How to decide which birthday present you want

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3 - Topic: Gifts/ Presents | Do you like to buy expensive gifts?
Video: IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3 - Topic: Gifts/ Presents | Do you like to buy expensive gifts?


When your birthday is approaching, it can sometimes be difficult to decide what kind of gift you want to receive. How, then, can you answer the questions of your grandmother who wants to please you? A good way is to prepare a list of your interests and wishes.If it is difficult for you to decide on the final choice of the desired gift, then in this article you will find how useful recommendations are!


Part 1 of 4: Finding Gift Ideas

  1. 1 Think about your hobbies. Write down a few activities you enjoy doing for fun. Then write down a few items of materials needed for these types of hobbies. Choose for yourself what you most want to get from the list compiled. Below are some starting ideas.
    • If you are into drawing or painting, you may need pencils, brushes, or paints. If you do oil painting, then you may also need linseed oil or turpentine. Be creative!
    • If you want to show your support for your favorite sports team, go beyond T-shirts, sweaters and caps with official logos. Passion for the same sport can also be a kind of support. Plus, you get a lot of fun out of it.
    • If you like music, why not think about your favorite bands? Have they released new albums lately that you don't have yet? What can you say about posters or T-shirts with their image?
    • If you are interested in manga or comics, see if there have been new editions released following your favorite stories. If you enjoy anime, see if you missed the new collectible figures featuring your favorite characters.
    • Click here for more special gift ideas.
  2. 2 Try to remember something interesting that you have seen before. Have you watched a musical that you really liked? Of course, it may no longer be shown, but there may be other musicals in the theater repertoire that may interest you. Tickets for performances such as theater, opera or a music concert will be a memorable gift for you.
    • If you don't like theater, think of other things that interest you. This could be sports matches, concerts, or even a visit to a theme park. Click here for more intangible gift ideas.
  3. 3 Decide what you need. Sometimes it is easier to remember what you need than what you want to receive as a gift. Think back to the past few months. Was there something during this period that you needed but did not have? Below you will find a few possible ideas.
    • If you cook a lot, some pots, pans, and other utensils may need to be replaced. For example, you might ask for a new set of blender attachments. If your kitchen equipment is in excellent condition, consider exotic spices. If you have a talent for gardening, a set of seeds for self-cultivation of spices may be suitable for you. All you need is pots, soil, and a few seed bags of popular herbs such as basil, thyme, and mint.
    • If you're into sports or music, see if your inventory needs repairs or upgrades. Both sports and music equipment can be very expensive, and a birthday is a great occasion for a valuable gift.
    • When your birthday falls in autumn, you can check the condition of your winter clothes. If it no longer suits you in size or is worn out, then you can ask yourself, for example, a new jacket or scarf.
  4. 4 Browse shopping and internet sites and browse catalogs for gift ideas. Do you have a favorite store that you enjoy shopping in? Visit that store's website and see if they have anything new for sale since the last time you visited the store. At times, shopping, browsing product catalogs or website pages can give you some great gift ideas.
    • If you have no plans for the weekend, try visiting a large shopping mall.Try to mark for yourself everything that you like.

Part 2 of 4: Choosing a Material Gift

  1. 1 If you're an artist, consider drawing materials or kits. There is a chance that you enjoy several hobbies at once, for example, drawing with a pencil, drawing with paints and knitting. In such a situation, it is easy to want anything and everything related to needlework that you are fond of. But it is better to temper your desires. In order not to seem like a person with too high demands, just ask for a gift of some kind. The kit usually includes enough materials for you to complete 1-2 projects. In addition, it will be easier for your friends and family to buy a set and not worry about the selection of everything they need, so as not to forget something important. For example, consider the gift ideas below.
    • If you like to weave beads, a set of beads or beads may work for you. In most cases, this set contains everything you need to make one necklace, a pair of earrings and a bracelet. There will be bead threads, clasps, locks and beads or beads. You may also be interested in polymer clay so you can make your own beads.
    • If you love DIY crafts, then you may like the soap or candle making kit. You can also ask to give you materials that you may need to complete the simplest crafts, for example, paints, brushes, cans, burlap, wire.
    • If you love drawing, you can ask for a set of graphite pencils of different hardness or charcoal pencils, a sketchbook and a drawing tutorial for a gift. Drawing tutorials come in a wide variety of topics, from drawing people to plants and animals. Some books may even be exclusively about drawing specific animals, such as birds, cats, dogs, or horses. If you like fictional animals, know that there are also books about mermaids, fairies, elves and dragons. There are even books on how to draw in anime style.
    • If you like to paint, then you might consider an artist's kit. These kits are sold in most art and craft stores and are usually packaged in a nice wooden or metal box. Inside you will find quality acrylic, oil or watercolors. In addition, the kit may include a drawing brochure, some paper or canvas.
    • If you like knitting or crocheting, then don't limit yourself to the simplest yarn. You can pamper yourself with some more beautiful and expensive yarn of different composition and texture. In addition, there are always various knitting pattern books on sale that you may also like.
  2. 2 Think about accessories for your electronics. Things like computers, phones and tablets are constantly being updated. What was fashionable one year may be outdated the next. However, accessories like headphones and cases don't age as quickly, so they'll last much longer. Below are some ideas for such gifts.
    • If you have a phone or tablet, ask for a protective case for it. Often, the cover can be decorated with an inscription with your name, a special pattern or image.
    • Headphones, speakers and other small accessories can expand the capabilities of the device you already own.
    • You may also like something nostalgic, such as a new turntable for your record collection.
  3. 3 If you are into fashion, then you might consider jewelry and fashion accessories. Jewelry can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be expensive. On the Internet, as well as at fairs, you can find a lot of beautiful handmade jewelry.Browse through your jewelry collection and see if you need something to complement your outfit, such as a brooch, bracelet or necklace. If you are not interested in jewelry, you can always ask for a special hat or handbag. Below you will find a few more ideas.
    • When asking for jewelry as a gift, think about the complete set: a necklace and earrings.
    • If you already have a lot of jewelry, but you have nothing to store it in, you can ask for a jewelry box.
    • A man can always ask for a tie clip, cufflinks or a new watch.
    • A belt or wallet can be a great gift. If these things are made of leather, then they can even be decorated with an individual design or lettering.
  4. 4 If you enjoy pampering yourself, consider cosmetics, bath products, and other beauty products. Just do not forget to indicate your favorite colors, shades and fragrances, as all these are purely individual preferences. Like jewelry, cosmetics take up little space and are used on a daily basis. For example, you might consider a few of the gift ideas below.
    • Many cosmetics manufacturers produce gift sets that include a cosmetic bag, eye shadow, lipstick, and blush.
    • In beauty stores, you can always find bath gift sets that include soap and body lotion. Some kits may contain scented bath bombs, sea salt and bubble bath.
    • If you use an expensive cream or perfume, then your birthday is a great reason to ask for such a valuable gift.
  5. 5 Ask for a souvenir of a sporting event for your favorite team. Such souvenirs can be easily purchased on the Internet. It is from there that it is best to start your search. If your favorite sports team is about to participate in a match close to where you live, you can try purchasing a ticket to the game. Below you will find a few more ideas.
    • Ask for a jersey, hat, or sweater to wear to matches to show your support for your favorite team.
    • If you want to show support for your athletic team directly in your workplace, try looking for accessories that fit your office style, such as a tie, socks, cufflinks, or scarf.
    • If you enjoy hosting a game show together at home, ask for a themed bowl as a gift. She will complement your gatherings with friends.
    • You can also ask for some kind of sports equipment, such as a tracksuit, special shoes, rackets or balls.
  6. 6 Expand your horizons as a book reader. If you like the work of an author or a certain genre of works, ask for the latest edition for you. Book bestseller lists help you find the most popular books in a particular genre. Let the donor get to know your tastes better. Perhaps he or she recently read something that you will love too. Below are additional gift ideas.
    • Ask for an e-book for you. This way you can always take all your favorite books with you wherever you go.
    • If you have an e-reader, ask for a special case for it. You can also ask for a gift certificate for the purchase of works in electronic form.
    • If you have a favorite book, you can try looking for a backpack featuring the characters in that book, or even a poster of its cover. Plus, you can order a book cover image to be printed on a T-shirt, mug, or even a mouse pad.
    • If you have a favorite reading quote or a quote from a favorite author's words, search the Internet for a poster, mug, or other item with that quote.
  7. 7 If you are a child (or a person who has not yet left childhood), ask for toys or games. For example, when you already have several collectible figurines, ask for additional figurines to make your collection complete. If you like playing games, then you can ask for a gift of such board games as Citadels, Uno, Scrabble, and so on.
    • Adults may enjoy strategy board games like Train Ticket or Jackal.
    • You may also be interested in modeling kits. Some of them are quite simple and only require fastening the parts with snaps without any glue or painting. Other kits of a more advanced level require gluing of parts and subsequent painting of the product. You can purchase kits for making model airplanes, ships, helicopters and motorcycles. There are even models of spaceships from science fiction films such as "Star Wars" and "Star Trek".
  8. 8 If you really like a movie, a series of books or a computer game, then you can ask for a gift of some item that occurs in the plot. For example, ask for a magic wand from "Harry Potter", character action figure, item model from "Lord of the rings" or a T-shirt with a print of the hero of your favorite computer game. You can also add to your collection of DVDs or books. You will find a few more similar ideas below.
    • A fan of computer games may like a backpack from Minecraft or pajamas with a badge from the video game series Legend of Zelda.
    • If you like dressing up as different characters, then you can ask for a wig or some accessory that will complement your recently made outfit. Also, as a gift, a gift card for purchasing fabric or shopping at a craft store may suit you, so that you can buy everything you need to make your own costume for your favorite character.
    • Ask for posters or figurines of your favorite character, new comics, a movie, or a computer game.
    • If you like manga stories, ask for the latest edition. If you prefer anime, ask for a DVD of the latest episodes of your favorite cartoon. In some cases, films are even made based on previously released cartoons.
    • Consider conceptual art books or artwork based on the storyline of your favorite computer game, comic book, manga, or anime.
  9. 9 Ask for a DIY gift. These gifts are often more personal and special than those bought in the store. The person who is about to give you a gift may be flattered that you consider their craft skills worthy of making a gift with their own hands. Craft gifts are always unique, special and stand out from all others. For example, you can ask for a gift from the list below.
    • If you know someone who loves to knit, ask if he would like to give you a knitted scarf or hat for your birthday.
    • If you know someone who knows how to sew, ask if you can get a custom-made bag as a gift.
    • If any of your friends are into making soap or candles, ask if you can get such a set as a gift.
  10. 10 Ask for a gift certificate from your favorite store. Sometimes even your favorite stores don't have what you need in stock. Gift certificates will allow you to temporarily set aside the donated funds in order to spend them when something that interests you appears in the store.
    • Some people don't like giving certificates. If that's the case, ask if they can just visit the store with you when what you need is there.

Part 3 of 4: Choosing an Intangible Gift

  1. 1 If you enjoy traveling, ask for a gift ride. If you have an impressive budget, you can ask for a travel package as a gift to a place you have never been. If your budget is tight, you can simply ask the person to spend one day with you. You can dine in a cafe or visit a museum in your city. Find more ideas below.
    • Visit another country or the city of Russia, which you have always dreamed of visiting. If you don't know where to go, you can always close your eyes and blindly poke your finger at the map. Then open your eyes and go to the place that your finger pointed to.
    • Take a cruise. The cruise will not force you to spend all your time on deck, you will also have the opportunity to go ashore and see the local attractions at the stops.
    • Take a walk in the park. You can just visit the park closest to you, or you can go on an excursion to some national reserve.
    • Go hiking. Remember that hiking alone is a bad idea. Therefore, be sure to bring a couple of buddies with you.
  2. 2 Ask for something active for yourself if you are a thrill-seeker. Like travel, this kind of gift requires planning ahead of time. In many cases, you will also need additional equipment. For example, if you are heading to a tropical island, then you probably want to go scuba diving. During the hike, it will be interesting to visit some caves or just wander around the area. You can also use ideas from the list:
    • bungee jumping;
    • speleotourism;
    • hiking tours;
    • horseback riding;
    • kayak rafting;
    • rock climbing;
    • diving.
  3. 3 Treat yourself to a visit to the spa on your birthday. Many spas offer additional services such as pedicure treatments with salts, oils and long-lasting massages. If you don't feel like getting a pedicure, you can do a facial massage or mud mask. Don't forget to schedule your session in advance, as the popular spas fill up all the free time very quickly.
  4. 4 See if you can learn something new on your birthday. For example, you might ask for a gift certificate for learning new skills such as dancing, martial arts, painting, or woodworking. You can also spend the day learning a skill from another family member. Grandma will be happy to teach you how to bake pies or how to cook your favorite dish. Most importantly, you can eat your masterpiece immediately after cooking. Below you will find a few more ideas.
    • If you enjoy making beads, decorating cakes, crocheting, knitting, or painting, you can visit a craft store. In such stores, themed master classes can often be held.
    • Some creative centers can offer poetry, music or weaving lessons.
  5. 5 Suggest going to the museum. A visit to the museum is a great gift for those who love art and history. Many museums are dedicated to a specific theme, and their exhibitions are built around a specific historical period (for example, the Middle Ages or ancient Egypt) or relate to a specific art form (for example, oriental art or French Empressionism). Think about what exactly interests you and see if there is a museum nearby that suits your interests.
    • If history is not your thing, you might be interested in exhibitions dedicated to sports or the greatest musical achievements. You can also visit the wax museum or the science and technology exhibition.
  6. 6 If you like nature, visit the aquarium or zoo. In most cases, you will only need to pay for an entrance ticket and spend as much time in the institution as you like. Some zoos and aquariums can even get up close and personal with some of the animals for an additional fee.If you are interested, please visit the website of the nearest zoo or oceanarium for a list of the services they provide.
  7. 7 If you love music or theater, ask for a ticket to the show. Sometimes the memories of an event can survive any material gifts. Many theaters also sell accompanying materials for performances, such as posters, CDs, T-shirts, which you can buy as a souvenir.
    • If a concert of your favorite band is taking place somewhere nearby, ask for a ticket to the concert. You could even ask for a more specific gift - a VIP pass so you can go backstage, meet the musicians in person and get their autographs.
    • A classical music lover may enjoy a symphony orchestra concert.
    • If you enjoy singing and dancing, then watching a musical is a must. If you like performances without singing or dancing, try a classical theater show.
  8. 8 Ask for a ticket to an anime or comic book event. However, it should be remembered that such an event may take place in another city. If you have to stay there overnight, then you should think about a place to sleep. When a hotel is the organizer of an event, it may offer visitors special rates for accommodation in its rooms.
    • If anime and comics don't interest you, you might like the idea of ​​taking part in a costume masquerade. These events are usually held on weekends and do not require participants to stay overnight. A themed masquerade is a great way to immerse yourself in history or a fantasy world.
    • If you have a favorite writer or artist, see if he has fan meetings. By attending an event like this, you will not only meet someone you admire, but you will be able to leave with an autograph.
  9. 9 Celebrate your birthday with dinner at your favorite restaurant. Celebrating a birthday doesn't have to be proactive. It can consist of a simple dinner with friends and family. Choose the restaurant that you like or the one that you dreamed of going to.
  10. 10 Ask friends and family to donate on your behalf. Sometimes giving something is more enjoyable than receiving. Think about the things that you genuinely support, and find a charity whose work aligns with your beliefs. For example, an organization might engage in the following activities:
    • salvation of animals and nature;
    • helping the homeless;
    • prevention of natural disasters;
    • education.

Part 4 of 4: Shrinking the Wish List

  1. 1 List all the pros and cons of each gift. If you can't make the final choice among several ideas, make a list of all the pros and cons. Just list all the pros and cons of receiving each of these gifts. Choose the gift that has more pros and fewer cons. For example, getting a jacket as a gift is not so joyful, but it can be combined in various ways with your wardrobe, and it will also keep you warm in winter.
  2. 2 Think about what is most important to you. It can be study, work, sports, or something completely different. If it is more important for you to play sports, then the new sports equipment may be more useful than a new computer game, which may not have enough time to play due to the need to practice sports.
  3. 3 Think ahead. Sometimes what you want to get at the present time will not be what you want to get or use later. If you can't choose from several things, try to imagine your life without each of them after a couple of months. Choose the thing that you will need even after a few months, or the one that will still interest you, and not the one whose usefulness will quickly fade away.
    • You can also try to imagine what will happen if you do not receive any gift. Choose the one you don't get the most upset about.
  4. 4 Try to keep the donor's budget in mind. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend a lot on the purchase of a gift. If you want to get something very expensive, try to find out the financial capabilities of the person before providing him with a list of your wishes. If you ask for something that he will not be able to buy, then this will put the person in an uncomfortable position. Below you will find a few more options.
    • If you're not comfortable figuring out your budget, list some of the more expensive and cheaper items. So a person will be able to buy what will be more in line with his capabilities.
    • Ask for a collective gift. So your relatives or friends can simply contribute to the purchase of an expensive gift.
    • Ask for one gift for two holidays. For example, if your birthday is close to the New Year, then you can ask for a single gift for these two holidays.
    • Offer also your financial participation in the purchase of the gift. Combining your funds and someone else's will allow you to purchase something expensive that you really want to get for your birthday.
  5. 5 Let someone else make the choice for you. If you cannot decide and make a choice from 2-3 options, ask someone else to decide it for you. Give the person a list of your wishes and ask them to choose one gift option from the entire list. It is even more convenient for some people to be able to choose a gift on their own.
  6. 6 Think about what you want, and not about what is expected of you. Trying to live up to the expectations of others all the time can put yourself under a lot of stress. In addition, because of this, you may not receive as a gift what you really really want.
    • If a trip to the beach is exactly what will make you happy; explain this to your family. You don't have to choose an expensive gift just because all your friends do it.


  • Don't forget to make a wish list. As new gift ideas come up, write them down in a notebook. You can also use the internet to compile a list. Some online shopping sites provide users with the ability to create a wishlist and send a link to it to friends and family.
  • When looking for a gift, try to think in terms of "the best _______" or "the most reliable ________ at the price below (___)". You can also read shopping tips on forums dedicated to what you are looking for as a gift.
  • The recommendations of this article are also suitable for choosing a gift for other holidays, for example, for the New Year.
  • Try asking for a gift of watercolor pencils, wax paint, or canvas. Explore the different drawing materials you would like to get.
  • When shopping, look for items that you like but can't get your hands on yet. This will be useful if you are completely stumped with the choice of a gift!
  • Never make a huge list, if it is shorter, the chances of getting exactly what you want will increase. Try to limit the length of the list.


  • Do not delay choosing a gift until the last moment. The longer you wait, the less time your friends and family will have to purchase a gift. Sometimes the things you need may be already sold out by the time you make the final choice. Try to make your wish list early. This will give your friends and family more time to plan purchases and get exactly what you want.
  • If you've made your wishlist noticeably ahead of time, don't forget to double-check it closer to your birthday.What you dreamed of a couple of months ago may not interest you anymore.
  • If you want to get something specific, do not pressure others to buy it, especially if the item is expensive. They may not be able to afford it. In addition, people may have already purchased a completely different gift for you. Try to be realistic when asking for gifts.

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