How to calculate average acceleration

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Physics: Solving Average Acceleration Example 1
Video: Physics: Solving Average Acceleration Example 1


Acceleration characterizes the rate of change in speed both in magnitude and in direction. Average acceleration can be found to determine the average rate of change in body speed over a period of time. You may not know how to calculate acceleration (since this is not a routine task), but with the right approach, it shouldn't be difficult.


Method 1 of 2: Calculating Average Acceleration

  1. 1 Determination of acceleration. Acceleration is the rate at which speed increases or decreases, or simply the rate at which speed changes over time. Acceleration is a vector quantity with a direction (include it in the answer).
    • Usually, if the body accelerates while moving "to the right", "up" or "forward", then the acceleration has a positive (+) value.
    • If the body accelerates when moving "to the left", "down" or "back", then the acceleration has a negative (+) value.
  2. 2 Write down the definition of acceleration as a formula. As mentioned above, acceleration is the rate at which speed changes over time. There are two ways to write this definition as a formula:
    • aWed = /Δt (the delta symbol "Δ" means "change").
    • aWed = /(tTo - tn)where vTo - final speed, vn - starting speed.
  3. 3 Find the starting and ending velocities of the body. For example, a car starting movement (to the right) from a parking lot has an initial speed of 0 m / s, and a final speed of 500 m / s.
    • The movement to the right is described by positive values, so further we will not indicate the direction of movement.
    • If the vehicle starts moving forward and ends up moving backward, the final speed is negative.
  4. 4 Note the change in time. For example, it may take a car 10 seconds to reach its final speed. In this case tTo = 10 s, and tn = 0 s.
    • Make sure the speed and time are in the correct units. For example, if the speed is given in km / h, then the time should be measured in hours.
  5. 5 Plug your speed and time data into the formula to calculate the average acceleration. In our example:
    • aWed = /(10s - 0s)
    • aWed = /(10s)
    • aWed = 50 m / s / s, that is, 50 m / s.
  6. 6 Interpretation of the result. Average acceleration sets the average rate of change in speed over a specified period of time. In the example above, the car accelerated on average 50 m / s per second. Remember: the motion parameters can be different, but the average acceleration will be the same only if the speed change and time change do not change:
    • The car can start moving at a speed of 0 m / s and accelerate in 10 seconds to 500 m / s.
    • The car can start moving at a speed of 0 m / s and accelerate to 900 m / s, and then slow down to 500 m / s in 10 seconds.
    • The car can start moving at a speed of 0 m / s, stand still for 9 seconds, and then accelerate to 500 m / s in 1 second.

Method 2 of 2: Positive and negative acceleration

  1. 1 Determination of positive and negative speed. Velocity has a direction (since it is a vector quantity), but specifying it, for example, as "up" or "north" is very tedious. Instead, most problems assume that the body is moving along a straight line.When moving in one direction, the speed of the body is positive, and when moving in the opposite direction, the speed of the body is negative.
    • For example, a blue train is heading east at a speed of 500 m / s. The red train moves westward at the same speed, but since it is moving in the opposite direction, its speed is recorded as -500 m / s.
  2. 2 Use the definition of acceleration to determine its sign (+ or -). Acceleration is the rate at which speed changes over time. If you do not know what sign to write at the acceleration value, find the change in speed:
    • vthe ultimate - vinitial = + or -?
  3. 3 Acceleration in different directions. For example, blue and red trains are moving in opposite directions at a speed of 5 m / s. Imagine this movement on the number line; the blue train moves at a speed of 5 m / s in the positive direction of the number line (i.e. to the right), and the red train moves at a speed of -5 m / s in the negative direction of the number line (i.e. to the left). If each train increases its speed by 2 m / s (in the direction of its movement), what is the acceleration sign? Let's check:
    • The blue train is moving in a positive direction, so its speed increases from 5 m / s to 7 m / s. The final speed is 7 - 5 = +2. Since the change in speed is positive, the acceleration is also positive.
    • The red train moves in a negative direction and increases its speed from -5 m / s to -7 m / s. The final speed is -7 - (-5) = -7 + 5 = -2 m / s. Since the change in speed is negative, then the acceleration is also negative.
  4. 4 Slowdown. For example, an airplane flies at 500 km / h and then decelerates to 400 km / h. Although the plane is moving in a positive direction, its acceleration is negative as it slows down (that is, decreases speed). This can be checked through calculations: 400 - 500 = -100, that is, the change in speed is negative, therefore the acceleration is negative.
    • On the other hand, if the helicopter moves at a speed of -100 km / h and accelerates to -50 km / h, then its acceleration is positive, because the change in speed is positive: -50 - (-100) = 50 (although such a change in speed was not enough to change the direction of the helicopter).


Acceleration and velocity are vector quantities that are specified by both value and direction. Values ​​specified only by value are called scalar (for example, length).