How to take a pregnancy test early

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Implantation and Early Pregnancy Symptoms: How Early Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?
Video: Implantation and Early Pregnancy Symptoms: How Early Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?


Have you had unprotected sex, but you are not planning children yet, or vice versa - do you want to conceive a child and want to know the result as soon as possible? Fortunately, early pregnancy tests are available and are sold at many pharmacies. Of course, it is very important that the pregnancy test is done properly in order to get the most reliable results.


Part 1 of 3: When to buy and test

  1. 1 For the most accurate result, take the test on the day your period should start. Early pregnancy tests can be done up to five days before your period starts, but the result will not be accurate. A delay in your period is usually considered a sign of pregnancy.
    • Usually ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle (between the first days of the past and future menstruation).
    • Most women ovulate between the 11th and 21st days of their menstrual cycle.
    • During this period, pregnancy can result from unprotected sex (or inappropriate contraception).
    • Usually, a delay or absence of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy. However, delays also occur for other reasons (hormonal disruptions, stress, illness, and so on).
    • When performed on the day of your expected period, early pregnancy tests are 99% accurate.
  2. 2 Try not to do the test too early. If you do the test too early, you may get a false negative result.
    • This is because the test measures the level of a certain hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG) in your urine.
    • This hormone only appears when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
    • HCG is also present in urine after conception, but its level is very low.
    • If the test is done too early, when the hormone levels are too low, the test will not be able to detect pregnancy.
    • Try not to take the test earlier than the day of your expected period.
  3. 3 In the morning, when you wake up, do the test first. To determine early pregnancy, it is extremely important to do the test in the morning.
    • Most pregnancy tests recommend using the first morning urine.
    • This is because urine is more concentrated in the morning and may contain more hCG hormones.
    • Compliance with this simple rule reduces the likelihood of a false negative result.
    • A false negative result is possible if you drink a lot of fluids and your urine is too dilute.
  4. 4 Select the test you are going to use. There are two types of pregnancy tests. One uses simple stripes to indicate pregnancy, while the other displays the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant."
    • Both have the same precision, so choosing between the two is just a matter of preference.
    • And while it's much clearer when the test says whether you are pregnant or not, digital tests are much more expensive.
    • Often there are two doughs in one package.
  5. 5 Check the test and its packaging before use. Each box contains two separate tests, so one box is sufficient for most women.
    • It is very important to check that the box is sealed and that there are no signs of damage that could lead to false test results.
    • Also, check the expiration date of the dough to make sure it is still good and hasn't been sitting on the shelf for too long.
    • If the test box is damaged or the test has expired, purchase a new test.

Part 2 of 3: Taking the Test

  1. 1 Print the test. When you're ready to take a pregnancy test, open the package and take out one of the test strips that come in separate packages.
    • The test strip packaging must also be removed before use.
    • Many women remove the packaging completely and place it nearby so that the used test strip can be placed on top of it while they wait for the test result.
    • If you don't need the packaging, you can throw it away.
  2. 2 Remove the cap of the tester when you sit down on the toilet. There will be a cap on one end of the tester.
    • It must be removed after sitting on the toilet. You should not do this ahead of time - this will not get dust on it and you will not have to puzzle over where to put the open tester.
    • When you remove the cap, do not put the tester anywhere so that it does not get dirty, as otherwise it will give an incorrect result.
    • Save the cap. If you are going to show the test to your partner, then you would be better off wearing the cap for hygiene reasons.
  3. 3 Urine on the tip of the tester that was under the cap. This end will absorb urine.
    • The tip of the tester, which was under the cap, must be kept under the stream of urine for at least 5 seconds for the test to work properly.
    • Alternatively, you can collect the urine in a disposable cup and place the tip of the tester in the urine.
    • Typically, if you place the tester in a container of urine, it will need to be dipped for about 20 seconds.
    • If you are using a cup, it is important to position it correctly.
  4. 4 Put down the tester. You need to place the tester on the package or on any other flat surface so that the tip of the tester does not touch anything.
    • The tester is designed so that when placed on a flat surface, the tip will not touch anything.
    • The test should be packed in a container to prevent the absorbent from coming into contact with anything.
    • Another option is to cover the test with a cap.
  5. 5 Wait for the result. The next few minutes can be nerve-wracking. Take a deep breath and try to relax.
    • It may take two to ten minutes for the result to appear.
    • Some women find it emotionally easier to catch the timer and move away from the test.
    • When the result appears, you will need to define what it means. This is especially important if you are using a non-digital test.

Part 3 of 3: Interpreting Results

  1. 1 Read the test results if it is a test that shows a word in the results window. If you are using a digital test, then the word "pregnant" or "not pregnant" will appear in the window.
    • The result of such a test usually appears within three minutes.
    • Rapid digital tests (those with words) are usually easier to interpret, but they are more expensive than regular strip tests.
    • Waiting for the result can be represented by an hourglass on the display.
    • An hourglass symbol on the display means the test is working.
    • After the clock disappears, the result should appear.
  2. 2 Review the strip test results. The result of the strip test is a little more difficult to understand.
    • Strip tests have two small windows on one side of the test strip.
    • In the first window there will be a line that will appear within 10 minutes after using the test.
    • The line simply indicates that the test was used correctly.
    • Another window is round, and it is this that displays whether the test is positive or negative.
    • If you are not pregnant, then one line will appear in the round window.
    • If the test is positive and you are pregnant, two lines will appear in the window that intersect to form a plus sign.
    • The test is invalid if the plus is visible, but one bar is darker than the other.
  3. 3 Remember that a negative test can be wrong. It is important to remember that a negative test result can be false if the test is taken too early.
    • If you want to confirm a negative result, wait a few days and then use the second tester out of the box.
    • Instead of using a second tester, you can also wait until your period starts.
    • If your period does not come and the retest is negative, see your doctor.
  4. 4 Eliminate the problem if nothing appears in the tester window. If nothing appears in the tester window after 10 minutes, you need to check the instructions on the box to make sure you did everything right.
    • If you think you have done something wrong, you can use the second out-of-the-box tester and do another test, following the instructions more closely.
    • If the second tester does not show results, then you should contact the manufacturer, because the test may be defective.
    • If you come across a defective tester, contact the manufacturer and they may send you a new test. In some cases, the wait isn't worth it - if the test is cheap, it's easier to go to the pharmacy and buy a new one.
  5. 5 Place the cap on the tester. Once you know your result, put a cap on the tester so that no one looking at the test results touches the tip of the test.
    • The cap does not cover the test result window.
    • The results will remain in the strip test box.
    • Digital test results may disappear after a few days.


  • In very rare cases, tests can give false positive results. It happens in perimenopausal women, women with some types of ovarian cancer, or hormonal treatments for infertility. Be sure to see a doctor to confirm the test results - the doctor will direct you to donate blood for analysis.