How to make jelly candies

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Gummy Candy Recipe | Jujubes Recipe | Jello Candy Recipe | Yummy
Video: Gummy Candy Recipe | Jujubes Recipe | Jello Candy Recipe | Yummy


Want to try your own homemade jelly candies? You only need a few ingredients to make a gummy with a texture and taste that resembles candy from old-school health food stores. This article will show you an easy way to make your own gummy candy.


  • 2 teaspoons of pure gelatin (about three packs)
  • 1/2 cup cold water, plus 3/4 cup boiled water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Food coloring in various shades
  • Flavors
  • Extra Sugar
  • Non-stick cooking spray, tasteless


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the gelatin

  1. 1 Prepare the form. To make square jelly candies, you can use a 23 x 13 cm baking dish. Line the tin with foil and moisten with cooking spray, or apply a thin layer of grape or peanut butter to the inside of the pan to keep the candies from sticking. If you’re making more than one gum drop flavor, prepare several small pans this way.
    • You can also use other kinds of molds for this recipe; the only difference will be the thickness of the finished candies. For a thinner layer of jelly, use a larger mold.
    • You can also use small shapes with different patterns.
  2. 2 Soften the gelatin. Pour ½ cup cold water into a saucepan and add gelatin. Stir with a spoon and leave to soften while you work on the other ingredients.
  3. 3 Make sugar syrup. Boil ¾ cup water in a separate saucepan. When it boils, add sugar. Stir the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let the syrup simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. 4 Mix syrup and gelatin. Add hot sugar syrup to a saucepan of gelatin. Place the pot on an above-medium heat and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Method 2 of 3: Add color and flavor

  1. 1 Divide the gelatin mixture. Place equal amounts of gelatin in separate containers. Use one container for each flavor or color you make.
  2. 2 Add food coloring and flavorings. 4 drops of color and ½ teaspoon (or less) of flavoring will suffice.Add in small amounts until the mixture reaches your desired flavor. These combinations guarantee delicious results; you can use them or come up with your own original taste:
    • Cherry flavor and red food coloring.
    • Lemon flavor and green food coloring.
    • Licorice flavor and purple food coloring.
    • Blackberry flavor and blue dye.
    • Peach flavor and orange food coloring.
  3. 3 Pour the additives into the prepared molds - each color in a separate mold. Refrigerate the molds overnight.
    • To make colorful gummies, each layer having a different color and flavor, refrigerate the layers one at a time. When the first layer has cooled, after a few hours, pour the second layer on top of it and return the mold to the refrigerator.
    • Do not cut the jelly mass until it is completely set.

Method 3 of 3: Finishing touches

  1. 1 Remove the aluminum foil from the mold. Holding the foil by the edges, remove the marmalade from each mold. Place the foil and jelly on a hard, level surface, such as a cutting board.
  2. 2 Cut the marmalade into candy. Use a sharp knife, moisten it with vegetable oil if necessary, and cut the marmalade into cubes. You can make candy cubes or give them fun shapes.
    • Try using a pizza knife to speed up the process.
    • Use small cookie cutters to make original holiday candy. You can grease them with oil first to prevent the candy from sticking.
  3. 3 Dip the cubes in the sugar. Place the sugar in a bowl and roll the cubes over it until they are completely covered with sugar. Place the finished cubes on top of the parchment. Leave them at room temperature for 2 days. The finished candy will be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.


  • It is not necessary to use food coloring.
  • Store jujube in a tightly closed container at room temperature.


  • Watch out for syrup left on the fire - caramel can burn very quickly.
  • Do not let children play around while you are making jelly candies to avoid accidents.

What do you need

  • 1-1 / 2 liter saucepan
  • Casserole with a volume of 2 liters
  • Form 23 X 13 cm (use a larger form if you want to make multi-layered candies)
  • Sharp knife
  • Candy storage container
  • Parchment
  • Aluminium foil