How to check in at the airport

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Check In At The Airport - The 7 Questions You MUST kNOW
Video: Check In At The Airport - The 7 Questions You MUST kNOW


And here is some information on how to prepare for an airplane flight. With these tips, you no longer have to wait in line to get verified.


  1. 1 If you are traveling abroad, then prepare all the necessary documents before boarding, and you will go through all possible checks much faster:
    • immigration card
    • Medical Card
    • personal property declaration
  2. 2 Quarantine. If you are traveling from an area where a virus is rampant, you must indicate if you have had cholera, tropical fever or other contagious diseases. If you have symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, fever, then you should report this to the quarantine officer. If you are entering a country with an animal, then you need to inform about it. Most fruits, vegetables and plants cannot be transported.
  3. 3 Immigration: immigrants need to go through immigration control. At this stage, you should prepare the necessary documents and show them at the checkpoint. If you filled out the forms incorrectly, you will have to re-fill them, which will also take time.
  4. 4 After disembarking from the plane:
    • Customs: After finding your luggage, you will need to go through customs. Fill out all the necessary customs forms, as well as remember all the things that you are transporting, which will help you quickly answer the questions of the customs officer.


  • Any knowledge about the country will help you figure out more quickly where you should go and how to get there.
  • Many major airports have tons of shops, so don't be afraid to walk around and pick up something useful.
  • If you get lost, do not be discouraged. Most people will be happy to help you at the airport.
  • If you have some time, then wait until the exit gate from the plane opens.


  • If possible, arrive at the airport 2-3 hours in advance, especially if you are going to travel abroad. For an internal coup, arrive one hour before departure.
  • Do not be late for the plane, as ground air personnel need to put your luggage on the plane. Plan your time accordingly.
  • Never leave your belongings unattended, always carry them with you wherever you go, even to the toilet.