How to create your own sports team

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Create Your Own Sport Budget Battle! *$10 vs $1000 SPORTS*
Video: Create Your Own Sport Budget Battle! *$10 vs $1000 SPORTS*


Would you like to create your own amateur sports team? Most cities and regions have amateur sports teams that participate in team sports. Follow this guide and you can start your own amateur sports team.


  1. 1 Select the type of sports game you would like to play. If you are on a budget, choose inexpensive team sports games. There are leagues for football, bandy, basketball and beach volleyball in almost every city.
  2. 2 Find the league that matches your level. Unless you are a super pro player, join an amateur league with divisions or levels such as beginner, intermediate, and competitive / premier, 1, 2, 3, etc. It is very important to play in the appropriate league. It is also better to start a little below your level, because if you show yourself well, you can earn / get a title and move up a level higher.
  3. 3 Determine team fees. They will consist of league contributions, plus equipment, uniforms, license. All of this will determine your team contributions.
  4. 4 Choose a name for your team. It is very common to name a team after a region, place of residence, culture or profession. Let's say you are from Cambridge and your team is playing football; you can name your team Cambridge bouncers.
  5. 5 Create an emblem for your team. Ask someone who is good at graphic design to create an emblem based on the team name. You can also order a team logo design from an online company for less than $ 50.00 if you search well. Many logo design sites already have inexpensive layouts. Your logo should combine a picture associated with your sport and / or name. Place your logo in email headers, websites, blogs, posts, and more. When players search for a team using classifiers, they tend to give preference to teams that have their own logo.
  6. 6 Pick players for your team.’Arrange selection. Ask everyone you know if they are interested in joining your team. Friends, co-workers, and players with whom you have played with in the past can serve as an additional resource. To find new players, advertise online, especially Craigslist (follow the menu items: your city> community> partners> your sport). You can also advertise in local community centers, city halls and local businesses.
  7. 7 Collect contributions from players prior to the start of the season. Usually amateur teams are non-profit, so if your team fee is $ 2000.00 and you have 10 players, each player must pay $ 200.00 per season.
    • Try to find sponsors for your team. Sports bars often have sponsorship programs in which they return the money spent there to your team. A local business may consider funding your team if you offer advertising during games.
    • Look for other ways to raise funds for your team. Arrange team fundraisers, picnics, lotteries, etc.
  8. 8 Create a team hierarchy. A common structure is as follows: manager (you), coach (maybe also you), captain, mate, players.
  9. 9 The choice of the captain is important. The person chosen to be the captain doesn't always have to be the "best" player. It could be an above average player who is dedicated to the team, shows up on time and has a solid understanding of the game.
  10. 10 Chat with players. Create a blog or website and make sure all workouts, schedules, etc. are consistent between team members. You can also use a blog or website to advertise your team, provide advertising space for your sponsors, and recruit new players.
    • Create a mailing list and a list of phone numbers. Contact players the day before game day to confirm their presence. Wins and losses in amateur sports are closely related to the presence of players.


  • Keep a team schedule. Arrange workouts at least once a week, ideally 2-3 days before the game. Distribute a schedule of all games to be played this season during preseason.
  • Get team insurance... Most leagues require teams to be insured, but even if not, it should be done anyway. Accidents and incidents do happen and you, as a manager or coach, will be held accountable first. Sometimes, when you join a league, you automatically get insurance, you need to find out.
  • Arrange social events Go to a pub or sports bar from time to time to make friends with the players.
  • Don't forget your team roots. Support the local culture, local businesses and residents and they will support you. For example, have your team get together at a local pizzeria.


  • Make sure you have more than enough players. If you are short on players, you will probably lose by default or out of fatigue. Better to have a few spare players. In recreational sports, participants are often busy at work, on vacation and on their own schedules that simply don't exist in professional sports.
  • Joining a league or unit that is too high can hurt your team. Not only will you lose a lot, but it will also discourage your players. Usually, even at the amateur level, the teams in the top division are very strong. Start low and work your way up; it's more fun.
  • Keep track of the team's money. If the player doesn't pay, don't let him play, or you won't be able to pay all the bills. Certain sports can be quite expensive, make sure you budget your budget properly and that player contributions will cover all costs.
  • Beware of solo players and attention seekers... They will not pay, they will only try to get attention on the playing field, and they will create feud among teammates. Remember, a fly in the ointment can ruin a whole barrel of honey.

What do you need

  • A uniform
  • Inventory
  • Rental permit (if you need to train in a public place)
  • Additional players
  • Insurance