How to wake up on time

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Wake up Before 6am Every Day
Video: How to Wake up Before 6am Every Day


Is it difficult for you to wake up on time in the morning? Are you afraid to be late for work or school because you can't get out of bed? If you have a habit of being late for work or are afraid of being late for your plane early tomorrow morning, then read on.


Part 1 of 3: Making the Most of the Night

  1. 1 Get into good habits. It can be difficult for you to get out of bed if you don't sleep properly. Before making drastic changes, there are a couple of simple rules you need to take into account. You should follow these steps to get a good night's sleep:
    • Avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol a couple of hours before bed. Both of these substances have been shown to have harmful effects on sleep.
    • Avoid fatty foods in the evening. Your body will need a lot of energy to metabolize heavy foods, which can affect your sleep at night.
    • Don't read on your phone or tablet before bed. Research shows that their light and radiation can damage your sleep and cause headaches.
  2. 2 Do quiet, calming things before bed. It's important to get ready for bed. Reading a book or putting together a puzzle is a better preparation for bed than playing violent computer games. Your body will release sleep hormones and you will get tired faster.
    • Don't work or exercise right before bed. Any activity that involves stress or planning is likely to keep you awake.
    • TV is also a source of arousal and should be avoided before bed.
    • Read a book or chat with your partner. You can also listen to soothing or classical music.
    • You can also do a couple of mental exercises before bed. Thinking of cities that start with the same letter will tire you quickly!
    • Focus on positive thoughts and memories.
    • Breathe deeply to calm your body.
  3. 3 Enter the mode. If your routine is set up correctly, you can regularly wake up refreshed without the need for an alarm clock. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. If you work in different shifts, then you also need to take this into account.
    • The minimum duration of daily sleep is 8 hours. Some require less sleep than others, so make sure you know what's best for you.
    • Don't change your sleep schedule overnight. Try changing it over a long period of time. For example, falling asleep fifteen minutes earlier each day.
  4. 4 Improve the environment in which you sleep. The quality of your bed or its location can be the reasons why you can't wake up in the morning. If you've had a difficult night, all your body needs to do is sleep off. Review the following points:
    • You should sleep on a good mattress. Find one that supports your back well and does not collect germs and bacteria.
    • Think about the room temperature. You shouldn't sleep in a warm room.
    • Reduce outside noise by closing windows and turning off the TV, or use devices that generate “white noise”.
    • Protect yourself from mosquitoes and other external inconveniences. You can buy a mosquito net or use mosquito repellent fragrances.
    • Consider taking a larger bed or sleeping on separate beds if your spouse wakes you up with their movements. However, it is better to buy a mattress that absorbs movement so that they are not felt by your partner.
    • Darken the room. The bright light will prevent you from falling asleep.

Part 2 of 3: How to Wake Up on Time

  1. 1 Get the right alarm clock. Some people need a very loud, noisy alarm clock, some can't wake up until the radio starts up, and some find wakeup to work best. There are even many types of alarms that vibrate to wake you up. For example, a vibrating pillow, bracelet, and other appliances that attach to your pillow or are placed under your mattress.
    • Experiment and decide which method works best for you. Ask your friends and try to borrow a device before spending big money.
    • Don't forget about your neighbors. Some alarms are really loud and may not work if you live in an apartment.
    • Discuss the alarm with your partner. You don't want to pick up something that he or she hates.
    • Make sure the alarm is set before going to bed. Set it up in advance, preferably for the whole week.
  2. 2 Place your alarm clock away from your bed. For those who are fast asleep, it is quite normal to turn off the alarm in their sleep. Getting out of bed and turning it off will increase your chances of not falling asleep again.
    • You can also set multiple alarms in your room. Put them on at intervals of 5-10 minutes so that it is impossible to turn off everything at once.
    • Set your alarm earlier than needed. For example, if you want to wake up at 7:00, Set your alarm 10-15 minutes early, for example, at 6:45.
  3. 3 Ask someone for help. If your spouse or partner or just a roommate has no problem waking up, ask him or her to help you wake up and stay awake.
    • You can also ask a friend to call you in the morning and talk for a couple of minutes until you are fully awake. If you live in a hotel, you may receive a call on the phone number or on your mobile if you ask in advance.
    • Choose someone you can rely on. You don't want to miss work because your roommate decided it would be funny if you slept until noon.
    • Give him precise directions and write the time when he should wake you up on a sticker.
  4. 4 Get out of bed if you woke up a couple of minutes before the call. Due to nightly hormonal changes affecting normal sleep cycles, many find themselves waking up a couple of minutes before the alarm goes off. If this happens, consider that this is a sign that you are ready to stand up.
    • If you fall asleep again and wait for the alarm to ring, you will most likely feel more sleepy.

Part 3 of 3: How to stay awake

  1. 1 Light up your bedroom. The body usually wakes up faster if it is light outside. Leave the curtains open and use the sun to wake up easier.
    • If you need to wake up when it's still dark, or if you live in a gloomy and cloudy place, use the timer on the lamp in your bedroom or buy a light box or dawn simulator.
  2. 2 Move. When you wake up, immediately get out of bed and move. A couple of exercises will have a positive effect on your entire day. Do your morning exercises or quickly start doing your morning routine.
    • Stretching is really important in the morning. Your muscles will be charged with oxygen and will be warmed up for the whole day.
  3. 3 Take a shower as soon as you get out of bed. Change the temperature from hot to cold to stimulate active blood circulation.
    • Use shower gels with ingredients like lemon or peppermint oil to help keep you awake.
    • Wash your face with cold water as soon as you wake up. The low temperature will wake you up quickly.
    • If you can't shower, try dripping a few drops of essential oils onto a cloth and inhaling the scent. Now there are some alarm clocks that have aromatherapy functions.
  4. 4 Drink some water as soon as you wake up, it stimulates your body and helps you stay awake. If you need something stronger, try drinking coffee or tea.
    • If you can't leave the bedroom without a cup of coffee, put the coffee maker in the bedroom and set the timer so that a cup of coffee is waiting when you wake up.


  • Frequent fatigue can appear due to sleep disturbances or other medical problems. Consult your doctor if these symptoms persist.