How to write a welcome speech

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Give The Perfect Welcome Speech?
Video: How To Give The Perfect Welcome Speech?


A welcome speech is a great opportunity to set the tone for a formal or informal event you have been invited to. Before presenting the program of the event itself, greet everyone present. As you conclude your presentation, introduce the next speaker and thank everyone who came today again. When preparing for your speech, consider the presentation style, time limits and purpose of the speech itself when you write the text of the speech.


Part 1 of 3: Greet your audience

  1. 1 At a formal event, greet those present formally. They usually greet like this: "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." Then you can add: "Thank you to everyone who has gathered in this wonderful place today."
    • At a formal event, speak in a serious tone. Maintain a formal communication style and avoid inappropriate jokes. For example, at the commemoration, you can say: “Thank you to everyone who came tonight.We are grateful to you for being with us at this difficult time. "
  2. 2 Greet guests informally in a friendly tone. For example, you can simply say, "Good morning, everyone!" Express your gratitude to the guests who came by saying, for example: "It's great that you came to us on this wonderful day."
    • If close friends and family are gathering, a more informal language can be used. You can joke and communicate more naturally.
  3. 3 Greet honored or special guests in a special way. As soon as the guests of honor arrive, then address them by name. While pronouncing their name, turn in their direction and look at them.
    • Guests of honor include respected people whose role at this event is especially important, or people who have come from afar.
    • Practice the pronunciation of the names and titles of all invited guests before you start speaking.
    • For example, say, "We would like to especially welcome our guest of honor, Judge Viktor Petrov, to speak tonight."
    • Alternatively, you can greet a group of people with these words: "We would like to take this opportunity to greet the students of Secondary School # 4."
  4. 4 Go to the view part of the event itself. In the introductory part, tell me why the event is being held. If applicable, what is the name of the event and what date is being celebrated, and briefly introduce the organization behind the event.
    • At a birthday party or other similar informal event, you can say: “We are very glad that you dropped by to us today to rejoice with us. Today Irina is one year older. So let's eat, drink and have fun! "
    • At a more formal event hosted by an organization, you might say, for example, "We're delighted that you came today to take part in our annual International Fund for Animal Welfare Pet Day celebrations."

Part 2 of 3: Think the main part of your speech

  1. 1 Express your gratitude to those who played an important role in this event. Name 2-3 people who would make this activity impossible. Call them by name and tell them exactly what they did to do this.
    • For example, gratitude can be expressed like this: "If it were not for the dedication and hard work of Marina and Irina, who tirelessly worked from the first day to the present, fundraising would have been impossible."
    • Don't read the entire list of people or sponsors so that your audience doesn't get bored. Mention just a few key people.
  2. 2 Mark the parts of the activity that are of particular importance. If applicable, walk through the program of the event or tell us what will happen over the next few days. Select the most important parts that either deserve special attention or require personal attention.
    • For example, at a conference, you can say what time dinner will start or where certain talks will take place.
    • At a wedding, you can tell what time the dancing will start or when the cake will be served.
  3. 3 In time, greet everyone again. Greet the guests again, but this time in a more meaningful way. For example, during an informal meeting, you can say: "I am very glad that more and more faces are coming to the meeting to play football with us!" For a more formal event, make a smooth transition to the next part of the event.
    • Alternatively, you can end the main part of the speech at an informal meeting like this: "I look forward to seeing you all on the dance floor!"

Part 3 of 3: How to End Your Speech

  1. 1 Tell those present that you hope they enjoyed the event, if appropriate. Wish them all the best for the rest of the day. For example, at a conference, you might say, "Hope you enjoyed the exciting presentations of our speakers!"
    • You can also add that you hope that the audience will take something useful from the event. For example: "I hope that today, inspired by new ideas and discussing problems, our city will become even better!"
  2. 2 Introduce the next presenter, if needed. For a large formal event, a formal introduction should be prepared, including an appropriate short biography of the person and their place of work. During an informal event, the introduction can be short and funny.
    • At the official event, one can say: “Now the speaker Ivan Petrov, who came from Moscow, will make a speech. He is a leading expert in the study of the human brain. Tonight he will talk about how people are guided in making decisions. Let's all greet him together. ”
    • At a party or other informal event, you can simply say: “Now the floor is given to Dima - to Petya's best friend, whose friendship has lasted for 10 years. During this time, many stories have happened, over which we will laugh heartily today! "
  3. 3 Thank the audience for their participation. Say a few words expressing your gratitude for attending the event. Be short and on topic. For example, at an informal meeting, you can say: "Thank you to everyone who came to us today."
    • Or you can say: “Once again, thank you all for coming to us today to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Alexander and Galina! Let the celebration begin! "
  4. 4 Stay within the allotted time during your speech. The duration of the performance depends on the event itself. Long speeches are usually tiring, so do not drag out the speech so that people can turn their attention to the very event for which they came. Speeches at small events are usually about 1–2 minutes long, and at large and formal events, such as conferences, about 5 minutes.
    • If in doubt, the duration of your presentation can be checked with the organizer or the person in charge of the event.


  • Rehearse your speech in front of trusted people, your friends and family a few days before speaking.