How to develop telepathic abilities in yourself

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Develop Telepathy | Psychic Abilities
Video: How to Develop Telepathy | Psychic Abilities


Telepathy is the ability to convey words, emotions, or images through the power of thought. While there is no hard evidence for the existence of telepathy, there is nothing stopping you from trying. Relax your body and mind, mentally imagine the recipient is right in front of you, and focus on mentally sending a simple word or image to the recipient. Take turns receiving and sending signals with a close friend or relative, and write down your progress in a journal. In a practical way, it may turn out that there is a strong mental connection between you and your friend!


Part 1 of 3: Focus

  1. 1 Disconnect your physical senses. Try turning on white noise in your headphones and wearing blackout glasses. Shift your focus away from physical sensations to focus as much as possible on sending your telepathic message.
    • You and the recipient need to turn off your senses. Sensory deprivation helps you focus on the message.
  2. 2 Do your exercises or do yoga. It takes a lot of mental attention to try to send a telepathic message, so it is important to relax physically and mentally. Exercising regularly and doing yoga will help you get into a relaxed and focused state.
    • When you are preparing to send a telepathic message, try stretching your legs, arms, and back. As you inhale, take the desired position, and then exhale slowly and stretch the muscles for 15-20 seconds. As you stretch, visualize the tension leaving your body.
  3. 3 Calm the mind meditation. Change into looser clothing and sit up straight in a comfortable position. Inhale and exhale slowly to get rid of unwanted thoughts. Imagine random and scattered thoughts leaving your head as you exhale.
    • Try to focus as much as possible on a single thought. Meditate for at least 20 minutes a day. Through practice, you will learn to concentrate with ease.
    • When you are in a calm and focused state, try to send a telepathic message. It is important to remember that the sender and recipient of the message should be relaxed and clear their minds.

Part 2 of 3: Send a Telepathic Message

  1. 1 Imagine the recipient of the message. Close your eyes and visualize the recipient in great detail. Imagine that he is sitting or standing in front of you. Strive to represent details such as eye color, weight, height, hair length, and posture.
    • If you are far from each other, then try to preview the recipient's picture.
    • While creating and sending a mental image to the recipient, he needs to relax and think about receiving the message. Ask him to clear his mind and present you in front of him in all the details.
  2. 2 Imagine the sensations when communicating with a person. Reflect on how you felt in face-to-face conversations. Feel such emotions as if the person is nearby. Focus on these sensations and trust that you are connecting with the person.
  3. 3 Focus on a simple image or word. At the very beginning, try something simple, like the object closest to you. Imagine it in every detail and focus only on it. Think about the object's appearance, texture, and how it feels when you touch such an object.
    • For example, imagine an apple. Consider in your mind every detail of such an apple, imagine its taste and density. Think only of the apple.
  4. 4 Pass the message. Make a clear mental image and visualize how it is sent from your head to the mind of the recipient. Imagine that you are sitting opposite each other. To complete the transmission, pretend you are saying "Apple" to him or name another chosen item. Imagine an expression of awareness on the recipient's face that confirms that they understand you.
    • It is important to understand the difference between focus and tension. Focus on your image, but stay relaxed.
    • After sending a thought, throw it out of your head and don't think about it anymore. Just imagine giving it to the recipient.
  5. 5 Ask the recipient to write down the thought that comes to mind. After sending the message, the recipient should remain relaxed and ready to receive the message, and then write their thought down on paper.
    • Before reconciling, also write down the thought you tried to send. This will help you get objective results by comparing records.
  6. 6 Compare the results. When both are ready, show each other your notes. Don't be in a hurry to get upset if the first try doesn't work out. Try to clear your mind again and try to send another image.
    • Don't beat yourself up if you fail to send a clear telepathic message. All the fun is in trying, not in the end!

Part 3 of 3: Train with a partner

  1. 1 Try sending and receiving messages one at a time. Swap roles as you try and notice which role you do best. Perhaps you are better at accepting messages, and your friend is sending mental images.
    • Remember it's important to train with someone you trust - a close friend or relative.
  2. 2 Try using cards. Draw five different cards (playing or with symbols). While the partner is in another room, choose one random card. Then relax and calm your mind to focus only on sending your friend the image of the chosen card.
    • Ask your partner to calm their mind and try to receive the message. When he thinks he has accepted the message, the partner needs to write down their thought so that you can check the results.
  3. 3 Sketch it and send it to your partner. Try drawing a shape or a simple combination of shapes like a circle within a triangle. Focus on the figure and mentally imagine how your drawing is transferred into the mind of your partner. When he thinks he has received your message, the partner will need to draw the image that he saw.
    • You can ask another person to draw a picture and show it to the sender, who will transmit the message to the recipient.
  4. 4 Keep a telepathy diary to track your progress. After each attempt to establish a telepathic link, write down all the details of the session. Specify the sender and recipient, the transferred image and the result. The diary will help you correct some mistakes and improve your telepathic abilities.
    • Even with a failed attempt, notice encouraging details. For example, if the message was “apple” and your friend wrote “red” or “fruit,” then that's a great sign!


  • There is no guarantee that you will successfully acquire the ability to communicate telepathically. At the moment, there is no compelling evidence for the existence of telepathy or a person who has acquired such abilities.