How to rearrange your room

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Best Layouts For Small Bedrooms (13.5 sqm.) | MF Home TV
Video: 5 Best Layouts For Small Bedrooms (13.5 sqm.) | MF Home TV


Often after New Years, during spring break or summer, people want to rearrange the room. Your room is your refuge and should change when you change. Whether you are doing this to start from scratch or just want a change, you can learn how to plan your work, as well as find some creative tips for organizing the process.


Method 1 of 3: Getting Started

  1. 1 Ask for permission first. Before you move a bed or other furniture, make sure you get the approval of your parents, partners, roommates, or the owner of the apartment, and that you are allowed to move the furniture. This is also a good opportunity to ask for help with the rearrangement.
    • Do not try to move very large objects alone. If you are going to move a large wardrobe or bed, you need at least one assistant, and preferably more.
  2. 2 Find "runners" for large items. There is one simple way to move large or bulky items if they do not have wheels - put them on "runners" or "furniture legs", which will make it easier to move furniture on the floor and not be afraid that the item will tip over. Runners can be found in most home improvement stores and home improvement stores.
    • You can make your own runners from blankets, frisbees, sheets, towels, or old carpet samples.
    • Use a hard plastic underlay on carpeted floors and soft hardwood underlays. Depending on whether the flooring is made of hardwood or the floors are covered with carpet, this or that kind of "runners" can be more or less effective. They are not needed in every case.
  3. 3 Get rid of unwanted items to create extra space. Before you start moving furniture, take a little time to remove the excess from the room. Get rid of trash and all items that should not be in your room, including glasses and other kitchen items, things that belong to other people, towels and other things.
    • It may take a while, but it is a necessary step and you must take it. If you're going to spend a few days taking apart your desk and bookshelves and throwing away unwanted old papers, now is a great time to do so. Be smart and cut back on your belongings.
    • Tidy up your clothes, separate dirty and clean things. You can assess whether you need a thing or not and free up additional space.
    • Try to keep only the bare minimum of items you wear regularly in the room. Everything else should either be thrown away, if you have no personal attachment to the object, or removed from your eyes and put into storage.
  4. 4 Start with a thorough cleaning. A room that has recently been rearranged needs to be clean, so they usually start with a thorough cleaning of the room, then take the time to clean under and around the furniture that is moved later. Rearranging, organizing space, and cleaning are usually mixed into one big project.
    • Wash mirrors, vacuum, mop the floor, dust well, clean all surfaces and interior parts of the furniture you plan to move. Start cleaning from the top, sweeping out the corners of the room. The floors are dealt with last.
    • Some people prefer to start by building up the mess and clean up later. Depending on how you like to work, you can start by reorganizing, making a mess of the room, and taking care of the general cleaning when everything is in place.
  5. 5 Imagine your new space. Once you've taken out the trash and cleaned up the room, start planning where and what will be placed. Measure the furniture before rearranging to make sure it fits well where you want to move it. The next section contains tips for organizing your furniture.
    • Some people find it easier to draw a diagram of how they see their room. In this case, you can erase the drawing and start over if you don't like this option. Measure everything to make sure items can fit. You don’t want to waste all your energy just to find out that objects don’t fit into the allotted space.
    • Perhaps you should measure all the walls and areas in the room, as well as all the furniture, and then draw the plan to scale.Or you can just start moving the furniture if you are more of a "thinking with your hands".

Method 2 of 3: The Permutation Concept

  1. 1 Rotate everything along the axis. Depending on the current orientation of your room and furniture, sometimes the easiest thing to do is to rotate all objects on the axis by rotating them one "position" or turn, and not try to move the mountains. If you need a little change but aren't quite sure how to get it, this can be a good, quick, and easy way to get what you want.
    • For example, if your bed is parallel to a window or door, just place it along a perpendicular wall. A simple twist left or right around the base should work.
    • Choose a corner of each piece of furniture that will stay in the same place. Imagine all the possible positions of a piece of furniture by simply turning it in one direction or another.
  2. 2 Orient the furniture to the windows. Some people hate it when the sun hits their eyes, others like the sun shining on them all day. Some people hate it when the sun shines in their eyes in the afternoon, when people sit at their desk, others like evening lighting. This is entirely a matter of your tastes and preferences, but it is good to imagine how the light enters the room through the windows and how to orient the furniture for lighting.
    • You can direct the sun's rays in the morning and evening onto the floor or walls with masking tape. As you move the furniture, you will be able to remember where the light is falling, even if it is cloudy or dark.
    • You can use the gaps between windows to organize furniture. You can align your bed, shelves, and other furniture to the contours of windows or the gap between a window and a wall.
  3. 3 Save and create space with furniture. With the wise use of furniture, you can create additional space or enlarge an existing one through proper placement, or divide a large room with furniture, highlight a corner or another part.
    • If you have a desk or wardrobe, you can save wall space by securing the table to the bed (if it doesn't have a back wall). This is a great way to set up a small room where you need a place to sleep and work.
    • If you have a large room, use a desk or freestanding bookshelves to separate the isolated space for the bed as well as create a work area.
    • Curtains, curtains, tapestries or drapes can also be a great way to separate a bed or create small guest areas in a bedroom. Use buttons to secure the fabric to the ceiling and corner of the room to experiment with different areas to see which option you like best.
  4. 4 Think about typical routes. How do you get in and out of the room? What should be accessible from anywhere in the room? When rearranging, it is important to consider not only aesthetic, but also practical points. You need enough open space to move freely, and preparing that space is just as important as thinking about the space for the furniture.
    • If people come to your room on a regular basis, place your bed in the opposite corner from the front door so you don't have to sit on or around it while talking.
    • If you have a shoe box, is there room for it by the door? It will be easier for you to get to things if they are located as close as possible to the place where you need them.
    • Where are the nooks in the room? Under shelves, beds, and in closets are great organizer spots to help keep your room out of the mess and make it easier to move around.
  5. 5 Make sure nothing is obstructed. Make sure that all aisles are clear and that items that need to be accessible are not obstructed.Is it possible to open a window, draw back curtains and curtains, freely use doors? Make sure that the rearrangement in the room does not interfere with the use of the furniture for its intended purpose, and the drawer of the table does not hit the bed posts when it is opened.
  6. 6 Place a chair or table in a “place of power” in the room. Usually tables and chairs are placed so that they sit facing the door, and with their backs to the wall, and see the people entering. This allows people to feel freer and more secure in the space, while at the same time it becomes easier to greet anyone who knocks on the door.
  7. 7 Consider new storage options. When you think about how to rearrange items, there is a great opportunity to improve storage conditions and see if there is an opportunity to combine cabinets or add new items to help free up more space. Think if you could use one of the storage options:
    • New shelves
    • Plastic organizers
    • Decorative baskets
    • Waste bins and garment baskets
    • Jars with a lid on the windowsill
  8. 8 Change the curtains. One of the simplest ways to change the color scheme of a room or to quickly, easily and dramatically brighten a room is to change the color or style of the curtains. They can discreetly change the light that enters the room, and they can also refresh the space without much change.
    • You can even simply remove the curtains from the room if you want to add light.

Method 3 of 3: Reorganizing the space

  1. 1 Remove all small items from the room. Before moving something, it is worth removing all small objects that can fall somewhere, break or get lost during furniture rearrangement. Remove all such items from the table or cabinet, such as lamps, handles, photo frames and briefly move them to another room. To prevent them from falling and adding weight, collect them in a large tank and move them out of the room.
  2. 2 Remove furniture if needed. In some cases, especially if your room is cluttered, it is best to take out the furniture and leave the room empty or nearly empty before redecorating it. It will also allow you to more thoroughly clean the floor in areas under the bed, closet, and other areas that you probably haven't washed since the last move.
  3. 3 Find an assistant to rearrange large objects. Start by placing the largest item in the room, usually a bed, but you may have a larger wardrobe or table that is larger than the bed. If something is in your way, move this item a little so you can bring in other furniture.
    • When the first item is in place, put back the item you just took out of the way. If there is something else, repeat the same as before, and repeat this until all the items are in place.
    • Another way of organizing is to choose the corner of the room farthest from the front door and arrange furniture towards the door. In this case, the entrance will be relatively free while you are doing the permutation.
  4. 4 Continue to move the furniture according to the new design. Once you have replaced the largest item, continue to bring in new items and arrange them according to the new plan. Make sure you like each item in a new place, until you force it, then you don't have to start all over again if something doesn't suit you.
    • If you put the table down and start filling the drawers again, you will be annoyed with having to take everything out again, because you are not happy with the position of the table after you put the cabinet down. Don't spend too much time decorating at this stage, arrange the large furniture first.
  5. 5 Focus on finishing touches after all the furniture is in place. Bring all the small items into the room and arrange them in their places when you arrange the main items. Do the cleaning again if you see that it is needed.
    • If you think your space needs a new curtains and bedspread solution, check out Decorating Your New Room for tips on redecorating.


  • Make sure to start with a clean room, otherwise things on the floor will get in the way and the newly furnished room will be a mess.
  • Throwing the trash can under your bed and cleaning up another day can be tempting after all the work you've done, but you have to keep going or you won't feel satisfied.
  • Any task can get very boring without music. Play some background music on your iPod, but shuffle it so you can hear songs you haven't heard for a long time, instead of rummaging around your computer and looking for what you want to hear.
  • Try not to create too much clutter with the small objects you move, otherwise they will constantly get in your way.
  • Close all computer games, social programs, and websites other than this one, as these can be a major distraction when rearranging furniture.
  • If you can't rearrange something, don't be discouraged. Ask for help, and if you don't find it, postpone the rearrangement and finish it tomorrow. It never hurts to take a break.
  • Sometimes you need some extra motivation to finish a reshuffle. Reward yourself with something when you're done.
  • Don't talk on the phone or text during the swap, or you'll never finish anything.


  • If you are not too strong, you can hurt yourself by moving objects, so make sure there is someone nearby to help if needed.

What do you need

  • If you're not too strong, another person
  • Music
  • Plastic bucket
  • Cleaning tools
  • Place only 3 items on the shelf
  • Keep a paper furniture plan with you