How to ask parents for money

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Ask Your Parents for Money
Video: How To Ask Your Parents for Money


Many parents go to great lengths to help their child when he is in dire straits. They are ready to sacrifice their time, energy and money for the sake of their child.If you need money and you know for sure that your parents have it, you can politely ask your parents for it, explaining to them what you want to spend it on. If you are grateful and try to be good, you will set a wonderful precedent for the future, and your parents will certainly give you money if you ever need it again.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing for a Conversation

  1. 1 Think about your past accomplishments. Are you completely dependent on your parents or are you quite independent and independent? Your parents will be more willing to give you money if they know that you are a fairly independent person. If you have already asked for money several times, but at the same time you do not help your parents at all around the house, they are unlikely to want to give it to you.
    • If you have nothing to brag about in this regard, do not rush to approach your parents with a request. If you live with your parents, you can cook dinner, wash your car, or do other household chores.
    • If you don't live with your parents, talk to them regularly. Pay attention to your parents. Agree, it will be completely unpleasant for parents if you turn to them only when you need money.
  2. 2 Explain the reason. If the reason is compelling enough, your parents will most likely give you money. Think about why you need money. If your parents know they can help you, especially in a difficult situation, they will be happy to lend you money.
    • For example, suppose you need money to buy a new computer. Your parents will be more willing to give you money for a computer if you tell them it will help you succeed in your new job or do better in school. If you just say you want a computer, your parents are unlikely to take your request seriously.
    • If you are in urgent need of money, such as paying rent or buying food, tell them honestly. Most likely, it will touch the heart of the parents, and they will be ready to help you.
  3. 3 Tell your parents that you have some of the money for the purchase you want. Parents will be more willing to give you the second part if they know that you, too, are willing to donate your own funds. Ask your parents to add the amount of money you need, for example, if you are going on vacation. Show your parents that you are working hard to buy what you need. They will certainly want to help you.
  4. 4 Make reasonable requests. Decide exactly how much money you need and tell your parents about it. Your parents shouldn't feel like you're using them, so tell them the exact cost of the item you want to buy. If you are honest with them, they can give you more money.
  5. 5 Think about when you can give the money. If you are asking for money as a loan rather than as a gift, your parents are more likely to lend the money if you tell them when you will return it. Think about how long it will take you to accumulate the required amount to pay off the debt. Whether it's in a month or a year from now, your parents need to know about it.
    • Tell your parents when you will repay the debt. In addition, you can pay off the debt in installments if your parents agree to do so. Thus, you do not have to give the entire amount at once, and your parents will see that you keep your promise and gradually repay the debt.
    • If you do not plan to repay the debt, then do not tell your parents that you will. Be honest about your intentions. If you ever find yourself in a difficult situation and you urgently need money, your parents will think three times before giving it to you if you did not keep your promise.

Method 2 of 3: Talking to Parents

  1. 1 Talk politely to your parents. Take time to sit down and talk to your parents about your problem. Explain to your parents that it is not easy for you to ask them for money, and that you are in a situation where you simply have to do it.Let your parents know about your visit in advance, you do not need to discuss this issue over the phone or just by chance in passing.
  2. 2 Outline your plan. Depending on the amount, you may want to bring the documents related to your request and show them to your parents. Show them that you have calculated the exact amount you need. Indicate how much money you have to buy and ask them for the remaining amount.
    • If you are asking for money for a specific product, find its cost on the Internet and print it out.
    • Tell your parents that you need money to get on your feet. Tell them that if they give you a certain amount now, you will be able to get on your feet and you will no longer have to ask them for money.
    • If you are going to ask for a loan, you may need to leave a receipt to your parents. This will show that you are determined to keep your promise.
  3. 3 Make sure they can afford it. Chances are, you have a good understanding of your parents' financial condition. Ask them if they can give you the amount you need. Perhaps they will tell you that they simply cannot afford it, or that they are willing to provide only a fraction of the required amount.
  4. 4 Enter their position. There may be several options for the development of an event. Perhaps your parents will tell you that they are willing to give you only a fraction of what you ask for, or that they can lend you money if you repay the debt within a short time. Maybe it will make you upset or angry. However, if you really want or need money, you will agree to their terms.
    • It is possible that your parents will refuse you. If so, think about what you can do to prevent this from happening. Perhaps you could do some work in exchange for money? Make repairs, go shopping, or show your attention to your parents in any other way.
    • If they are not willing to give you money, do not beg for it. Instead, try to find another way to get paid. If your parents see your efforts and resourcefulness, they will most likely decide to help you.
  5. 5 Say thank you. If your parents decide to give you money, it is in your best interest to say “thank you” to them. If you are already an adult, your parents are not obliged to support you financially, therefore, the money they give you is a gift. If you want to show how much you value their attention to you, you could write them a thank you letter. This makes them willing to respond to your request in the future.

Method 3 of 3: After the conversation

  1. 1 Be sure to return the debt to your parents if you promise to do so. It is likely that when the money is in your pocket, you will be relieved to know that you can pay for what you need. But don't forget that you need to save money in order to repay your debt to your parents. Seeing this, your parents will not regret giving you money. Plus, when you can repay your debt, you'll feel better.
  2. 2 Think about how to avoid this situation in the future. While there is nothing wrong with asking your parents for money, consider how you can avoid this situation in the future. You should feel independent and financially secure, without parental money. Even if your parents are willing to give you the right amount every time, do your best to make enough money to meet your own needs. This (borrowing from parents) should not become a habit.
  3. 3 Use a different source of money next time. Think about what it was like asking your parents for money. Was the situation positive in all respects? If so, you're in luck; you have very good parents. However, it is not always pleasant to ask your parents for money. Some of them feel guilty or feel like little children at the same time. This is usually an emotionally difficult step.If you ever need extra money again, consider the following options:
    • If you are in school, you can earn extra money to get the amount you want.
    • If you have a job, consider if you can get an advance to cover emergency bills.
    • If you have any problems with paying loans, contact your bank and develop a payment plan based on your income.


  • If your parents refuse you, do not throw a tantrum, as this will ruin all your chances of receiving money in the future.
  • Help your parents around the house to make some money.
  • Make sure the item you want to buy has benefits.