make them very public and insane. There are some themes that are old and in use for a long time: penguins, llamas, ramen, cupcakes, Red Bull, monster, Michigan, celebrities.
  18. 18 There is absolutely nothing wrong with intruding on extraordinary accents. Create your own language.
  19. 19 Quote interesting tidbits, in the form of frivolous information, when the situation allows it (as during a pause in a conversation). Don't be rude. Also, start any short anecdote: "Once upon a time ...", which is distantly related to the topic and works like a charm. Just make sure your friends think it's funny.
  20. 20 Add extra pieces to words! For example, "philosophy" can be turned into "fil - ma - sofia" and so on. Making longer words is the funniest part of the surprise.
  21. 21 Change the regular pronunciation of some words. California can be turned into "Kal-ee-in-Nai-A" or even "Kal-eye-for-born-ah"! Be creative! You will be amazed at what you can think of.
  22. 22 Invent your own vocabulary, edit or change the pronunciation of words and use them often! (Look at the warnings in the "Warnings" though).
  23. 23 While the eccentric can be interesting, it's important to remember that you only need to apply it around people who will laugh, not people who you know will be upset / offended.
  24. 24 Talk about yourself in the third person ("Petya Jola / he / super Petya Jola / Petya Jola-san - loves cheese" instead of "I like cheese") and about the team using the concept of an extraordinary group ("we" becomes "our company", "Our army", "movement", etc.etc.). Maintain a normal balance between normal jive and this method, and constantly change for maximum efficiency. As always, don't overdo it.
  25. 25 Choose a sensible general word, (not too general, and not too rare, like "frivolous"). Every time you hear someone say this word, be horrified as if you just heard the most disgusting word in the universe.
  26. 26 Add a title to your name. If you use an adjective, make sure it doesn't usually refer to people. If you are using a noun, make it fancy or in another language. Examples: Petya Jola the inhospitable, Dr. Jola, Petya Jola from Topeka, and Jola el Fuego.
  27. 27 Go to and tell all the jokes you like and you will be very sudden. Also, go to for the funniest sources of all internet jokes.


  • Say your friends' names repeatedly and when they get annoyed, just say something unexpected, as if you whispered "cheeseburger" in an epic tone.

* If you want to be unexpected, remember that people will still think you are weird. If you want to scream "trash can" in the middle of a crowded mall and run, do it! Just try not to be unpleasant.

  • Try to call your friends and contact them by last name, patronymic, initials, or a combination of both. Mix everything.
  • If you're having trouble getting ideas for unexpected phrases, look around you, say, at a tree, and think about what it reminds you of. If cotton candy, then talk about cotton candy. But don't talk about the tree, because then people will not find it unexpected.
  • Find your "inner eccentricity". Do not use other people's tricks! This will make you a copycat and ruin your chance to be extraordinary.
  • Instead of speak something unexpected, sing and even do a little dance. For example, instead of saying, "Plum juice makes my bowels free," sing and dance. Call the dance "prune juice dance" or "bad bowel dance" ... whatever.
  • Have fun and relax.
  • Don't use the word "unexpected" when you really want to mean something "spontaneous", "unusual", etc.
  • Extraordinary people used to be called "surrealists". Explore these interesting people and feel free to borrow ideas from them.
  • Try to exaggerate countless times a day.
  • Feel free to sing and dance at any time.
  • Once you find your word, it becomes your word. Don't let people steal it. (For example, if your word is avocado, use it everywhere '). Pronounce it in different tones, different lengths, and different meanings, so you end up with a whole language based on one word. It can be said as resentment, excitement, discouragement, and consolation.
  • 3 words - "Broccoli, Hyundai, administration".
  • Try to be nice with your friends. They may not like you being unexpected. Don't forget to chat with your friends.
  • This will help you learn about a wide range of subjects, or about great life experiences. You will be able to spew unexpected words / phrases / events / facts whenever you please.
  • Chat with people who have a good sense of humor. Say something like: "Svetlana, is Polya a turtle?" and "If I was a pile of umbrellas, I would think you were itchy!"
  • Don't use material planned in advance. Sometimes, this is acceptable, but only if the circumstances are conducive to it.
  • Have a funky nickname like “Gosling” or “Fat Duckling.” It will pass!

* Don't try too hard to be unexpected. Let the moment come to you, like when you see a half-eaten taco on the ground. When you force yourself to say an unexpected phrase, you become an irritant.

  • Speak strange. Be silly, but don't squeal too much, it gets annoying.
  • Try to forget about prohibitions; many people do not think or apply unusual things just because they are too afraid of being embarrassed or looking weird. Want to play with pigeons in the middle of a conversation? Bend over and shout "Wheeee!" Do you want to pick roadside daffodils and leave with a bouquet, while you were going somewhere to go? Do it!
  • Simulate animal sounds. For example, look around quickly for five seconds, then give your best impression of the animal's face. After you've done that, after someone has said something to you, put out the same sound, just not as realistic.
  • Try to create your own world during the day. Imagine the grass is purple and the building is a huge muffin. Then just talk about your world. This can be a lot of fun.
  • When talking to someone, look away, not in the face. (Note: Some people find this annoying rather than out of the ordinary.)
  • Remember, surprise is unplanned. Don't try to be unexpected, just do it.
  • Something else you can do is talk about your dog: “My dog ​​(Molly) loves to chew - OoOoOoOoOoOoOo !!!
  • Play ads while trying to sing lines from your favorite videos.
  • Mih is also a good word to use.
  • Follow the Toddler Show and you will be surprised how much you can borrow from there.
  • Don't approach people asking for hugs. It's not funny and / or cute, and shouldn't be overused as much as suddenness. (However, if this is already being "used" by your friends and is one of your common gags, go for it!).
  • Let you have a partner who can help you in your eccentricity. This will help you face unpleasant reactions from those who do not understand your behavior.


  • If some words or your actions have not been well received, do not laugh or try to say them again. The point is, you need to get people to believe that you are just weird and crazy and not desperate for attention.
  • People will get annoyed. Either use your "talent" sparingly or make it your way of life. There are no intermediate options.
  • Remember that trying to be unexpected is not a goal, as all you do is seek understanding from extraordinary people, so don't try too much or you will fail.
  • Always check your jokes with friends if you are thinking about a national movement, otherwise you may get into a very unpleasant situation.
  • While it can be fun, you should try practicing with friends, and use your talents sparingly around adults and strangers. It will seem disrespectful.
  • Don't be unexpected all the time, especially if someone is trying to tell you something important. If you do not know how to answer this question, do not change the subject and do not return to your eccentricity. This makes you a conceited and terrible friend.
  • Don't be too loud for too long.Once is fine, but too often it will make people angry.
  • Don't say, “I like the pie.” This is corny.
  • Don't laugh at your own eccentricity. It will just make you look like an attention seeker.
  • You don't have to change your personality to be unexpected. People may see you as odd if you follow these steps, as many people do not take these extreme measures to be unexpected.
  • Don't do standard things that your average friends think are funny (because they aren't).
  • Don't try to be extraordinary in front of a truly extraordinary person. They will simply laugh at you and be rude.
  • Don't try to be unexpected; just let it come to you. If you don't, you will be considered "wandom."
  • Phrases that include the words cheese, banana cake, monkeys, ice cream / frozen yogurt, sugar, diggers, llamas, beavers, ninjas, nerds / geeks / wimps, toilet humor, girly, valley girls and the like are completely exaggerated, especially bananas and monkeys.
  • Do not use unexpected words in the presence of an unexpected person, as such a person will be unhappy with you.
  • Don't use the same unexpected sayings or actions because they get boring and annoy even close friends.
  • You don't have to be unexpected all the time; maybe just for an hour or two with your friends.
  • Never cut off an important conversation because you want to do something unexpected. This is rude and can hurt someone's feelings.
  • Remember, there is no right way to be unexpected. You are or not. It's kind of like a sixth sense, you are either born with it, or you are an ordinary person, like any other normal person on the planet, who is not interesting at all!
  • Don't be unexpected all the time. It can make people giggle, but there is a limit to being extraordinary, and if you break it, people will think that you are crazy, not that you are funny and unusual.
  • By doing this, you will look very stupid to the people who are important to you.
  • You can really be extraordinary without being extraordinary at all!
  • Please remember that extraordinary does not mean funny.