How to tell a guy you like him

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you are very carried away by a guy, you probably want to tell him how you feel. Perhaps he does not even know about it! Telling him, even though it's scary, could help you continue your friendship and help you sort out your feelings. By doing it in a dignified and engaging way, you will let him know who you are. in fact, flatter him and set the stage for a possible relationship.


Method 1 of 3: Tell him personally

  1. 1 Choose the right moment. Timing is everything, as the old adage says. “Make time for unscheduled conversations when both of you are not doing something else.”
    • Try to catch him alone. If he is surrounded by friends, he may respond by relying on their presence rather than his true feelings. However, don't worry if you can't find him alone - just quietly ask him if he has a minute to talk to you face to face.
    • Do not hurry. No need to be nervous or in a hurry. If you ask him when do you run to class? or when he goes to some meeting, it will not lead to anything good. Instead, choose a time when both of you are more or less free, such as after school or during lunch.
    • Pay attention to his mood. If he seems very sullen or taciturn, it is probably best to wait for a better opportunity.
  2. 2 Start a conversation. This may sound difficult, but it can actually be quite simple. It is best to start with an open-ended question (this is a question that requires a detailed answer, not just a yes / no).
    • Ask him about future plans. ("What are you doing this weekend? I wanted ...")
    • Ask him what he thinks about something in common for both of you (teachers, friends, lessons, etc.) ("Did you see ...? I thought it was ...! What would you think?")
  3. 3 Watch your body language. An open posture when communicating will help convey your point of view - perhaps without even saying it.
    • Exchange of views. Does eye contact make him know that you are listening to him? and you're wondering. If you avoid his gaze, he will think that you are nervous and reluctant to make contact.
    • Pose. Make sure that your body is in an open position and directed towards it. Tilt your hips towards him (if you are standing) and try not to cross your arms.
    • Touch. Try to find an excuse to lightly touch. Human touch can, on a subconscious level, make a person feel more at ease. Lightly touch your hand on his forearm while talking, or lightly rest on his side while walking together.
    • A mirror image of the position of his body. By doing this, you will let him know that you are alike. After all, people are programmed to look for those who are like themselves.
  4. 4 Smile. Always, always, always smile. This will not only make him happier from your company, but you yourself will cheer up!
  5. 5 Tell him. When the moment of truth comes, try to relax! After all, he is a person just like you. And here's how you can do it with dexterity:
    • A thought that does not portend any threat needs to be supplemented with one more statement:
      • “Sarah asked who would come with me to America this year. I told her that I like you and that I think you will. "
      • “Have you failed your history exam? That's bad! My result is not very good either.But don't worry, I like you anyway. "
    • If you are good friends, a more straightforward approach will work:
      • “We have so much fun together. I really like you".
      • Perhaps you want a response: “I think I'm starting to fall in love with you. Do you feel the same? "
  6. 6 Accept his answer. Be prepared for what he says, good or bad. If he is a decent person, he will not want to offend your feelings.
    • If he doesn't have the same feelings for you, that's okay. You found the courage and tried! Be proud of yourself. To avoid embarrassment, end on a happy note:
      • " I understand. I still want to be friends with you. You are so funny!"
      • "I have to go home. I just wanted you to know. See you at the gym! And I will beat you in basketball tomorrow! "
    • If he doesn't give you a definite answer, come back to this conversation a little later. Perhaps he needs time to sort out his feelings. Leave this topic and come back to it in a couple of days.
    • If he says he has the same feelings for you, keep your cool. It's not time to lash out at him with kisses yet. Smile, carry on the conversation, and take a time when both of you are free to spend together.

Method 2 of 3: Tell him via SMS or chat

  1. 1 Start a conversation. Do you already have his number? Congratulations! The hardest part is over. Try to keep your first message simple but intriguing.
    • Ask about him. People like those who take an interest in them. Ask how his day went, if he saw the last episode of that show you both are watching, if he did his French homework — whatever topic you think interests him.
    • If you know you have common interests, talk about it! Do you both play sports or play some musical instrument? Do you have mutual friends? This way, you have something to answer and you can keep the conversation going.
    • Use emoticons. Speaking of emails, it is worth noting that it is difficult to understand from them what the person's intentions are. Therefore, emoticons will help soften whatever you decide to say. A smiling emoticon indicates that your words are positive, while a winking emoticon is a sure sign that you are flirting.
  2. 2 Time it right. If you instantly respond to all his SMS, he may think that you are just sitting and waiting for the moment to talk to him. While it's great at times, it's best to find other things to do as well. Spend your day as usual.
    • Don't be too assertive. Don't make him hang on your phone - just treat his messages the same way you would messages from any other friends.
  3. 3 Share your feelings. After you start a conversation, find the right moment.
    • “Have you talked to David? Did he tell you that I like you? Because this is true . :) "
    • “Ha ha! =] I like you very much. Are you going to play with someone on Friday? "
  4. 4 Give answer. Whatever he says there, do not rush to conclusions. Take a breath first and Then answer.
    • If he can't decide, don't push him. Perhaps he should be given time to think. Continue the conversation - do not cut it off abruptly. If after a few days he remains silent, return to this topic in a similar way.
    • If he says no, try to somehow cheer up. He may feel uncomfortable too.
      • “Oooh, that's great. I just wanted to make sure you know. But now you won't take my marker! :) "
      • "I understand. I am also very busy - I am just starting to do [hobbies]! "
    • If he says yes, then try to find time to go somewhere together. You don't have to come to his house or start inventing names for your future children. Just make plans for the weekend ahead.

Method 3 of 3: Tell him through a note

  1. 1 Be funny. Tension can frighten him off. Try to write your note in a playful and casual manner:
    • "Hey! :) Here I could not resist and decided to write you a note. Oh ... I think the teacher is looking at me! - Now everything is fine. Are you going to Sarah's party on Saturday? I like you. Do you want to go together? :) "
  2. 2 Give it to him imperceptibly. You can put it in his locker (don't forget to include your name on the note!), Tuck it into his book, or give it to him directly. By saying quickly, “I think you dropped that,” you will doubtless bewilder him.
  3. 3 Answer. Depending on his answer, you will need to act accordingly.
    • If his answer is yes, talk to him in person. You have nothing to lose!
    • If his answer is no, stay friends. Smile when you meet him. Behave as usual. Stop running after him. Now it's his turn to act.
    • If he doesn't answer, you may need to talk to him in person. If you did not hand him your note personally, then it is quite possible that he did not receive it. Wait a few days. If he continues to remain silent, return to this conversation in person. Maybe he just needs time to think things over.


  • It is difficult to hear a refusal, but it is also difficult to live in ignorance. Don't be afraid to take risks!
  • Be yourself. If you have to cheat, it's not worth it, and it won't work.
  • Before you go and tell him that you like him, you need to first get acquainted. This will help both of you know if you like each other or not, and if you have compatibility.
  • Even if you were turned down, there is a chance that in the future he will fall in love with you and reconsider his decision. Stay positive and don't take revenge on him.
  • If you don't want to openly tell him everything, then just invite him somewhere. If he is interested in you, you can develop your relationship without telling him about it directly.
  • There are a lot of other guys around. If he doesn't love you back, find someone you like.


  • Don't overreact. Remember to breathe deeply. You will not die.
  • If you are friends with his ex-girlfriend, stop and talk to her so that you know everything is okay. No need to risk your friends.
  • Remember to love yourself first.