How to lose a lot of weight over the summer

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 SUMMER HABITS to lose weight FAST
Video: 4 SUMMER HABITS to lose weight FAST


Summer is a fun time. Parties, trips to the sea or the lake, relaxing on the beach - all this makes summer one of the best times of the year. However, in summer it is also tempting to eat delicious food that prevents those who are losing weight from losing weight: kebabs, ice cream, sugary carbonated drinks. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. To significantly lose weight in the summer, you will need to monitor what you eat, and exercise regularly.


Method 1 of 4: Preparing to lose weight

  1. 1 Know what your healthy weight should be. Body mass index (BMI) can be used to determine a healthy weight. Using this index, you can assess the possible risk of developing chronic diseases. The body mass index is calculated as follows: the weight of a person in kilograms must be divided by the square of the height in meters. Think to what weight you want to lose weight, and then calculate the BMI for that weight to see if that weight would be healthy. You can use the online calculator: If the desired weight is outside the healthy weight range, increase or decrease it.
    • A BMI below 18.5 indicates that you are underweight.
    • Weight is considered healthy with a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.
    • BMI in the range of 25-29.9 indicates overweight, and above 30 - obesity.
    • It is important not only to determine the desired healthy weight, but also to decide if this weight will be achievable. If you want to lose 50 kilograms, and there is only 1 month left until summer, you should set a more realistic goal for yourself.
  2. 2 Determine how many calories you need to eat and burn. The more calories you cut, the more weight you can lose, but it’s important to eat as much as your metabolism requires. Each body needs a certain amount of calories in order to function at rest. This amount can also be calculated.
    • Try to lose no more than 1 kilogram per week. This weight loss will be safe for your health. If you try to lose weight faster, your body may not be able to handle it, and it may not be getting all the nutrients it needs. Aim to eat 250 fewer calories per day and burn 250 more calories. Thanks to this, you will be able to create the calorie deficit needed to lose 1 kilogram per week.
  3. 3 Know how many calories you are eating. In summer, there are many opportunities to eat something: on a trip to barbecues, at parties, in the country. But if you want to lose weight in the summer, it's important to cut back on your calorie intake. Typically, weight begins to decline when a person spends more calories than they receive from food.
    • To understand how many calories you typically consume per day, record the number of calories in everything you eat and drink throughout the day. The energy value is indicated on the product label.If there is no label, look online for nutritional information.
    • Pay attention to the weight of the food you eat or the number of servings shown on the package. Manufacturers often indicate the energy value of a portion. For example, if you ate 30 chips, and one serving is 15, this means that you will need to multiply the energy value by two.
    • When you determine how many calories you usually eat per day, try to reduce that amount by 500-1000 calories per day.
  4. 4 Keep a weight loss diary. Write down what you eat and what exercises you do. This is a simple but very effective way to control your actions. A diary will allow you to track your progress and see if you are managing to eat right and stick to your exercise plan.
    • This is a great way to motivate yourself. There are special applications for phones that allow you to record food eaten and their nutritional value, calorie consumption for exercise, water consumption, and so on.
    • We often forget about snacks between meals and think that the diet is not working. Scientists have found that people ignore about 25% of the food they eat.
    • In addition, many people feel that they are more physically active than they actually are. Track how many calories you burn through exercise, whether it's jogging on a treadmill or cycling. If you work out in the gym, you can use the data shown by the simulator. Enter all your parameters, including age and weight, to get accurate values. There are also special tables that allow you to calculate the calorie consumption for half an hour or an hour of exercise.
    • You may find patterns or learn something unexpected about how many calories you consume and burn through exercise. As you understand how you eat and exercise, you can correct the mistakes that hinder your progress.
  5. 5 Get help. Find yourself a partner (this can be a spouse, friend, relative) who will agree to play sports with you on the street or in the gym, or eat right with you. The other person's support will help you lose weight as you will need to report your progress. This person will help you overcome the difficulties that you will face along the way.
    • If you can't lose weight with your partner, see a trainer or dietitian. These specialists will help you live an active life and eat well. The coach will also support you. Look for opportunities everywhere!
  6. 6 Talk to a therapist. Before you start losing weight and playing sports, it is important to discuss your health with your doctor. Tell your doctor about what you plan to do to lose weight and seek help if you experience any symptoms (such as constipation from eating or lethargy from not eating).
    • In addition, it is worth talking to your doctor if you have started to eat better, monitor calories and food quality, exercise, but still cannot lose weight. This could be a sign of a more serious health problem, such as a thyroid disorder.

Method 2 of 4: Diet changes

  1. 1 Limit your alcohol intake. Scientists have found that alcohol increases appetite and makes a person eat more. In addition, certain types of alcoholic beverages, including beer and spirits, cause belly fat to form. (Judging by the data, wine is not included in this list.) It is not necessary to completely give up alcohol - it is enough to limit the use. Men should drink no more than two servings of alcohol a day, and women should not drink more than one. One serving is a glass of beer (0.3 liters), a glass of wine (150 milliliters), or one glass of spirits (50 milliliters).
    • Remember that when the liver is processing alcohol, it cannot get rid of excess fat. If you want to lose weight faster, give up alcohol completely and take dietary supplements that improve liver function.
    • Give preference to wine or spirits. There are about 100 calories in a glass of wine and in a glass of spirits, while there are 150 calories in a glass of beer.
    • Avoid the classic summer cocktails (Margarita, Daiquiri) - they are high in sugar.
    • A 2010 study found that women who drank small amounts of alcohol gained less weight over 13 years and were less likely to be overweight than those who did not drink at all.
  2. 2 Avoid fast food and processed foods. This food contains empty calories, which means that the food contains calories (from sugar and solid fats), but there are few or no nutrients in them. In addition, many processed foods (white flour, white bread, and white rice) lack vitamin B and other nutrients. Many processed foods and fast foods contain hydrogenated fats (trans fats) or refined sugars (such as high fructose corn syrup) that are extremely unhealthy.
    • Many empty calories are found in baked goods, cookies, chips, rolls and donuts, sodas, energy drinks, fruit drinks, cheese, pizza, ice cream, bacon, sausages, and hot dogs. It is especially difficult to avoid this food in summer!
    • Healthier versions of this food can sometimes be found. For example, you can find low-calorie sausages and low-fat cheese in stores. You can also buy sugar-free drinks. In all other foods, including sweets and soda, all calories are empty.
    • Do not eat saturated fats found in animal products (red meat, butter, lard).
  3. 3 Add more healthy fats to your diet. Replace unhealthy fats with healthy ones, but remember that any fats should be limited. Monounsaturated fats have been shown to promote fat burning, especially in the abdominal area, which has been proven by research. To make it easier to lose weight, add avocados, olives, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, and flax seeds to your diet.
    • Fats are not your enemy! They saturate, suppress cravings for junk food, help with joint pain, stimulate the production of hormones.
    • Try to replace unhealthy fats with healthy ones whenever you can. Add olive oil instead of butter to your food. Eat a small handful of nuts instead of cookies.
  4. 4 Choose lean protein options. The meat is very often served at parties and cooked outdoors in summer. To continue losing weight in the summer, it's important to choose low-fat meats. There is a lot of fat in red meat and in semi-finished products (ready-made cutlets, sausages and steaks). Lean meats include turkey, chicken, pork tenderloin, and lean beef.
    • Remove oil and skin before cooking and eating meat. You can buy skinless meats (such as chicken and turkey breast).
    • You shouldn't give up red meat altogether. Just try to choose healthier meat options. For example, when choosing minced meat or turkey, give preference to the most low-fat foods. If you want to cook beef steaks, choose the leanest meat (such as entrecote or rump steak).
  5. 5 Eat fish. Try to eat fish at least twice a week. Fish, especially red fish, mackerel and tuna, contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own and that a person needs to get from food. These omega-3 fatty acids can help you lose weight.
    • Fish is also a great source of protein. It can be used as a substitute for fatty meat.
  6. 6 Choose low-fat dairy options. Low-fat dairy products will reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet, making it easier for you to lose weight (since saturated fat promotes weight gain).
    • Buy milk and cottage cheese 1% fat or even less fatty. Choose low-fat or low-fat yogurt.
    • When choosing cheese, go for hard cheeses with a low fat content (cheddar, parmesan). Avoid soft and creamy cheeses.
  7. 7 Eat more whole grains. Whole grains are high in fiber and minerals that are essential for maintaining a healthy weight. In addition, such food saturates for a long time.
    • Eat whole grain bread instead of white flour, brown rice instead of white, and whole grain pasta instead of regular.
    • Eat more oatmeal: whole grains, oatmeal, instant cereal.
  8. 8 Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a quality diet. They are low in calories and high in important vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight and have long-term health benefits as they are high in fiber. Fiber gives you a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating. In addition, summer is the season for many fruits and vegetables. It will be easier for you to buy and eat them more often because they will be sold everywhere and are inexpensive.
    • Children aged 9 years and older and adults should eat 250-350 grams of fruit and 300-450 grams of vegetables per day. To make this easier, remind yourself that 2/3 of your plate should be filled with fresh vegetables or fruits.
    • Try to eat foods of different colors. It is important that the products are of different colors. Eat plenty of fresh foods in your diet, from eggplant and beets to cabbage and yellow peppers. By aiming for multi-colored meals, you will eat more fresh produce and your food will be appetizing and beautiful at the same time.
    • If you want to eat more vegetables at the same time, cut down on calories and enjoy your meal, try masking vegetables in your meals. Scientists have found that when mashed vegetables are added to dishes (for example, mashed cauliflower in macaroni and cheese), people begin to consume hundreds of calories less with this food. Vegetables add volume to the dish, but the calorie content of the dish increases slightly.
  9. 9 Eat foods high in water. Studies have found that people who eat a lot of foods high in water have a lower body mass index. Thanks to water, a person feels full longer and does not overeat. Most of the water is found in fruits and vegetables, which is another reason to eat more of these foods.
    • Watermelon and strawberries are approximately 92% water. Water is also abundant in grapefruit, melon and peaches. But remember that many fruits are also high in sugar, so keep track of how much fruit you eat.
    • Of vegetables, cucumbers and lettuce contain the most water - 96%. Zucchini, radish and celery contain 95% water.
  10. 10 Drink water. Keeping the body hydrated in summer is especially important. The air temperature rises, a person begins to move more, so the body needs to replenish water reserves that go away with sweat. Water also promotes weight loss in women who are on a weight loss diet. Although the exact mechanism of how water affects weight loss is unknown, the reason may be that water gives you a feeling of fullness, strength, and enough moisture so that the process of burning fat does not stop. Drink 13 glasses of water a day if you are a man, and 9 if you are a woman. To lose weight faster, men are advised to drink 13 glasses of water a day, and women - about 9. If you are unable to drink the right amount of water per day, you are suitable the following summer drinks options:
    • Make smoothies.To make one smoothie, fill the blender bowl halfway with green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), and fill the other half with fruits (bananas, berries, mangoes) and hearty plant foods (flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds). Add 230 ml of liquid (water, 1% cow's milk, almond or soy milk) and mix until smooth.
    • Make homemade popsicles. It is an excellent means of cooling and saturating the body with water in hot weather. You can mix the fruit in a blender like a smoothie, pour it into molds and place it in the freezer overnight. You can also fill the molds halfway with water, then add 100% sugar-free fruit juice (pure juice, not fruit cocktail or nectar - these drinks contain sugar that will interfere with losing weight). Place in the freezer overnight.
    • Make lemonade. If you don't like drinking plain water, add fruit to it. Cut the fruit or vegetables and dip them in water and allow to stand for at least 30 minutes. Blackberry and lemon, strawberry and kiwi, cucumber and lime lemonades are very popular.

Method 3 of 4: How to Change Your Eating Habits

  1. 1 Eat slowly. Many people eat too fast and too much and do not immediately realize that they are full. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to feel full, which means you should eat more slowly so that the brain can tell you when you are full in time. Remember that feeling full will allow you to stop eating or eat less in time.
    • There is the concept of mindful eating, a tactic that allows many people to maintain a healthy weight. It is important to only eat when you feel hungry and stop when you feel full. The brain tells you that you are full, if you give him time to do so. It is also important to distinguish between true hunger from the desire to eat out of boredom, out of habit or because of emotion.
    • If you don't feel full immediately after eating, wait. The substances the brain makes when you eat or drink take time to take effect and communicate fullness. As the amount of these substances increases, the hunger goes away, so don't immediately add yourself a second serving - just wait.
  2. 2 Create an environment conducive to good nutrition. Eat at the table and use cutlery. If you eat with your hands, you can quietly eat more food. Don't watch TV while eating or do anything to distract you. As a rule, people who eat in front of the TV eat more because they do not keep track of what they are doing and the amount of food.
    • Scientists have also found that people who eat with large appliances eat less than those who eat with small appliances. You can also put food on small plates to make it appear larger.
  3. 3 Stop eating when you feel full. When you feel that you are no longer hungry, stop eating and place the cutlery and napkin on your plate to signal yourself to stop. This will also help others to see that you are finished.
    • Remember: you do not have to eat up everything that is on your plate, if you already ate. Satiety is not the same as overeating to the limit. Stop eating when you're 80% full. Don't eat until you feel sick.
  4. 4 Drink water with meals. Often a person confuses thirst with hunger, which means that he can eat when he is not hungry. If you drink on time, you will feel less hungry. In addition, your complexion and hair condition will improve. Drink water with meals to help digestion and feel fuller faster.
    • If you are not sure that the hungry, drink a couple of large glasses of water and wait a couple of minutes. If the feeling of hunger passes, it will mean that you were thirsty and not hungry.
  5. 5 Watch how you eat if you are not eating at home. It is not easy to adhere to proper diet, if you eat in the cafe or at a party.On the one hand, you are unlikely to want to give up food, but on the other hand, you will be afraid to eat prohibited or excess food and disrupt the process of losing weight.
    • To avoid overeating outside the home, grab a bite before going out. You can eat a couple of carrots with hummus or an apple. Snacking will kill your appetite and help you make rational food decisions at a party, out of town, or in a restaurant.
    • At a restaurant, ask to bring you a food container with the dish and put in there anything that you won't eat right away. If you are visiting, only eat until you feel full. Do not fill the plate to the brim. You will clearly want to eat more than you need.
    • Remember that some foods seem to be good, but they are not. Many salads with dressings can be very fatty and high in calories. Your decision to eat a "healthy" salad can turn out to be as many calories as a burger if it contains a lot of greasy dressing. Be aware that some ingredients can also be very high in calories (like bacon and cheese).

Method 4 of 4: How to Exercise Regularly

  1. 1 Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Although dietary changes and reduced calorie intake contribute to weight loss more than sports, daily physical activity, including standard exercise, is more important for weight maintenance. Sport helps you not gain weight again. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes on most days to maintain weight and 60 minutes on most days to lose weight. Record all your workouts in a diary.
    • Physical activity is beneficial not only for weight loss - sports also help prevent many diseases, including diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. In addition, exercising can help combat symptoms of depression and anxiety, and if you have these problems, sports can help you make your summer more enjoyable.
  2. 2 Incorporate aerobic exercise into your workouts. Do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 150 minutes per week, or high-intensity aerobic exercise for 75 minutes per week. Remember, this is a general guideline. Each person has their own rate of physical activity, allowing you to lose weight. If you are eating and exercising properly, but you are not seeing results, try increasing your aerobic activity until you start shedding 0.5-1 kilograms per week.
    • Moderate intensity refers to the ability to maintain a conversation during sports activities, even with increased heart rate and breathing. You can walk at a brisk pace (walk one and a half kilometers for 15 minutes), do simple garden work (shovel leaves, clear snow, mow the lawn), ride a bike at low speed, and so on.
    • If you are unable to speak during exercise because you are short of breath, the exercise is considered high intensity. Such loads include running, swimming at speed, jumping rope, cycling at a fast pace or downhill, playing sports (football, basketball) and some other types of physical activity.
  3. 3 Do strength exercises. Strength training is also important for weight loss. They prevent the body from losing muscle and bone mass. There are power loads in everyday activities (rearranging heavy boxes, bags from the store, hard work around the house or in the garden). Push-ups, body lifts, planks are also types of strength exercises. To perform these exercises, you do not need special equipment, since you can work with your own weight. You can work out on machines in the gym or use free weights to build muscle strength. During strength training, try to work all muscle groups.
    • If you want to do strength training but don't know how to strengthen muscles throughout your body, try working with a personal trainer.The trainer will show you different exercises for all muscle groups. While it will cost you money, coaching will help you learn how to do the exercises correctly, which will reduce your risk of injury.
  4. 4 Consider going to the gym. Gym activities will help you stay physically active throughout the summer. Some lounges offer student discounts. In summer, there may also be special offers for season tickets. This is done in order to keep people who are busy all the time or leave in the summer. Look for a gym in your area. If the gym is far from home or work, you will not be motivated to travel there regularly.
    • The gyms usually have the opportunity to work with a coach. Some gyms also have special classes that allow you to diversify your workouts and work out different muscle groups. For many people, group activities are more suitable because it makes it easier for them to motivate themselves. In addition, you can make new friends in the hall!
    • If you don't want to work out in the gym or with a trainer, try attending group classes at the fitness club: dancing, aerobics, yoga.
  5. 5 Study at home. You don't have to go to the gym to play sports - you can do it at home on the floor. There are many workout videos on the internet. You can choose something to your liking, from a ten-minute cardio workout to a lower-body strength workout.
    • Home activities are suitable for people who cannot afford a gym or fitness club membership, or who do not like to exercise in front of others. You can work out muscles no worse than in the gym at home.
    • But remember, if you are practicing by video, it is important to do only what you can do and make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. No one can help you if you get injured, so choose the types of activity and video recordings carefully. It will be helpful to watch a video or read a description of the entire workout. in advanceto make sure it really suits you.
  6. 6 Practice outside. Gym workouts aren't the only way to keep fit in the summer. Summer weather allows you to spend a lot of time outside and move. Thanks to this, you can not only lose weight, but also enjoy the fresh air. Below is a list of activities that are suitable for the summer:
    • Move. Try to move as much as possible. If you have a sedentary job, take the stairs, park away from the entrance, and walk during your breaks.
    • Play a game sport. Join an amateur team or play soccer, volleyball and other games with your friends.
    • Walk or run. Find a stadium, track, or just a scenic spot where you can walk or run to strengthen your cardiovascular system.
    • Ride your bike. Choose a bike path, park or road to ride and start exercising outdoors.


  • Be prepared to indulge yourself from time to time. One day you may overeat, some day you may drink too many fruit drinks and eat too many chips. If you deviate from your plan, don't despair. Tomorrow is a new day and you can get back to your plan.


  • Before you start losing weight, talk to your doctor if you are planning to significantly change your diet and start exercising. Talk to your doctor regularly so they can track your progress and help you stay healthy.