How to make Orbeez balls

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
how to make orbeez balls at home | how to make orbeez at home | how to make orbeez ball
Video: how to make orbeez balls at home | how to make orbeez at home | how to make orbeez ball


Have you ever seen an advertisement for Orbeez balloons and wanted to buy them? The Orbeez is a stunning toy made from moisture-wicking polymers. Initially, they are hard little grains a little smaller than rice grains, but if soaked in water, they will turn into soft balls a little larger than a pea. The edible version of this product, which can be made at home from natural ingredients, is called a "water ball" for its smooth surface and ability to absorb large amounts of water. They are perfect for young children.


Method 1 of 2: Purchased Orbeez Balls

  1. 1 Buy Orbeez balls from the store. Orbeez should be sold in every major toy store or hypermarket. You can also buy them online from most distributors of toys and baby products. They are sold in a variety of colors. While you may want to use a pack of the same color at first, you will have a lot of fun mixing several colors at once.
    • Balls of different colors can be used for team games or in art projects.
  2. 2 Open a pack of Orbeez. Cut carefully with scissors to avoid spilling the tiny Orbeez on the floor.
    • Orbeez balls look like large colored grains of salt.
  3. 3 Pour a cup of cold water into a container and place the balls in it. You won't see any changes at first. Don't worry, it will take some time before the balls begin to grow in size.
    • If the balls have not fully rounded out, you may not have used enough water, or you should wait for them to absorb more of it.
    • Use clean water to make the balls grow large. Distilled water gives the best results.
  4. 4 Wait 4 to 6 hours for the Orbeez balls to grow to their maximum size. If you wait long enough, they will become 100-300 times their original size. The maximum possible ball diameter can be up to 14 mm.
    • If your Orbeez is still not fully grown and there is almost no water left, add more.So something, but excess water is definitely not a hindrance to the growth of balls.
  5. 5 Empty the bead container. There may be some excess water left at the bottom of the container you placed the balls in. Pour it out so it doesn't spill while playing with balloons.
  6. 6 Play with Orbeez balls! At first, just play with your fingers. Many people love how smooth they feel. There are many options for what you can do with Orbeez balls. Here are some examples:
    • Take them to the street and compete with a friend who has the higher Orbeez ball bouncing.
    • Play a mini-bocce game in which you and your friends will try to toss the ball as close to the goal as possible. Have different teams use balls of different colors and take turns trying to get the ball to the target.
    • Try a target game with a friend using two different colors of Orbeez balls. Draw a target on paper, put it on the table and roll your balls to it in turn, trying to get to the center.
    • Use cricket balls. You can fold pieces of paper or use paper clips to create a gate.
    • Create an obstacle course just like in mini golf. Compete with your friends in who can take the ball through the obstacle course with the least number of attempts.
    • Use different colored balls to play classic games like marbles and halma.
  7. 7 Store Orbeez balls in an airtight container. After you are finished playing with the balls, place them in a container with a lid. So they can serve you for a week.
    • If your Orbeez balls accidentally dry out, don't worry. Soak them again to get them back in shape.
    • Do your balls smell musty or musty? Most likely, this was due to the fact that you were using insufficiently pure water. Pour in clean water, but if you continue to smell mold after that, then the balls will have to be thrown away.
  8. 8 Throw the Orbeez balls in the trash can or use them for your garden. If you no longer need the Orbeez or mold has started to grow on them, it's time to throw them away. Do not let the balls go down the drain as they are not intended to be disposed of in the sewer system. Just throw them in the trash or place them in the soil in flower pots, where they will help retain moisture in the soil.
    • Orbeez were originally designed to slowly release water into the soil, gradually watering the plants. They will help the soil retain moisture, thereby watering your plants. If you bury them in the soil, you won't have to water the plants as often as you used to.

Method 2 of 2: Making Homemade Orbeez Balls

  1. 1 Buy dried basil seeds or dried tapioca. You can find them in most grocery stores, but if your searches are unsuccessful, check out the eastern spice retailers. They will cost you less than Orbeez branded balls.
    • Basil seeds will produce very small, jelly-like white balls. Basil seeds are hard, black grains, the size of a grain of rice, that grow in size by absorbing water. Due to their diminutive size, they are less dangerous for young children, as the chances of a child choking on them are much lower.
    • Tapioca are small, round grains of a white or off-white hue, ranging in diameter from 1 to 8 millimeters.
    • Your homemade water balls will be made with natural ingredients so they are completely edible. For hygiene reasons, make sure children wash their hands before playing or eating water balls.
  2. 2 Soak basil seeds in water. Place them in any container that is large enough to hold the enlarged seeds.
    • Don't be afraid to add more water than necessary. The volume of water should be about four times the volume of the seeds. If after the balls are dry, you have excess water, you can simply pour it out.
    • Add some food coloring to the water. You can also use a more natural alternative to food coloring, such as beet juice for a pink color or turmeric for a yellow color.
    • Let the seeds soak up the water until they grow to the desired size. They will increase not earlier than in a few hours.
  3. 3 Cook dried tapioca following package directions. They will grow and turn into jelly balls.
    • After boiling the tapioca, let it cool completely.
    • Like basil seeds, tapioca can be dyed with dry mix, food coloring, or other colors.
  4. 4 Play with your water balls. They are great for playing with young children. Just put the finished balls in a container, and let the children play with them and touch them with their fingers.
    • Some of the games recommended for Orbeez branded balloons may not work for your DIY balloons. Starch can dry out and leave a sticky residue, which should be considered when playing with homemade water balls. Try the following options:
      • Use colored balls in your art project.
      • Wash your hands before playing and use water balls as a topping in your own pearl tea.
      • You can use balls of different colors to separate teams in checkers.
      • You can play bingo balls by marking the named numbers.
  5. 5 Store the edible balls in the refrigerator. Like most foods, they can go bad (or sprout) if left open for a long time.
  6. 6 Dry the balls when you are finished playing with them. Dry the balls before they go bad so you can use them again in the future.
    • Spread them out on a baking sheet and let them dry at room temperature. On a sunny day, you can even take the baking sheet outside to dry the balls in the sun.


  • Some argue that water balls can be made from basic foods found in the kitchen. While this process can be an interesting experiment to do with your children, it has often failed.
  • Put a pinch of salt in the water in which you are soaking your Orbeez balls. Thanks to the salt, they will last longer, but they will be inferior in size to the usual ones.


  • Orbeez balls are very resilient, so be careful not to drop them or turn the container over.
  • Do not eat Orbeez balls. They are non-toxic, but not intended for human consumption. If you have eaten a lot of Orbeez balls, seek the advice of your doctor.