How to seduce your friend

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Turn On a Woman Friend... in 3 Minutes Flat!
Video: How to Turn On a Woman Friend... in 3 Minutes Flat!


We've all heard eerie stories about the "friendship zone". At some point, many experienced an unrequited attraction to a friend. Today, there is no consensus on whether friendship can coexist with romantic attraction. Trying to seduce a friend has nothing to do with a completely new relationship, since success depends to a large extent on the reliability of the existing friendship.Such an adventure carries a significant risk of losing a friend. Nevertheless, if you correctly assess the situation and do everything correctly, then the result can exceed expectations.


Part 1 of 4: Prepare the soil

  1. 1 Be a good friend. First you need to make sure of your friendship and only think about something bigger. This situation is much more complicated than trying to seduce another person you like. If you are already friends, then he views your actions in the context of his ideas about you, and not just as an attempt at seduction. Friendship is different, but there are always some common features.
    • Try to communicate with a friend regularly. Even casual small talk will show the person your interest and attention to detail.
    • Build your friend's self-esteem. We usually meet with those people around whom a feeling of comfort arises. This applies to both romantic relationships and friendships.
  2. 2 Choose the right moment. Only take action if the timing is right. If a friend is in trouble and now needs support, then trying to seduce will not be a good idea. It is also not recommended to rush in case of a lack of mutual understanding between you. If it seems that now is not the right moment, then it is better to wait.
    • In this case, it is better not to delay. If you wait too long, your friend may meet a romantic partner, and you will lose your chances of success.
  3. 3 Spend time together regularly. Usually, the more time people of the opposite sex spend together, the higher the likelihood of mutual sympathy. Before embarking on direct seduction, it is important to see each other regularly. Invite the person to meet if you rarely spend time together. Even simple companionship increases the chances of success.
    • You can meet in a company, but in this case, the likelihood of intimacy decreases. One-on-one meetings are completely different, as this is how two people spend time directly with each other.

Part 2 of 4: Seduce a friend

  1. 1 Wait for a private meeting. It is unlikely that you will try to seduce a person in a crowded place. Intimacy requires an intimate setting. You can wait until the party is over, or just invite a friend to your place. A calm and secluded environment is very important, because in such a situation it is better to do without external pressure. Even if a person does not object to such a development of events, he may be ashamed of the presence of acquaintances or friends.
  2. 2 Create a light and relaxed environment. Even if you are outwardly attractive to your friend, seducing someone in a bad mood is not easy. Highlight your positive qualities. It is enough just to behave nicely with the person who needs to be seduced. A cheerful mood provides opportunities for open, conscious or unconscious flirting. All attempts at seduction very rarely begin with a serious conversation.
  3. 3 Express your interest with light touches. Touching is an important aspect of flirting. This behavior allows you to break down the barrier that is holding your friends back. Light touches can include both friendly hugs and short hand touches. Such actions are not associated with significant risk, but the person's reaction can be used to assess your chances of intimacy.
    • If you are afraid that your desires are not mutual, then try not to flirt openly so that you can always explain your behavior with friendly signs of attention.
  4. 4 Make eye contact. Friends often make eye contact while talking, but a closer look usually speaks volumes. The researchers concluded that prolonged eye contact can evoke strong feelings. Even if you hang out with your friend often, try to look him in the eye as much as possible.
    • The reaction to this behavior can be positive or negative. At the same time, it is important how attractive you are to a person externally.
  5. 5 Flirt while talking. If you are already free and at ease with the person, then it is easy for you to keep the conversation going. Then start using flirting in these conversations. For a start, you can subtly tease the interlocutor. Compliments, especially those that emphasize a friend's external merits, are a direct way to show that you are interested.
    • An example of a playful flirtation: "Cool hairstyle. It suits you very much."
  6. 6 Rate your friend's reaction. An important step to take before the final assault is to think about how your friend is reacting to flirting. If he smiles sincerely when you touch him, or teases you back, then this is a good sign. Conversely, if at such moments a friend is embarrassed, then it is better to give up their intentions.
    • The psyche of each person is individual. If you are friends, you probably have at least a general idea of ​​how your friend reacts to people he likes.
  7. 7 Take a bold step. Any attempt at seduction comes with a moment of truth. The most common moment is a kiss, although it manifests itself as an obvious comment of a sexual or romantic nature. If the friend has responded positively to previous attempts to show interest, then move on to the next step. Oftentimes, a kiss on the lips breaks the barrier of friendship. If the moment is right, then there is no need to hesitate. In this case, there is no need to rush. This step can be difficult, so don't be hasty.
    • Any bold step is always a risk. It is better to first assess your chances of success, and then decide on open actions.
  8. 8 Prepare for the fact that it is not you who seduce the friend, but the friend is seducing you. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand who is actually seducing whom. Usually women are more passive when seduced, but at times they play this card as an active way to attract a man. If the attraction seems to be mutual, then the guy could just wait for the right moment to make a move. Show that you approve of such actions.

Part 3 of 4: Maintain a Friendship

  1. 1 Accept the consequences. The consequences of seduction can be both positive and extremely negative. Friendships can be the occasion for a one-time pleasure or even a long-term relationship. On the other hand, the situation can quickly become awkward and embarrassing. In the latter case, it is best to openly discuss what happened in order to build a friendship (provided that you need it). Tell us about your feelings and the reasons that prompted you to take this step.
    • Better not to pry about why your friend turned you down. Consider how rejection can lead to mutual bitterness.
    • If all is lost, then accept the loss. Not everything happens according to our plan, especially in the context of relationships.
  2. 2 Discuss the situation. If the attempt at seduction is unsuccessful, then a moment of awkwardness will come between you. Use it as an opportunity to talk about the situation and share your feelings. Such a move will lessen the consequences of rejection, but it is necessary if you want to keep the friendship. Be honest about your feelings. If a friend tries to turn the situation into a joke, then it is better to follow his example and quickly forget about what happened. Otherwise, try to discuss the situation as friends. The person must understand that he means a lot to you as a friend, despite the attraction that has arisen.
    • Start a conversation: "I understand what it is like. I really like you, but I also consider you a close friend. I hope that our friendship will not end."
  3. 3 Move on. After trying to seduce, you should live on, no matter how it ends. You can stay friends, date, or end the relationship. The consequences can be very different, but even in the worst case, there is no point in suffering. In life, it is important to accept the consequences of your decisions and learn from mistakes. Forgive yourself as soon as possible, even if you regret what happened.In the end, you can be proud of the fact that you were not afraid to take risks.
    • If the attempt fails and the friendship ends, then try to fill the emotional void with new sensations. Keep yourself busy. A person quickly recovers from emotional experiences if he finds something to do. Don't take the situation personally. Move on and try to make life more interesting.
    • If the temptation failed, but you remain friends, then try to communicate as before. It will be easier for you to maintain a friendship if you can talk about what happened. Accept that romantic feelings are not mutual, while friendship is mutual.
    • If at first you were refused, but managed to maintain friendship, then over time the guy will understand how much means to you. If you do not return to this question, then the guy may change his mind and understand that you are made for each other.

Part 4 of 4: Consider Your Options

  1. 1 Assess your chances of success. If you are already friends with the person, then you can try to assess your chances of success based on your current communication. Do you sometimes flirt with each other? Is your friend dating someone already? Do you think she finds you attractive? If the answer to one of these questions is not in your favor, then do not rush to despair. Try to use your opportunities wisely. Change to match your friend's vision of a potential partner.
    • Expectations and plans are essential to success. Even if you successfully seduced a friend, the situation can get worse if you don't know what to do next.
  2. 2 Perhaps your friend has been waiting for you to seduce him for a long time. Basically, seduction is a form of positive attention. People who don't like feeling wanted simply don't exist. Their feedback is a completely different question, but understand that a friend may have feelings for you, and you just do not notice them. If you do not act stupid and too demanding, then your behavior can be accepted properly.
  3. 3 Determine if it is worth the candle. Unlike dating a stranger, your attempt to seduce a friend is fraught with increased risk. First of all, there is a risk of ruining a friendship. In addition, having a fight with a person can affect your friendship with mutual acquaintances. On the other hand, a truly strong friendship does not end with a failed seduction attempt if the situation is discussed.
    • Balance your expectations with the likely outcome and decide if it makes sense to take risks.
    • There are no simple answers to these questions, but it is important to come to terms with the decision made. Trying to seduce a friend may seem like a risky move, but if you really like the person, then inaction will be just as painful.
  4. 4 Be specific about your expectations. It should be noted that success can be measured in different ways. If you want to date a friend, but think that at best a one-time intimacy is possible, then consider how much the risk is justified. It is also unlikely to seek a one-time intimacy with a person who may feel increased emotional closeness after such an event.
  5. 5 Understand what you expect from your friend. Your expectations can be very different. Perhaps you want to build a romantic relationship, or vice versa, just take advantage of the "benefits" of close friendships.
    • If you are aiming at the second option, then try to choose a friend who is free and relaxed about such intimacy.


  • Also, don't forget to watch yourself. Try to increase your attractiveness so that your chances of success increase.
  • Try to change yourself in the eyes of a friend. Sometimes, with a new hairstyle, an old friend can see you in a new light.


  • Don't try to seduce someone who is already in a relationship. This is mean and mean. Your attempt is unlikely to be crowned with success, and the friendship will come to an end.
  • You do not need to build a friendship with a reliable one, that one day it will turn into a romantic relationship.Such friendships will be empty and incomplete, and the chances of a relationship will diminish every day.